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Topic: Unable to continue (Read 3867 times)
I've completed all the objectives except the suprise attack on the Mycon and the Chmmr. So I get the go ahead to tell them to breed near (whatever star) except I forget to tell a ship, and instead go directly to their home planet. I deliver the message to the planet, and am simply told to go away. The option to tell them where to go has dissapeared, but they haven't budged. So I'm stuck, since I can't get the sun device off the surface of the planet because the infinite Mycon ships are still there. Any solutions?
I apologize for not having been descriptive enough. The previous times that I have beaten the game, I have always delivered the trap-message to a Mycon ship. Instead this time I went directly to the Mycon homeworld and delivered the message. I was simply told to go away.
I have given the Mycon ample time to move. I went ahead and finished a couple of other missions, so that this is the only one to remain. Between the delivery of the message and the present game state, about a month of game time has passed.
Captain Smith
Usually (and I haven't played through UQM this far, it usually wigs out on me and crashes before this happens), in the original game, I go to the Mycon homeworld after I visited a shattered world and ask them "Why are the shattered worlds only found in your region of space?" And they says "Those are the homes of the Deep Children". So there you go...
The other methods work too...but that's usually the most direct I've found if it's allowed in UQM.
Zebranky food

Posts: 7

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
im stuck at the same part, i did everything except they wont move, i dont know what to do anymore. I told the Mycon and they acted as if i said nothing, well more like "you are on our sacred land" or something and to go away
Zebranky food

Posts: 30

Maybe you've got the wrong world? They have a homeworld and the other world... The other one's the one they refer to as their "sacred place"... so try the other one.
Captain Smith
Yeah, they have their homeworld and they have their stronghold know kind of like the VUX and Zex's world and Traddash and the Aqua Helix world?
Captain Smith
Yeah, they have their homeworld and they have their stronghold know kind of like the VUX and Zex's world and Traddash and the Aqua Helix world?
Zebranky food

Posts: 7

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Thanks! i thought it was beta brahe, cause thats what the walkthrough i was consulting said, and the map i had, and it seemed to make sense in my memory from '93 but it wasnt its epsilon scorpii
Thanks, your help may have saved the known universe
Zebranky food

Posts: 3

Tomorrow's the perfect day to do anything
I had the same issue, and the odd thing is that when you go to the Mycon stronghold at Beta Brahe, 639.5 x 231.2, you get the option in the dialogue to tell them about Organon, but they disregard it and then keep trying to fight you. The Mycon homeworld is located at Epsilon Scopii, 629.1 x 220.8. Once you go there you tell them about Organon the Mycon will then leave and then you must go to Epsilon Scorpii to get the Mycon Sun Device.
Hopefully this will save some hair-pulling for someone down the road.
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