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Author Topic: Coolest Alien Race/Lamest Alien Race  (Read 10565 times)
Zebranky food
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Re: Coolest Alien Race/Lamest Alien Race
« Reply #30 on: March 29, 2003, 10:28:02 pm »

coolest: Shofixti
lamest: Utwig

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Re: Coolest Alien Race/Lamest Alien Race
« Reply #31 on: March 31, 2003, 02:05:48 am »

And as to why the Traddash attack. Well, they are Traddash. They don't actually believe that they can be defeated...

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Re: Coolest Alien Race/Lamest Alien Race
« Reply #32 on: March 31, 2003, 05:51:53 am »

I always wondered why everyone thinks they can take down the Kohr-Ah. I mean, come on, you gotta face the facts once in a while. Are they totally oblivious to their massive circle of infulence, undying rage, powerful ships and the Sa-Matra? What are the Supox/Utwig/Thraddash thinkin?

I guess delaying the eventual destruction of all life in the universe isn't helpful, huh?  When do they say they want to defeat the Kohr-Ah?  I think them at least delaying the great cleansing is a pretty practical thing to do.  Any other race would do the same...  Cool

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Re: Coolest Alien Race/Lamest Alien Race
« Reply #33 on: March 31, 2003, 05:29:13 pm »

Yup. and even if it didn't work, it's betetr to go out with a bang than with a whimper. I mean, if you're gonna die anyway, you may as well go down smiling.

maybe that's how the Umgah think....

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Re: Coolest Alien Race/Lamest Alien Race
« Reply #34 on: April 01, 2003, 04:16:57 am »

Yup. and even if it didn't work, it's betetr to go out with a bang than with a whimper. I mean, if you're gonna die anyway, you may as well go down smiling.

maybe that's how the Umgah think....

I know it's still a video game, but that's really not how a whole race of sentient creatures would decide things, right? I mean, you're talking about billions of beings all fighting the Kohr-Ah for the same cause. The Utwig I could understand, to a point, but what about the Supox, or even I suppose, the Thraddash.
Seems a little one-sided.


Re: Coolest Alien Race/Lamest Alien Race
« Reply #35 on: April 01, 2003, 06:41:19 am »

Not really. The Supox will go anywhere the Utwig go because it's their nature to look to other species for guidance. The Thraddash are too idiotic to recognize the power of the Kohr-Ah and they've been dying to go to war ever since they became battle thralls.
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Re: Coolest Alien Race/Lamest Alien Race
« Reply #36 on: April 01, 2003, 07:44:52 am »

yea, well i guess i'm trying to look at too broad a picture. I'm trying to picture Supox and Thraddash as humans, thereby having differing opinions from their leaders or general public. Like I still just find it hard to beleive that a whole race would think in the same mind-set. I suppose it would be the same as human-nature, but I dunno, just rambling!

Zebranky food
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Re: Coolest Alien Race/Lamest Alien Race
« Reply #37 on: April 01, 2003, 09:33:24 am »

Coolest: Kohr-Ar
Lamest: Supox
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Re: Coolest Alien Race/Lamest Alien Race
« Reply #38 on: April 02, 2003, 05:14:55 am »

yea, well i guess i'm trying to look at too broad a picture. I'm trying to picture Supox and Thraddash as humans, thereby having differing opinions from their leaders or general public. Like I still just find it hard to beleive that a whole race would think in the same mind-set. I suppose it would be the same as human-nature, but I dunno, just rambling!

When the Ultron tells 'em what to do, who are they to question it?  It's pretty well explained in the game that the Utwig attack the Kohr-Ah because the Ultron tells them to.  If I know anything about the Utwig race as a whole, it's that they would follow the Ultron's orders to the end of the universe...  and beyond.  Such belief in the device leads me to believe the entire race would be motivated to go kick some black caterpillar butt.

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Re: Coolest Alien Race/Lamest Alien Race
« Reply #39 on: April 02, 2003, 06:00:32 am »

Which is strange since they grew up as a race without the thing. Hmm... maybe the ultron is a mechanistic parasite which tunes itself to the DNA of a species and then creates a dependency within members of that species for the ultron?
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Re: Coolest Alien Race/Lamest Alien Race
« Reply #40 on: April 03, 2003, 06:43:40 am »

Does that mean the Utwig were the Precursor's ancient enemy?  Who else would the Precursors create such a weapon for?
Zebranky food
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Re: Coolest Alien Race/Lamest Alien Race
« Reply #41 on: April 03, 2003, 12:03:59 pm »

Maybe some Precursors got addicted to it (or a subspecies of Precursors) and then died out.
After all, they probably didn't think of it as a weapon.  To them it might've had the same effect as drugs have on humans.  Roll Eyes
I don't remember exactly what the Starbase Cmdr says when you bring it to him... something about it attuning itself to certain wavelengths of thought and then enhancing those?
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Re: Coolest Alien Race/Lamest Alien Race
« Reply #42 on: April 16, 2003, 09:51:43 am »

Well, this is a survey of sorts, so I'll put in my answers as well.

Favorite: Kohr-Ah. Of course. Not because they're so unstoppable, but simply because their mindset is so completely focused and even admirable. Destroy all other races without emotion (save exultation), without pity, without compassion. Just destroy.

Least Favorite: Well, it depends. For simple boredom, the Utwig of course. For simple frustration, the Dnyarri. I thought the Druuge were jerks, but the little guy... I don't think I've ever gotten so irritated at fictional character before. Tossing you two weeks out of your way each time you even look at him....grrr...

And, if you take the finished Ultron to Hayes, he'll tell you it's a Precursor device that amplifies the users' mental energies to allow them to effect subtle but helpful changes on the universe. (And that it's not useable by humans.)

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