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Author Topic: 3 Quest ideas for SC2/UQM mod -mild spoilers-  (Read 2324 times)
Zebranky food
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3 Quest ideas for SC2/UQM mod -mild spoilers-
« on: March 30, 2014, 11:26:46 pm »

To preface this post - i have near-zero skills as far as mod-ing the game or manipulating the code. i'm just an idea guy.  i have been  a fan of the Star Control series for a long time. Originally i played SC1 on my friend's Genesis, and later SC2 and SC3 on his computer in the mid 90's.  To my delight, i discovered what this community has done for UQM and this forum, etc, a few years ago. i had been in email contact with one of the guys working on 6014, cedric? i think?,  but stopped hearing from him some time ago.  In any case i felt compelled to share some story ideas.

  i have always felt that Star Control 2 is an awesome game that could've been tweaked in a few small areas to the further enjoyment of the player, and if my reading of much of this forum is correct, many other fans share that thought.  (i will not be touching on the super melee  part of the game at all, just the story mode)  Once you figure out where to go and what to do, a large part of this huge world to explore goes unused.
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The Short Version of my 3 quest ideas for a mod to SC2/UQM

    - A Quest that involves locating the Mother Ark and eventually being able to construct Mmrnmhrm X-forms
   - A Quest  that involves rescuing a lone-surviving Chenjesu captain held captive by a small contingent of Androsynth allowing you limited interaction with that race and a single Broodhome to add to your fleet.
  - A Second Slylandro Quest that gets them more involved in current events.

  Two of these quests can potentially delay the actions of the primary antagonist as you approach the climax of the story.  Additionally they would require more exploration and more specific resource gathering even if you have reached a point where you are very efficient at either.

The following is a more detailed account of what i have fleshed out for these quests.
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« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 11:30:09 pm by locustkiller » Logged
Zebranky food
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Re: 3 Quest ideas for SC2/UQM mod -mild spoilers-
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2014, 01:20:36 am »

3.  The Slylandro Choose a Side.

  After learning of  the intentions of the Kor-ah to eliminate all non-Ur-quan sentient life thru any number of in game conversations, you can return to the Slylandro Homeworld and find further dialog options.  This conversation tree is only available after you have received the self destruct code for the probes.  You tell the slylandro of the impending fate of this part of the galaxy. They are apprehensive but reluctant to take any aggressive stance toward another species, being a meek and humble race. Besides, they explain, they have no means to produce ships or weapons or even to leave Source.

3 months after saving the Zoq Fot Pik Homeworld from the invading Marauder, you can return to Alpha Tucanae and ask if their scouts have anything to report.  They will tell you of an indecipherable signal emanating from Alpha Lipi  that is unlike any in known space. The scout found Kor-ah ships patrolling the area and did not remain to investigate.

You travel to Alpha Lipi  and on the First moon of the Second Planet you scan and find not only a cache of radioactive minerals but also an energy signature.

Landing Team Reports - -  Sir! The team has discovered a metal ovoid object about the size of one of our landers.  A passive signal is radiating outward from it.  Our team will need more time to study it  but  our initial findings are that this is  most likely a first-contact probe of some kind.  The landing impact zone and the state of the hull of the object indicates that it did not travel far and was launched recently, perhaps within the last year.  The structure is designed to withstand a maximum amount of pressure with a minimal amount of materials used. .... Our conclusion is that this probe came from the Gas Giant  this moon is orbiting.  We can secure it to the Lander with our docking clamps and bring it aboard, but the trip up to the ship will take twice as long and consume considerably more fuel, Captain. - -

The lander returns and the IGGD probe appears as a device in your manifest. Interacting with it while it is on board makes an interesting noise but nothing else.  Naturally you head into orbit with the Gas Giant  - Alpha Lipi II -  .  The order in which you visit these two worlds does not change the encounters, however further dialog with the Slylandro cannot be triggered until youve had the encounter of the Gas Giant.

- Alpha Lipi II   -  Attempting to orbit the Gas Giant you get the battle chime and enter a dialog screen with the menacing Kor-Ah.   Here you get some of the same dialog explaining their plight and your filthiness.  You cannot cut this conversations short, by inticing them to attack you, until you have learned what they are doing here.  They explain they intercepted the signal sent by a sentient civilization inhabiting this planet and were just beginning the cleanse when you came along, and now you must die horribly.  Your warp device will not work so close to a gravity well of this size.

