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Author Topic: 0.2, Linux, fresh install: Segmentation fault  (Read 2991 times)
Zebranky food
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0.2, Linux, fresh install: Segmentation fault
« on: February 28, 2003, 03:32:43 pm »

Just downloaded the Linux statically-linked version, and installed only the main content and the 3D0 music. I used all the default installation options. The installer gave me what looks like two uqm executables -- one is in /usr/local/games/bin/ and one is in /usr/local/games/lib/uqm/.

When I attempt to run the one in games/bin, I get the following error:

/usr/local/games/bin/uqm: line 3: 27737 Segmentation fault "/usr/local/games/lib/uqm/uqm" "--contentdir=/usr/local/games/lib/uqm/content" "$@"

When I attempt to run the executable in games/lib/uqm, I get simply "Segmentation fault".

I then tried running the executables as root just for S&Gs, but no go. Suggestions? I'm still a bit new at Linux, so I could be missing something; I just wanted something to play on my second computer while rebooting after one of those delightfully refreshing Morrowind crashes.

You know, as opposed to walking around, or getting some fresh air... heh.
Frungy champion
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Re: 0.2, Linux, fresh install: Segmentation fault
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2003, 07:50:08 pm »

Many people are having problems with the linux build, it seems.  You can try the using the dynamic build.

Other than that, I don't currently have any suggestions for you, unless you want to build it from source (which is a bit more work, but will almost assuredly run).

Also, you do have the latest, SDL and OggVorbis libraries, right?
Zebranky food
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Re: 0.2, Linux, fresh install: Segmentation fault
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2003, 11:01:04 pm »

Honestly, I chose the statically-linked version in hopes of avoiding the need. I've found libraries and dependencies to be one of the most aggravating parts of Linux. Seems like every time I try to install something that doesn't come with its own dependencies, I get errors; so I find and install the dependencies, and those get errors because I don't have their dependencies... and it's just a big mess.

I'll take a stab at finding and installing the dependencies, then compiling from source.
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Re: 0.2, Linux, fresh install: Segmentation fault
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2003, 02:10:29 am »

It seems that even though I've compiled with a static libc, it is also linking dynamically with a libc. I've got an idea how to solve that. If it works, I'll put a new binary online.


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Re: 0.2, Linux, fresh install: Segmentation fault
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2003, 01:13:20 am »

Static binaries is non-trivial when some of the libraries (like libGL and libX) need to be dynamic.
If we patch SDL to open those libs manually (with dlopen & Windows equivalent), it should be possible.
That's beyond the scope of our current goals though. So I've replaced the 'staticly' linked installer by one
that doesn't load libc statically, and it might be slightly more portable.
'staticly linked binary' should be read in this case as a binary with SDL, SDL_image, libogg, libvoribis, libvorbisfile, libpng and libz linked in statically.


“When Juffo-Wup is complete
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when the Creators return
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