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Topic: New Mod: Mega Mod for 0.7.0 and UQM-HD (Read 18920 times)
Posts: 1374

I have finally found a way to combine all my mods into one without them all being activated at once.
Command line options!
Anyways, this mod rolls my FMV/3DO and Time Dilation Mod into one easy executable. Plus quite a few other fun cheats. I also backported UQM-HD's "cheat mode" into 0.7.0 which is effectively a Death March halt. What it does is it sets the speed of the Kohr-Ah March to zero.
So even if you were to "run out of time" the Kohr-Ah would not be able to move from their spot.
Here is a list of cheats and what they do:
Command line UQM.cfg (=true/false) --cheatmode | cheatMode | Stops the Kohr-Ah from advancing. Added CL option for HD and copied the code to vanilla UQM. --godmode | godMode | Self explanatory, also refills your ship energy every time you fire your weapon in melee. --timedilation | timeDilation | Slows down time. Interplanetary is 3 minutes and Hyperspace is 30 seconds. --bubblewarp | bubbleWarp | Instantaneous travel. --rosebud | roseBud | 1,000 Credits and R.U. when you ask the Melnorme why the bridge turned purple. --unlockships | unlockShips | Unlocks all ships available in the main game for purchase in the Shipyard. --headstart | headStart | Equips your flagship with full thrusters and jets, 2 fuel tanks, 2 crewpods, 2 storage bays, 2 forward blasters, max landers, and 1000 radioactives at the start of a new game
Question for the main team, what is the last Xcode version UQM will compile in?
I want to see if I can squeeze out a working OS X binary using a virtual machine.
My first attempt at creating a OS X binary in a VM was a false positive. Worked when executed from Terminal but when it was wrapped in an app container it would refuse to open.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 06:18:40 pm by Kohr-Ah Death »
The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213. Get your MegaMod HERE
Frungy champion
Posts: 64

Good work, although I will only use the unlockships feature (and sometimes the cheatmode in UQM HD), thanks a lot!
If you don't mind, please allow me some questions:
unlockships: Could you add the additional ships from Super-Melee too, as they are: Androsyn, Chenjesu and the Mmrnmhrm? Maybe also the new ones from Project 6014: Baul, Foonfoon, Lurg, ISD and the Explorer? That would be nice.
Main music: How can I activate the original music again from HD Beta 1 for the main screen?
Did you fix the issue of the heap size for save games too (30 kB instead of only 10 kB, see also CTD on saving in UQM HD Beta)?
Posts: 1374

unlockships: Could you add the additional ships from Super-Melee too, as they are: Androsyn, Chenjesu and the Mmrnmhrm? Maybe also the new ones from Project 6014: Baul, Foonfoon, Lurg, ISD and the Explorer? That would be nice. Main music: How can I activate the original music again from HD Beta 1 for the main screen? Did you fix the issue of the heap size for save games too (30 kB instead of only 10 kB, see also CTD on saving in UQM HD Beta)? The first and 3rd request are beyond the scope of my skills. I might be able to add the Androsynth, Chenjesu, and Mmrnmhrm but adding ships from 6014 is definitely out of my scope because that means editing the graphics. UQM is not a very modular program where you could just drop things in and hope it'll work.
The second one is more of a personalization without having to make an add-on. When I get some time I can pop out another binary that will let you choose between the two, I honestly didn't even think about it until now.
I'll take a look at the heap size thing. That seems pretty darn important.
A new version is coming with at least 98% of the non-content SVN changes for UQM-HD. Including the heap size on saved games.
And here it is. UQM-HD 0.7.1
I'm still hacking away at getting the other ships into the main game so maybe later for that one.
Also the version change is purely cosmetic, this will work with the current UQM-HD installation.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2016, 05:40:59 pm by Kohr-Ah Death »
The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213. Get your MegaMod HERE
Zebranky food

Posts: 22

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
How do you make a mod for this game?
I would like a lander fix to: make resources over the cargo limit stay on the planet [if possible as a smaller resource, if not just like the DOS version] and optionally not lose any crew on lander expeditions.
Zebranky food

Posts: 22

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
How do you make a mod for this game?
I would like a lander fix to: make resources over the cargo limit stay on the planet [if possible as a smaller resource, if not just like the DOS version] and optionally not lose any crew on lander expeditions.
UQM-HD does that for the resources. And what do you mean by, "not lose crew"? As in invincible lander? Mega Mod's god mode takes care of that. Basically I hate the lander mode and would like to not have to micro it. Invincible landers, or not losing crew if the lander is hit and launches to the ship would work.
Can god mode apply that to the lander only?
Zebranky food

Posts: 22

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I was running the standard but just got HD since you mentioned it has that wonderful resource improvement. I guess that version is the future of the game?
Thank you!
Zebranky food

Posts: 22

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
How would I learn to create my own mods?
Zebranky food

Posts: 22

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
So I guess the mods are less mod and more of a fork to create? And if I want the HD and mega mods it would mean I must essentially write a fork of the mega HD version.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 09:10:21 pm by GameMusic »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 130

Sharing is good.
Yep, that's right.
Frungy champion
Posts: 64

Hello, Kohr-Ah Death! 
Do I make something wrong or will the unlockships feature in fact cause a severe plot stopper? The following description shows, what the unlockships parameter will change in the game besides the additional ships:
- Pkunk: When they move to the Yehat and finally disappear, their homeworld won't be abandoned.
- Spathi: They don't build their slave shield, so you can't get the Umgah caster.
- ZoqFotPik: No distress call that they are attacked by the Kohr-Ah, therefore no Marauder ship at their homeworld.
- Supox: No broken Ultron, rendering the other 3 artefacts useless (Clear Spindle, Aqua Helix and Rosy Sphere).
- Utwig: They already possess the repaired Ultron, so there is no dialoque about their sad story. This causes them and the Supox NOT to attack the Kohr-Ah after your first conversation with the Utwig, although they tell you in further monologues in space, that their struggle against the Kohr-Ah is still going on. Also you cannot get the Utwig bomb, the Utwig fleet doesn't leave the regarding moon.
Whilst the other (missing) events mentioned above can be seen as harmless issues, this one is severe and will not allow you to finish and win the game.
I am now at January 2158 ingame time and collected all other necessary devices, but without the bomb it's impossible to destroy the Sa-Matra. 
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