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Topic: i've downloaded the installer, but there's trouble (Read 1970 times)
Manuel Pimenta
ok the problem is this:
i've downloaded the installer, and it runs normally, until it has to download the content, voice and 3do music files, when it claims error, and skips all three. as it said that i could download the files myself, i didn't care much, and so tried to download them. well now comes the main problem, despite the fact that not one of the files i download works, the one referring to the content is 12 megas large, but stops at about two! what i want to know is: is it my problem or yours? whether mine or yours, how can i fix it?
Frungy champion
Posts: 88
Me developer. Here me roar!
This page lists the file sizes of each of the files.
If you are doing a 'from scratch' install without using the auto-download feature, you will need the installer (which I guess you already have), and at a minimum.
You can also get, and, if you'd like the full experience, but they aren't required.
Make sure the file sizes are the same as listed on the page above.
Noone has reported problems with manually downloading from SourceForge, so that is most likely a problem on your side.
Make sure you tell the installer where you put the .zip files once you have downloaded them.
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