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Topic: How to get to arilou home planet (Read 1964 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
Hi everyone,
I've been doing my first playthrough this week, but now i seem to be stuck. I have the ultron and the location of the sa-matra, so the only thing i still need should be the talking pet. If i read up correctly, that is. To get it, I understand you need to get it from the umgah, but I do not seem to have any options of doing that. I think I need more info from the arilou, because it seems the umgah are not yet under control of the neo-dnyarri, or at least I havn't discovered that. This gets me to the core of the problem: I can not seem to get to quasispace in order to go to the arilou home planet. I have the ur-quan warp pod, and i read that i have to go there to upgrade it to the portal spawner. Wich to me seems to mean i should already be able to get to their planet, wich should be possible by going through the portal that appears at the 17th. But every time i take the portal, I dont go to a new dimension, i go to the main game menu, so i can only restart or load a savegame... And i cant seem to use the warp pod or get any more info from the arilou themselves... Am i missing something, or is my game simply bugged? problably the first of those, i wich case I apologize for my stupidity ;-)
Really hope someone can help me, i would really like to finish the game...
Thanks anyway for reading, Steven
*Smell* controller
Posts: 337
This certainly sounds like a bug. Can you get a console log (by either running UQM from the commandline, or specifying a logfile like this?
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
Thanks for replying Oldlaptop!
Sadly, my technical knowledge is very limited (plus english is not my first language), so I'm unsure where to find the log you want. But it's good to know it's not a normal part of the game at least :-)
Thanks again, Steven
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 127
The link provided appears to be broken due to a miscreant apostrophe. Here's the text you want:
The DOS box shows some debug information while the game is running. Right click on the icon you used to start the game, choose 'properties', and add '--logfile logfile.txt' as the first argument in the "Target" field. For example: "H:\Program Files\The Ur-Quan Masters\uqm.exe" --logfile logfile.txt --res 640x480 --bpp 32 --opengl --scale=bilinear --scroll 3do --audioquality high --addon remix
In this example, the window will open and close quickly but will put the output into "H:\Program Files\The Ur-Quan Masters\logfile.txt" for later examination via Notepad.
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