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Author Topic: Pkunk not dead?  (Read 9108 times)
Zebranky food
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Re: Pkunk not dead?
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2003, 01:03:39 am »

As far as i know, the conditions for the Pkunk/Yehat coming to your aid at the end of the game are

1. Start the civil war in Yehat space.
2. Get the rebel faction to agree to ally with the Alliance.
3. Pkunk assimilation.
4. Open fleet slots.

I could be wrong-- this is the first time I've played in years, but I've got a fairly good memory for the game.

Personally, I was glad to see the integration of Pkunk and Yehat. I've always had a soft spot for the Pkunk, because they're just really neat characters, and ressurecting ships is downright awesome. But I also really like the Yehat. Their cultural mores are really kind of neat, and I generally like thier attitudes and so forth. Plus they're one of the Older Races of Badasstitude<tm> in the game, and the Terminator's one sweet ship. Add to that the overall neatness (in my opinion) of long-lost sister races that just happen to be some of my favorites re-discovering their anceint ties and going back to the times when they were more or less one race, is just terribly cool. I find myself happy for the both, rather than sad to 'see the Pkunk go'. Anyway, could you imagine a Terminator with the resurrection ability? Aiee. Me wants.  Wink
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