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Author Topic: Ur-Quan Masters HD Mod  (Read 138416 times)
Frungy champion
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Re: Ur-Quan Masters HD Mod
« Reply #300 on: September 10, 2014, 06:13:38 am »

Sweet! Lander blaster kickback is fixed. I can slaughter alien wildlife again!
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Re: Ur-Quan Masters HD Mod
« Reply #301 on: September 10, 2014, 11:06:06 am »

You're welcome  Grin

With so many constant numbers to be multiplied in the code, one was bound to slip through the cracks...
Zebranky food
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Re: Ur-Quan Masters HD Mod
« Reply #302 on: October 02, 2014, 07:45:17 pm »

Got a stupid newbie question. I downloaded uqm-hd source code and tried compiling it the same way I compiled "base" uqm, but cannot get it done. (mingw+msys on Windows 7)
I get complains about "build/unix/build_functions:line 164: svnversion: command not found
and after that :
obj/debug/src/libs/graphics/drawable.c.o Error 1
I admit programming is not my strongest area, but usually I can understand clear instructions and get things done  Grin
But clearly something very obvious is wrong with something somewhere...
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Re: Ur-Quan Masters HD Mod
« Reply #303 on: October 03, 2014, 07:08:44 am »

Got a stupid newbie question. I downloaded uqm-hd source code and tried compiling it the same way I compiled "base" uqm, but cannot get it done. (mingw+msys on Windows 7)
I get complains about "build/unix/build_functions:line 164: svnversion: command not found
and after that :
obj/debug/src/libs/graphics/drawable.c.o Error 1
I admit programming is not my strongest area, but usually I can understand clear instructions and get things done  Grin
But clearly something very obvious is wrong with something somewhere...

svnversion is a tool related to the SVN version control system that we use for keeping track of the changes to the source code (and other files). It adds the revision number that you see upon starting the HD version in the lower right corner of the start menu.

I would wager that you don't have svnversion or your mingw building system can't for some reason find it even if you had it. At least on OSX, if I type "svnversion" on the command line, it outputs "exported" or appropriate revision numbers if svnversion is, indeed, installed.

You could either make sure it is installed, or then, remove the lines that invoke svnversion from build/unix/build_functions, and other places where they might be. I'm at work now, though, so I can't check all the places where the svnversion commands might be hiding...
Zebranky food
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Re: Ur-Quan Masters HD Mod
« Reply #304 on: October 26, 2014, 04:52:45 pm »

I saw the trailer for the HD-mod 2 weeks ago and downloaded it immediately.

First I would like to thank those for all the hard work they’ve put into this. The game looks and plays amazing. You probably heard this a thousand times, but the rotating planets (around the stars/planets and their own axis) are a real pleasure to watch. Especially those gas giants. The artworks are amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game on my 24 inch screen. It is too much to praise every detail on how good it looked, but trust me, I enjoyed it all.


There are a few things in my opinion that would make the game even better:

* First things first: When I was able to travel a bit further, the first place I visited was a certain starbase to see that which all SC2-fans wants to see when they first hear about SC2 in HD.

That part within the red circle doesn’t seem natural to me. Seems to me the “space-plastic-surgeon” still has some work to do.

* I liked the space nebula at first. It really gives a nice touch. But after a while I turned it off cause it’s a bit overwhelming. It’s more like space fog then space clouds.  It made me go blind when I was looking for hard to see planets.  Maybe some random patterns would be better with more open spaces in between.

* I really like the music you hear in the Menu. Too bad it stops playing when you enter the melee-menu or load game menu.

* When I handed the perfect Ultron to the Utwig, the last few lines were missing (text).

* Don’t know if this is a bug or not and if it can be fixed. When I fight the Sa-Matra with an Arilou ship, it sometimes get transported into the asteroid shield and then explodes.

Then there is something else.
* I saw you could enable a cheatmode (more like an easy mode) which enables you to prevent a certain event. So I was wondering if you could also implement a “Hard Mode” for the veterans.
As a “SC2 veteran”, the thing I enjoy most  about Star Control 2 now, is the scavenging for minerals and bio data, and then build and tune your battleship. But within a year in-game of searching for minerals with eventually 12 cargo units, I’m full tech and fully pimped and the game isn’t much of a challenge for me anymore (wish I could erase a certain part of my memory so I would have to re-discover everything in SC2). And even then I haven’t searched even 1/20 of the total starmap. I think it would be great if there was a “Hard Mode” where everything costs twice as much. You get half the refund for selling parts and biodata is worth only 1 credit. This would mean you have to spend more time gathering minerals.

* Maybe a Survival mode where you can only use your main ship to gather minerals to build a fleet. And with that fleet you have to defend yourself against waves of enemyships every period of time.
Something where you have to do your best to gather the minerals to repair, research and buy new ships.

This is about all the feedback I had to give. I’m really grateful for all the work you’ve put into this.  In the meantime I’m still trying my best not to download project 6014 until it’s finished.
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Re: Ur-Quan Masters HD Mod
« Reply #305 on: October 27, 2014, 07:07:40 am »

Hello, Pikant!
UQM-HD programmer here.

Thanks for the feedback! We really appreciate it.

- Whilst I'm a lowly coder guy I can't say much about the space plastic-surgeon stuff... But as for the nebulae, some of them are a bit too bright to my liking also. Especially one of the green nebula variants. One tends to get lost in it.
I've been thinking that maybe darkening the nebulae a bit could help? That's something even I could do. Or, if I can coax Damon the graphics master to whip out some new nebula graphics, even better!

