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Topic: OK. I know there are no intro-conclusion but... (Read 7831 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 9

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
can't you just plug in a 3do and hookup the videoout to a tv tuner? then just record the thing as an mpg. If you use high quality cable, the video quality loss shouldn't be that great.
Zebranky food

Posts: 9

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
hmm, is that what the "pages of now and forever" people did?
To improve the quality, you could use a deinterlacer program and capture at a loss-less format (mpeg2?)
Zebranky food

Posts: 9

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
>>but there's another, more serious problem: TFB doesn't own the videos.
yes. yes that is a serious problem.
Well, barring any "unofficial" release of the videos that can "unofficially" be plugged into UQM, I'll have to go with arcain's idea of reproducing the videos with some animation and modelling magic.
Frungy champion
Posts: 90

Submit or die.
I'm no expert, but given the 3DO version was out during a period in the gaming industry where proprietary formats were the *norm*, for various reasons (for instance, modding was a pretty foriegn concept to most companies, and then there's some performance issues that were more important then than now, etc), I wouldn't be surprised if the format's some nearly lost information at this point. There might be something in the source code, possibly, but if it's a 3DO proprietary format, and not a SC2 format, I wouldn't count on much useful.
But whatever the case is, either the developers will need to write their own player code, use existing code as yet undiscovered, or modify the files to a standard format. In the foremost and latter cases, they'd have to decode the file format *anyway*, and at that point, most of the work in getting new player code written is done, so you might as well use the original format to avoid further quality problems. In the second case, it's all a moot point, anyway.
Another, more insane option, is to get someone real good with 3DS Max or something like that(whatever's appropriate-- i haven't seen the 3DO's opening myself) to re-build the sequences from scratch. I'd have to say, that I sure wouldn't volunteer for a job like that, though. Ug-ly.
Ahh, you'll be wanting Tsing then.
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
This brings up an interesting question. With 3do music, voices, data, ship animation files, opening and ending animation cinimatics, the final thing is going to be one helluva download. Would it be possible for TFB to offer the whole thing on CD for the cost of the media and S/H? I think it'd just be icing on the cake to have an "official" copy of UQM. Heck, sign the CD and I'd pay extra for the thing.
Zebranky food

Posts: 9

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
well, the fact that TFB doesn't own the videos (which I take to mean they don't have the rights to use the video either) pretty much ends the discussion.
I think reproducing the intro and end is the way to go. My own 3d modeling and animating exprience is pretty wimpy, otherwise I'd be all over this.
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