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Topic: Trainer Matches (Read 2593 times)
Captain Smith
What would you say are good "trainer matches" to really build skill? Mainly very possible battles that are very winnable only when you have a degree of skill...
Here is my suggested list (imagine all one kind of ship versus all the other kind of ship):
Level 1) Arilou (you) vs. Mycon. You should be able to defeat all the Mycon ships using only the Mycon's own weapons. Any mistake will result in death to an Arilou ship, so you should be able to get good here. Alternatively you should be able to defeat the Mycon using your weapons solely as well. A good performance should be destroying all the Mycon ships with 2 casualties or fewer. Alternate ships to continue on this level (basically these ships are harder to maneuver and get close to the Mycon): Zot-Foq-Pik, Supox, Syreen.
Level 2a) Zoq-Fot-Pik (you) vs. Kohr-Ah. A good lesson for timing and watching objects on the screen and this battle is very good to learn this's very possible and easy, but only if you have perfect timing and control of the ship. Alternative ships for you to use and learn: Supox, Pkunk.
Other alternatives for this matchup which will present a challenge (but is very possible if the skills are there) is: Level 2b) Zoq-Fot-Pik (you) vs. Utwig. Level 2c) Zoq-Fot-Pik (you) vs. Chenjesu.
Level 3) Ilwrath (you) vs. Mycon. Basically a good test of handling and countering the maneuvering of the ships...also will help you get a good idea of handling the Ilwrath ship. Alternative matchup: Syreen vs. Chenjesu
I might get more ideas, but I'm sure you all will have some ideas too...
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I tried a bunch of syreen vs all comers last night. Syreen vs. chenjesu was like pulling teeth.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 495

Lady Marauder
Generally speaking, I tend to suggest training with the Cruiser, Eluder, and Nemesis against the Slyandro Probe, the Ilwrath Avenger, the Thraddash Torch, the Vux Intruder, and the Mycon Podship. Mostly because the first three are the most likely to be going to be up against the other five the most often during the course of the earlier game. (Well, the Pkunk Fury and the Arilou Skiff might also be good things to practice with).
I've found that the Cruiser works quite well even for newbies against the Vux Intruder, and the Eluder works quite well even for newbies against the Mycon Podship.
(And I know you pros can use the Eluder against everything quite effectively, but we're talking about basic training here.)
We are the Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah. Our nature, the fulfillment of our fate requires your destruction. You are filth. It is now your time to be cleansed.
I've found that the Cruiser works quite well even for newbies against the Vux Intruder. Not in the melee, it doesn't. The VUX Intruder is really quite a piece of crap without its warp-in trick.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 156

Spathi? What spathi? You're imagining, hunam.
Arilou Skiff vs. Ur-Quan dreadnaught -
This one should teach you a bit about using your environment to aid your cause. Vs. a dreadnaught, a skiff needs to do just that - play keep away, teleporting whenever in danger, while doing it's best to get behind the slow turning dreadnaught for a few quick blast, and keeping away from the fighters - or tricking them into ramming into asterioids.
If you're training for the storyline, then your best bet is practicing against the slylandro. They're the hardest to avoid in hyperspace, and they're everwhere, and you're likely to encounter them long before your mothership is up to the task to slagging them.
Melee Slylandro perform very differently from the ones in the story. They are incredibly difficult to get hits on as they dodge flawlessly around you. I'm fairly certain they act the same on all three settings, too. It would be nice if they would use the story AI when set on weak or good.
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