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Author Topic: Yay, my book is out!  (Read 2556 times)
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Yay, my book is out!
« on: February 04, 2015, 02:51:27 pm »

Ur-Quan Masters HD programmer here, hello.

I just wanted to let you guys know about the fact that my action-packed, thought-provoking, lyrical, epical, philosophical and gut-wrenchingly intensive cyberpunk thriller Lemen has been published!
And that I'm e.g. super happy and buzzed about it.

Currently it's in Finnish only, but I expect that publishing people abroad will come to see its inherent greatness real soon.
This will in turn lead into them having it translated into a bazillion other languages as well.
Movies, series, fanfics and Broadway musicals will naturally follow and a sixty-foot statue of me will be erected in my honor.
The press will flock around me like starving flies wherever I go and critics shall burst into spontaneous tears of happiness at the very knowledge that I exist.
Foundations keep hurling Nobels, Bookers and Pulitzers at me whilst all other novelists resign to committing a quiet, desperate suicide.
I shall become stronger than the foundations of the earth and treacherous as the seas and all shall love me and despair.

The two Finnish-speaking people in the world can take a look at the book's description here:
The rest of you can try google-translating that stuff. Be warned though: I tried that and the results vividly reminded me of the Orz Kiss.
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Re: Yay, my book is out!
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2015, 03:07:52 pm »

Congrats, SuperButcher!

While I love the finish wilderness, the language never attracted me sufficiently to start learning it.
Näkemiin!  (is the only word I know)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2015, 03:11:20 pm by Krulle » Logged
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Re: Yay, my book is out!
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2015, 11:24:34 pm »

Congratulations! Not quite enough to get me to go learn Finnish, I'm afraid.

If they do translate it, let us know what the title turns into... what does it literally translate as?
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Re: Yay, my book is out!
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2015, 08:55:18 am »

Thanks, guys Smiley

Lemen is the name of an important character in the story... namely an AI that has plans (of the potentially ominous, long-range variety).
The name doesn't literally mean anything in Finnish, but the word's etymology might have linguistic significance...

"Näkemiin" is pretty apt for this case: The scene of the story is Soheba City, and "soheba" translates roughly into "goodbye" in a certain japanese dialect.
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Re: Yay, my book is out!
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2015, 09:11:07 am »

Whilst it might take while for the thing to get translated, here's at least something to help catch the mood of the story:
The one and only Original Lemen Soundtrack!

I put that together while writing the book. Most of the chapters just seemed to have an inherent "sound" to them. An atmosphere, a feeling. A mood. This is my best attempt to catch that sound.
Some of the tunes are a bit on the *nerdish* side (think Amiga 500 from 1991), but I don't think that's gonna be an issue to any of us here Wink
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Re: Yay, my book is out!
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2015, 12:36:40 am »

Translating the reviews in google translate I got a good idea what the book is about.
Reminds me a bit of ghost in the shell, seems like something I would read Smiley.
Gratz on getting your book published!
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Re: Yay, my book is out!
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2015, 06:40:26 pm »

Translating the reviews in google translate I got a good idea what the book is about.
Reminds me a bit of ghost in the shell, seems like something I would read Smiley.
Gratz on getting your book published!

Thank you, sir!

GITS has definitely been an inspiration for me. The manga is nice, but the first movie really rocked my world. It's one of the most perfect blends of atmosphere, action, ideas and... well, coolness.
I do admit that the convoluted story of the manga condensed into a short-ish movie makes the plot hard to follow at places. But just the incredible soundtrack alone is enough to outweigh that.

The first season of the Stand Alone Complex is perhaps even better. There's enough space in all those episodes to develop an intricate detective-story and blend in a ton of cool scifi-ideas as well. And talk about that intro theme... However, the second season was too convoluted to my taste.

Hope my publishing house gets the ball rolling on translating my book. It's too good to stay confined in the boundaries of our narrow linguistic niche! Wink
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