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Topic: To The Music People (Read 3233 times)
Yeah, I feel the same way about the remixes. There's just not a lot I can add here.
Oh wait, does anyone know where I can download the other SC2 mp3s? I got 90% of them from Audiogalaxy before that thing turned to crap. Every time I've searched Kazaa for "Star Control", all I got was like a billion different variations of some song called "Puddle of mud". I don't know what that is and I really don't care. The ones I'm missing are the old and new quasispace along with the Slylandro Probe music.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2003, 04:49:23 am by Shiver »
Thanks to both of you. It should have occured to me to check that site since I already know about it.
Still, downloading anything from Fileplanet just plain sucks.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 201
PNF Webmaster
Still, downloading anything from Fileplanet just plain sucks.
I agree. But, in a perfect world, a thing like FilePlanet would not exist...
Considering I have over 300 megs of Star Control related files (not to mention the website itself is over 100 megs and thats not counting all the "affiliates" that are also hosted)... its the only way I can offer that many downloads, period. Being a normal person, I just can't afford the cost of a true "host" from the bandwidth and server space perspective.
Thus, because it is "free" to me AND you, we have to live with Banner Ads and FilePlanet. (which I think is not that bad besides the waiting in line part... but sometimes I wait even longer elsewhere when server's are busy) I actually like FilePlanet from the perspective of after I wait the time that it tells me, I ALWAYS get my file 
P.S. If you've already downloaded UQM, I'd recommend just going with meep-eep's suggestion. This reminds me, I should probably update the downloads with the "REAL" files that were extracted from the game...
"...Dogar And Kazon Clack Their Mandibles Against One Another And Snicker With Amusement."
Zebranky food

Posts: 11

Life is just a game...and death is just the same
The really nice thing about the ogg files are that they play in Winamp. Be sure to have the equalizer settings on full bass/treble
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