1.) Using default graphics, windowed mode is is "empty". Workaround is fullscreen or using opengl. AMD k62, 192RAM, win98se. ATI Rage128, dx8.1. Attach dxdiag.txt?
2.) Earthling ship color pulse is very slow in Roster, though f/r remains high.
3.) Game settings: Setting the sound to "off" makes a boink, setting to "on" doesn't. Seems the opposite would be more intuitive. 3D0 version check?
5.) Lander "Report" text pages have green dots.
6.) Harvesting: When choosing a landing site, the cursor stays black, making it hard to see on dark planet surface areas.
Cool-- In fact ALL carried vessels seem to be color-cycling very slowly from Roster area-- it seems slower than I remember...
But! I have secured an original PC copy of SC2 on CDROM; I'll try to get it functioning this week for version checking. I know, 3DO first If there's anything that needs to be checked/verified in the PC version, please consider me a resource for that.
Point 4 was originally a text/voice mismatch. I forgot to change the numbers when pasting into the post. d'oh.