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Topic: So late to the party (Read 2761 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
New guy here. I played SC1 to death on the Sega Genesis about 2 decades ago, but never got around to playing SC2. After reading so many people waxing fondly about Star Control 2 I found the Ur-Quan Masters HD remake yesterday. Man, this game is great! I sunk about 4 hours into it last night , can't wait to dig into it again tonight.
At first the lack of smooth turning gave me pause, but I realize now how much it would have altered the delicate combat system, so leaving it alone was a wise design choice. I'm trying not to resort to walkthroughs, relying on good old fashioned note-taking to find my way, but after recruiting Fwiffo and destroying a corrupted Slylandro I've been mostly harvesting minerals and bringing them back to Earth's platform. Not sure where to proceed from here, but I'll figure it out.
Thanks so much for this HD remake, I'm really loving it.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 06:25:15 am by Branigan »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 431
Talking to the commander can give you some hints about where points of interest might be.
Zebranky food

Posts: 5

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Welcome to the party! It really is one of the greatest games of all time and I have yet to find a space exploration game that comes close to the feeling of wonder I get when I play SC2.
Zebranky food

Posts: 40

Sir Donsalot
The best thing for you to do at the start is pay attention to everything the Commander tells you . The plot does progress itself, but note-taking is definitely essential, even if you think something is minor and insignificant it may actually be a key plot element later on.
There are also certain aliens who will give you information. Pretty much all of this information is pertinent to your success in the game, especially when people make references to particular races or star systems.
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
Thanks, I've been exploring at a leisurely pace. Modern games have so much hand holding going on, it was a bit of an adjustment to go back to taking actual notes, I'm ashamed to say.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306

New guy here. I played SC1 to death on the Sega Genesis about 2 decades ago, but never got around to playing SC2. After reading so many people waxing fondly about Star Control 2 I found the Ur-Quan Masters HD remake yesterday. Man, this game is great! I sunk about 4 hours into it last night , can't wait to dig into it again tonight.
At first the lack of smooth turning gave me pause, but I realize now how much it would have altered the delicate combat system, so leaving it alone was a wise design choice. I'm trying not to resort to walkthroughs, relying on good old fashioned note-taking to find my way, but after recruiting Fwiffo and destroying a corrupted Slylandro I've been mostly harvesting minerals and bringing them back to Earth's platform. Not sure where to proceed from here, but I'll figure it out.
Thanks so much for this HD remake, I'm really loving it.
Glad you like it! Taking notes for games is a rather weird phenomenon you don't see much anymore. SC2 also just gives you this huge world, and says "Go explore it. I'm sure you'll figure it out". There's little to no hand holding.
The smooth turning is something I'd like to do (at least for single player orbit view). I've done some experiments to reduce the number of frames, yet providing a smooth rotation that you can see here:
But, that takes a programmer to implement the changes.
Zebranky food

Posts: 42
Actually, in combat with certian other ships, something you definately are NOT ready for now, you will find that jerky-ness comes in handy for you. Because it applies to the enemy ships too and that gives you some small "dead spaces" where your enemy cannot shoot you.
2 hints. Once out of the solar system look for life and be selective about which minerals you mine. Note the mineral list in your cargo hold and only bring home the ones that give you the best return. You need the $$ to upgrade your ship faster.
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