- The main menu music could be extended to the melee menu. Maybe not the load menu, as it would intrude the "original game" feel IMO. What I mean is: Some people have been a bit cross about the in-game-keys graphic in the starmap or the mineral value chart on planets as they don't belong to the "original game". Whilst I'm totally ok with them. However, I feel somewhat apprehensive about extending the music to the load game menu, for some reason. Strange folk we are, we humans  Smiley

- Good thing you reported the missing Utwig text problem. Although we have fixed it already, it wouldn't have been found if there hadn't been another player like you that took the trouble to report the bug to us recently Smiley. (By the way, here's our official buglist: . You can report any new bugs you find there also. This forum is great for reporting stuff, but once they're in that list they shall not be forgotten. Which might sometimes be case when there's a lot of activity in this forum).

- The Arilou ship behavior with the Sa-Matra is definitely a bug. It might be caused by the new graphics modes because I haven't witnessed that behavior in 320x240. Also, recently upon starting a battle, a VUX ship jumped right inside a planet in 1280x960 mode! Got to take a look at these.
(Even if these have occurred in the original 320x240 version I think that behavior is just plain stupid and I wanna stop it  Wink .)

- The "Hard mode" is a good idea. I got to take a look how easily that could be implemented!

- However, the survival mode is out of scope for us in UQM-HD. I think the Star Control Timewarp has something like that, was it called "GOB"?

We are currently preparing a "Gamma" release of UQM-HD with (hopefully) all the bugs found after releasing the latest Beta fixed. We are hoping to release it before the start of 2015.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2014, 07:09:45 am by superbutcherx » Logged
Zebranky food
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Re: Ur-Quan Masters HD Mod
« Reply #306 on: January 08, 2015, 02:50:12 pm »

After deciding to replay this again I purchased a copy from GOG. Then I've just found this HD version and am loving the idea of improved graphics....

One question though. Can I load the saved game files from the current version that I got from GOG into this version? I really don't want to have to restart the current game of which I am 3 days into if possible.



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Re: Ur-Quan Masters HD Mod
« Reply #307 on: January 08, 2015, 05:09:31 pm »

Based on the screenshots, it looks like GOG sells the old SC2 DOS binary. Given that, I'm pretty sure the answer is "no". UQM is based on the source code of the 3DO version of SC2, which is quite different from the DOS version to begin with, and it's changed a lot over the years. I don't think they use the same save format.

If I'm wrong, though, someone can correct me.

UQM is better in almost every way than the DOS version, by the way. It would be better for them to sell copies of UQM re-branded as "Star Control II" than the DOS binary. I suppose they probably sell the DOS binary because the data files (images, dialog, etc) are under a non-commercial license, and people other than TFB have contributed to it, making it infeasible to get permission to sell copies. (This is a major problem with non-commercial licenses.)
« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 05:22:43 pm by onpon666 » Logged

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Re: Ur-Quan Masters HD Mod
« Reply #308 on: January 08, 2015, 10:26:34 pm »

After deciding to replay this again I purchased a copy from GOG. Then I've just found this HD version and am loving the idea of improved graphics....

One question though. Can I load the saved game files from the current version that I got from GOG into this version? I really don't want to have to restart the current game of which I am 3 days into if possible.

I am astonished someone still sells copies of SC2...

Also: three in-game-days, or 3 real time playing days?
Either way, I assume it's much easier to simply take that GOG try as practicing experience and restart in UQM-HD.
You'd be surprised how different the game will flow, as you'll do things in a slightly different order.

During the original SC2 time, I always fought the final fights against the Ur-Quan with my mother ship, and the fight against the "boss" with the Chmmr. I found that easy enough, and got quite good at it.
But the boss-fight with a Pkunk is a piece of cake compared to the fight with a Chmmr.
It took me last week for my second UQM playthrough to find that out. I wanted to test how many ships from them I can bring, and found the fight so damn easy. The "boss" is too easy like that.
But then, if I remember correctly the "boss" isn't even using its own weapons, only the weapons and defence installed by the current owners of the trophy.
Zebranky food
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Re: Ur-Quan Masters HD Mod
« Reply #309 on: January 23, 2015, 06:18:57 am »

AFAIK they are selling SC as well. For what purpose, I can't say, because AFAIK SC is an almost totally inferior version of essentially the same game. (See Europa Universalis to Europa Universalis II).

Why not get an upgraded game for free  Grin
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Re: Ur-Quan Masters HD Mod
« Reply #310 on: January 23, 2015, 01:35:30 pm »

Star Control II wasn't merely an upgrade to Star Control. Star Control is a strategy game. Star Control II is a space opera adventure game. They're two completely different games.

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Re: Ur-Quan Masters HD Mod
« Reply #311 on: March 15, 2015, 04:22:37 am »

* Don’t know if this is a bug or not and if it can be fixed. When I fight the Sa-Matra with an Arilou ship, it sometimes get transported into the asteroid shield and then explodes.
- The Arilou ship behavior with the Sa-Matra is definitely a bug. It might be caused by the new graphics modes because I haven't witnessed that behavior in 320x240. Also, recently upon starting a battle, a VUX ship jumped right inside a planet in 1280x960 mode! Got to take a look at these.
(Even if these have occurred in the original 320x240 version I think that behavior is just plain stupid and I wanna stop it  Wink .)
Are you quite sure this is a bug? If I'm not mistaken, the possibility of accidentally teleporting into the planet is intended to be one of the downsides of the Arilou's teleportation ability, so based on that I'd expect teleporting into the asteroid shield to be possible as well.
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