Enter the battle encounter screen and  there are 2 Kor-Ah marauders facing your fleet. You must be victorious or the IGGD will surely face annihilation.

You have valiantly eliminated the marauders but your scans still cannot penetrate into the Gas Giant, and your landers have nowhere to land.  What is the fate of this race who launched the probe? Maybe Hayes and his people can help.

Back at Starbase Sol, Hayes' science team can further study the probe and partially decipher it's message.  The signal is created by micro-magnetic fluctuations, they guess that these beings communicate in this manner. These Inner Gas Giant Dwellers survive in an environment that is almost unimaginably harsh and chaotic to our senses. They dwell in the shallow parts of the metallic hydrogen sea that separates a dense rocky core from a layer of  non conductive liquid hydrogen. They have no sight or hearing as we could understand it, but have felt the pull of gravity from the moons of their home and reasoned that there might be other life to contact.   Furthermore, it might be possible to modify the probe to send a message or a delegation back into the depths of the Gas Giant to determine the fate of the IGGD.  This would be a long term mission however, and best suited to a race that could set up a colony nearby and monitor their progress.  The modifications would require that we learn a great deal more about Gas Giants and their atmospheres.  Captain if you could orbit and study enough Gas Giants and bring back enough samples of Noble Gases for experimentation we may be able to contact a previously unknown sentient species, but considering  our current predicament, i'm not sure how that could help us defeat the Ur-Quan. 

At this point the game starts keeping (hidden) track of how many Gas Giants you orbit and scan (you need 20 total) , previous scans do not count.  Additionally how much Noble Gas you bring back to the starbase. (You need 500 total and the sources dont matter)  Hayes will give you varying clues as to how much more you need.  Once the tally is met the scientists will modify the IGGD probe into a small passenger vessel capable of delivering a smallish community of Slylandro into the atmosphere and then much deeper into the center of a Gas Giant.

The Druuge will trade you 1 mauler starship  or the Trident of Wembley for the unmodified  IGGD probe.  (you cannot finish this quest without it, it's just an option)

You return to the Slylandro Home world.  More dialog becomes available.

You tell the Slylandro about the discovery of a new Gas Giant-inhabiting species, and about their possible annihilation at the hands of the Kor-Ah.  The fate of the IGGD remains unknown but you are working on a plan to send a delegation and search for survivors.  This is possibly the only thing that could anger the Slylandro against another species enough to go to war.  Their culture is obviously obsessed with the possibility that there could be other life who, like themselves, evolved intelligence on a Gas Giant world.  They beg you to be the delegation to make contact.

  You tell them how difficult the modifications will be, how much of your own resources you would have to put into such a mission. Resources that are already stretched thin with the war effort and time is growing short.

The Slylandro see the pressures placed upon you and agree to contribute  to the war effort while also creating a diversion for the Kor-Ah fleets in exchange for transport to Alpha Lipi II.
They will reprogram the Slylandro explorer probes to attack only Kor-Ah vessels and use their component parts to replicate.  Meanwhile you can slip thru the enemy lines and drop the Slylandro delegation into the  atmosphere of the alien planet.

The dialogs between Sol and Beta Corvi  will be set such that once you know what to do , you will not have to go back and forth multiple times, but if you will need to have the modified IGGD probe in your possession in order for the Slylandro to agree to attack the Kor-Ah.

At the successful conclusion of the Slylandro dialog, you will see a small sized Sphere of Influence for the slylandro appear at Beta Corvi and move in a straight line toward the Delphini Stars slipping between the Thraddash and Umgah spheres (if they still exist) and growing into a medium sized sphere before stopping.  This will take about a month.  The Kor-Ah and Ur-Quan fleets will crush the Slylandro probes in short order, and the Sphere of Influence will collapse into itself.

 This will take a reasonable toll on the Kor-ah fleets though, and if the Thraddash are also sent to attack the Kor-ah, the combined distraction will buy you one more year of game time before the Kor-ah  win the doctrinal war.

Anytime after this dialog you can take the modified IGGD probe to Alpha Lipi II, orbit the Gas Giant and activate it from the Manifest. This will cause it to disappear from your ship.  Afterwards, any time you reenter the orbit of this world, you will get a Slylandro encounter just like at Beta Corvi.  They will tell you that the new colony is thriving, that progress is being made toward reaching the core but that it may take a dranasa or two before we know the fate of the iron-based flatworm race.
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