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Topic: GDC 2015 (Read 5397 times)
Toys for Bob
Zebranky food
Posts: 22

GDC 2015
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:03:32 am » |
Happy New Year!
Paul and I are giving a session, Classic Game Postmortem: Star Control, at GDC this year, and we wanted to acknowledge and thank individuals and organizations that have been a part of keeping Star Control alive these many years.
What's the best way to give this project credit? Are there any particularly wacky stories we should relate?
Also are Dan Nicholson and Riku Nuottajarvi still around this site?
Thanks, Fred
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
happy new year to you too. And best wishes.
For those interested to read up a bit more on Classic Game Postmortem at GDC 2015: link. Dang. I will not be able to listen to the panel. I'd really like to. Will there be a video-release of it afterwards, or is it "be there or feel loss"?
Edit: It looks like the panel might be online afterwards. at least for Classic Game Postmortem at GDC 2014 I found a video: link. Didn't check for more, but I'll assume that the classics will be put into the vault sometime later....
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 12:17:59 pm by Krulle »
Toys for Bob
Zebranky food
Posts: 22

It will be recorded and stored in the GDC Vault, which is only slightly more impregnable than the Syreen's. We will definitely have a powerpoint deck and some (maybe only one?) video segments to supplement our talk. I don't know yet whether or not we are allowed to release that material, or if it belongs to GDC.
Also the current description of the talk is a bit misleading. We will definitely talk about Star Control 1, but will focus more on Star Control 2, because we think that is of more interest.
In our usual, lazy way we are crowd-sourcing (to help us with our talk). It worked for writing and music in Star Control 2 and we're going to that well once again. Over the years Paul and I have talked a lot from our perspective about our development and we thought to include perspectives of others who also contributed, in order to make the presentation a little fresher.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 109
Ahh this sounds awesome.
I can't go and don't have any stories or anything... but I'd like to see it. I like the "slightly more impregnable than the Syreen's."
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Sorry, I was never part of the UQm core team. All I did was translating to German. But that was such a long time ago that I am happy that one of our team kept the files....
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Anyone interested to start some discussions about the information in the video? I'm now at 24 minutes, and they were showing some artwork, which didn't make it into the game (missing the sparking idea; time constraints; ...), like the famous spacewhale...
Or as Fred Ford put it: "their time has not yet come." -> which also sounds much like <dang, I need to "feed the hungry monster">
Edit: another interesting point is at 49:50. The answer by Paul Reiche III really makes me excited. Right after that answer are questions from the audience, and the first one of course is regarding the Orz.. Other tidbits of info from the q+a session:
Fred and Paul are not involved in Stardock's efforts for a "Star Control 4". Stardock owns the trade mark, but story,aliens,... is owned by FF and PR, and Stardock will move the Star Control trademark forward into something new. The Ur-Quan did not know that we Humans didn't know of Atlantis, the cyclopian cities in the Antartica, ... And SC3, (the Precursors being cows) is just a dream, "and what is actually happening is fascinating" and will be told by FF and PR "some day". Sounds like they have a good wrap-up idea for their version of Star-Control 3.
I hope I did not spoil it all for you. But I am interested in pointing out a few points I found interesting.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2015, 02:26:05 pm by Krulle »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
Paul and Fred seem like funny guys.
It was a good session.
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
I'd love to have discussions on this. . . Fire away! Those ships they showed that weren't used in the game, the way they came up with ideas for the game was fascinating!
Zebranky food

Posts: 17
Fred your opinion on harvesting pls:
I say Keep Resource Gathering ! it can be extremely rewarding ! Resource gathering is another aspect making the game interesting, there is nothing like discovering an exotic planet in far off space and pondering what the conditions would be on it, and what exciting new minerals and technology would be found, the more valuable the bounty, the more dangerous the planet, it sets out to put you in the action giving you a great sense of reward for daring to scout the dangers of the planet and finding the materials/relics needed for you to advance your ship and relationships with the different races, now that is adventure and exploration ! Along with exploring the universe, with your mothership and fighters, encountering different races, battling it out with enemies, they way only Star Control can !
Making it automated will make you feel like a numb couch potato watching a boring sitcom.
NO put me in the jumpseat ! i want in on the Action... THATS what Star Control is about ! Exploration, the reward for daring to explore and the trek itself making you feel you are traveling into the void of space to discover something great after the long travel if your ship survives what it encounters and if you have enough fuel ! Nothing else can capture that experience like Star Control, nothing else at all ! ! ! Its as close to reality it can get without taking away the addiction factor.
Perhaps just take it a step further without straying from the action, let you be able to build a temporary post on the planet and upgrade your base so you can upgrade your harvesters to withstand the dangers of the planet to go harvest that exotic mineral on the far side of the planet, once harvested what was required, return the harvester, and launch the bounty back up to your mothership in space. However don't let it consume too much as to interfere with exploring space itself, finding an exotic cave or something atop a mountain would be exciting though.
Or keep it the way it was launching the ships directly onto the planet to harvest, the above can work as long as it keeps the action exciting. Fred Paul.. talk to us, you guys made sc2 the master piece that it is, give us your opinions on what i've just said, i would think my last two posts should be pretty much in tune to what you guys would have in mind ?
« Last Edit: May 03, 2015, 10:58:43 pm by UrQuanian »
Toys for Bob
Zebranky food
Posts: 22

Sorry. I've been 'far away' -- if not in body, at least in mind. But that mind largely agrees with what you say. We intentionally made the bootstrapping process take some time and effort so that you would appreciate when that was no longer the case.
As for how we move forward on a successor, we have some ideas, but our day jobs keep these from gaining substance at the moment; however, just as we did before, I think that we will create something we love. We hope many others will love it too.
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