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Author Topic: Similarities Between Human and Ur-quan  (Read 3796 times)

Similarities Between Human and Ur-quan
« on: March 15, 2003, 11:02:33 pm »

Now, hear me out on this one.
The Melnorme tell you that the Ur-quan began to evolve about 25,000 years ago. They started life fending off monsters and the sort and competing on the biological scale. Didn't we do the same thing as pre-humans?
Then the Taalo came and discovered the Ur-quan, just as the Arilou came and discovered us.
It also happened that when the Taalo discovered the Ur-Quan, the Ur-quan had just begun to discover their solar system. In crude atomic ships I beleive.
The Starbase commander said the Arilou came around the 1960s, right when we too, were discovering our system.
Of course the timing would be offset, but it seems to me, the Ur-Quan lived an existence much like ours?

Re: Similarities Between Human and Ur-quan
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2003, 12:22:49 am »

Even the non-traumatized brown Ur-Quan had some serious killer instinct that would put the fiercest and most bloodthirsty Earthlings to shame. They probably weren't into politics or democracy much, either. The Ur-Quan were good for the Milleu because they became the backbone of their fleet. Earthlings were mostly just economic support for the Alliance.

Re: Similarities Between Human and Ur-quan
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2003, 12:51:21 am »

Actually, the Arilou have known us for far longer. If I recall correctly, they say that they were given their name by the Celtic peoples, and at their homeworld they mention something about  "knowing the first human" or something.
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Re: Similarities Between Human and Ur-quan
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2003, 07:04:59 pm »

plus, thats not such a big deal as far as similarities go. If you want to look at some real similarities, how about like the  Androsynth and humans or something. Same species. Thats a given. There are many races who evolved alike, in fact, there arent many other ways to evolve, unless you're like a mycon or something.

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Re: Similarities Between Human and Ur-quan
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2003, 09:04:42 pm »

Not only that, but the Orz talk of the Taalo as being in some other dimension (whether they are reliable or not is another issue...). The Arilou also come from another dimension (Quasispace).

Perhaps every species has some extra-dimensional race looking after them? Or even one that created them ("You might even say that we knew the first human".) The Arilou do imply that there are other races in other dimensions that look after other species... let me see if I can find the quote... Ah, here it is.

To call our interaction with your kind an experiment would be much too simple and impersonal.
Let us just say that we have a vested interest in your... development.
You are one of our... extended family, just as other sentients in other dimensions
have their extended families.
We are proud of you as you would be of your children, and some day...
« Last Edit: March 16, 2003, 09:05:16 pm by matt » Logged
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Re: Similarities Between Human and Ur-quan
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2003, 07:39:21 am »

plus, thats not such a big deal as far as similarities go. If you want to look at some real similarities, how about like the  Androsynth and humans or something. Same species. Thats a given. There are many races who evolved alike, in fact, there arent many other ways to evolve, unless you're like a mycon or something.

The Mycon didnt evolve
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Re: Similarities Between Human and Ur-quan
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2003, 07:31:23 pm »

Hey - an idea for a sequel might have the Taalo trying to act behind the scenes to re-moderate the Ur-Quan (both flavors), while the Arilou hinder them, so that the Ur-Quan will be so belligerent that their hegemonic position will be lost and the humans can become ascendant.

Of course, there's that problem with the Chmmr....

Okay, it's holeyer than Victorian lace, but it might be an idea.
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Re: Similarities Between Human and Ur-quan
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2003, 12:56:19 am »

The manual for SC2 says that only one Ur-Quan Kzer-Za is present on a Dreadnaught, because if two of those danged caterpillars saw eachother, they would tear eachother to peaces and kill one another on the spot.

While this tendency to want to kill and enslave everything is a similar human trait, I think there are much bigger differences between the two races...  in fact, I prey to god that there are... lol.  Grin

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Re: Similarities Between Human and Ur-quan
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2003, 03:23:26 am »

if you realy want to know play sc3. the orz are mesingers of the eternel 1's.the micon dident evolv, they where created by the precursers (your ship is a precurser vessel), the where teriforming divice, they also made the rainbo worlds to stop the brakedown of hyperspace, they made the mmrnmhrm to raise another one of there creations. the arilou where alot like humens, but when the eturnel ones fed (violently sucking in all scentient though, resulting in the death of every inteligent creature in the galexy) they fled into quasy space and berly servived. now there not varry geneticly stable or somthing to that efect. they precusers survived by making themselfs non sentient, they look like six leged gient cows.

Re: Similarities Between Human and Ur-quan
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2003, 03:30:10 am »

i mean there unstable, and as another point in sc3 they are more stable and are now white. Wink Wink how do you think this happend.

Re: Similarities Between Human and Ur-quan
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2003, 04:50:32 am »

Most of us know about what happened in Star Control 3. Please don't mention that game again. It was thrown together by Accolade to make a quick buck.
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Re: Similarities Between Human and Ur-quan
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2003, 08:31:20 am »

You've reminded me of a joke that I love...  

What's the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts?


Beer nuts cost $2.50, while deer nuts are under a buck.

Probably sounds better spoken than written, but here's hoping you appreciate the humour.   Grin

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Re: Similarities Between Human and Ur-quan
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2003, 02:30:00 am »


The Mycon didnt evolve
They were biologically engineered tools

I know thats what i said. I said they probably would have evolved differently UNLESS they were mycon.

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