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Topic: UQM gameplay status (Read 2825 times)
Steven R. Aponte
Zebranky food

Posts: 5
Hello UQM gamers! Steven R. Aponte signing in to give a status report in UQM gameplay.
I'm at the planet where the SU- Matra Is.....
orbiting the magma planet preparing to attack it.....again...
This is as far as I can go due to all my fighters getting destroyed and then my flagship.
the fighters I use are;avatars, furies, eluders, terminators.
Perhaps my eye-hand coordination are too slow. I,ve saved numerous times and replayed older saves but the result is always my destruction. Otherwise an enjoyable game. Otherwise its an enjoyable game.
Message ends
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Quick question - did you use a big distraction, or are you trying to fight your way through?
Steven R. Aponte
Zebranky food

Posts: 5
I should mention that i was aided by a/the walkthrough and map from SC2...
When i arrived at delta crateris, planet 5 i used the dnarri brain-creature who distracted the ships surrounding the planet to leave the system. i then went to the planet.
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
The Sa-Matra fight is hard, yes. Have you understood what the Neo_Dnyarri has told you about what you need to destroy?
In original SC2 times I only used Chmmr Avatars. Now I use Pkunk Furies. (They are aster than the yellow flames, that makes them good useable to kill the red generators). If you've killed all red generators, kill the remaining green and flame-weapons, and only then move in the flagship. The Yehat terminators are too slow to get past the green thingies, so make them fly you fast, and if you fly past the Sa-Matra, shoot at the red generators, then wait until you fly past again. The Spathi Eluders are useless in this fight.
Personally, I fight the Ur-Quan ships using my flagship. one hellbore cannon in the second slot, one ATM, one crew module, the rest generators. Keep a certain distance, turn in the general direction of the Ur-Quan and FIRE AWAY. [/spoiler]
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 109
Huh. I've never fought any of those battles with my flagship.
I used Spathi and Chmmr to take out the dudes before the Sa-Matra, making sure to lose plenty to get Yehat and Pkunk. I use Yehat to destroy the shield generator thingies. Turn on the shield right when you're going to get hit by the non-fireballs, they launch you away. Then I just use that momentum and take shots at the red things whenever possible. When my Yehat are gone I use Pkunk.
Totally an aside (maybe I should start a new thread), I wonder about the offensive capabilities of the Sa-Matra. Those green things and fireballs are just defensive, right? And it's actually like a sphere of asteroid, not a ring right? So out of its shell... I wonder what it could do.
Steven R. Aponte
Zebranky food

Posts: 5
Thanks Krulle and game might have a glitch/bug in that before i saved i noticed when i
approached su-matra there were no guard ships....i just began fighting the su-matra....
now though, since i've saved i must fight the guard ships....
i'm certain now that it's a matter of eye-hand reflexes that will win this game...
i wonder how many deaths i shall endure before i win? be continued...
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
@danzibr: During the original times, I never found out that the Pkunk are that good for the final fight, or that you would get some as a gift if you did the Yehat revolution. (I normally came with a full ship to the final fight, and since my flagship was so efficient against Dreadnoughts and Marauders, I used the flag ship and won easily without losses - so I never found out that empty slots would be filled by Terminators and Furies. During my third UQM run I purposefully tried it. Since then I prefer the Furies over Avatars to do the fight. And yes, the coasting of the Terminators is what I now use as a fallback position. But why risking loosing lifes, if the Fury is much faster than the yellow fireballs? In hindsight it seems that the Furies have been specifically placed in the game for the final boss fight.)
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
btw, it's SA-Matra. Sumatra is an island.
Zebranky food

Posts: 42
I like the Thrad ships in the fight against the Sa-Matra's guards. A Thrad easily beats a Dreadnaught, and can beat a Marauder if you're careful. But I let them die so I can get Terminators and more Furies for the battle against the Sa-Matra itself. Actually a Spathi can be a good backup in case something goes wrong, I keep Fwiffo till the very end. I'm not a big fan of the Avatar ships, I think they're crappy. I also keep a Thrad to get rid of the flame things after I knock out all 8 shield generators. Once you've figured out how to beat the Sa-Matra, the final battle is almost boringly easy...
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