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Topic: I could just puke! (Read 25018 times)
Dave Morse
Unfortunately the New Alliance of Free Stars seems to have fallen under the control of a monkey. However, it turns out the monkey's advisors are those pesky Dynarri. Too bad the alliance electorate had chosen this monkey because the previous leader's trivial consensual taboo-breaking. Probably 50,000 sentients will pay the ultimate price for having a "respectable" monkey-leader.
...Heaven help the world^H^H^H^H^Hgalaxy if this starts another circle of violence, ala the civil war on Palestine-IV.
However, the nicities of diplomacy aside, the "injustice" could not be visited on a shadier regime. Once they are conquored, I doubt the people of Iraq-VI will complain nearly as vehemently as the rest of the galaxy has.
Now if the New Alliance can just manage to resist the temptation to screw of the perpetually exploited Kurdorians. Doubt it but there's hope.
Kizor (randomstuffhere)
My first thought after reading the first paragraph in the topic was "Wow, Americans are even worse in Geography than I thought!"  Then of course I realized stuff.
Your insubordination is intolerable! You MUST obey our slave laws! Further disobedience will result in punitive measures against your homeworld.
We will not kill your entire crew only those responsible for decision making specifically YOU, Captain, and your officers.
Although you consider us the enemy, these conclusions are flawed. We are your salvation. We bring you peace a peace built upon OUR social framework imposed upon your planet a new world order in which your prosperity and security are assured by the Ur-Quan.
Cleansing is necessary to ensure our eternal freedom and security.
SNORT! Eat Flaming Death You Gravy Sucking Pig!
Dogar And Kazon Could Not Say It Better! We Will Engage In The Best Stress-Relieving Activity
Where you see America as the Ur-Quan, I see America as doing what should have been done to Hitler in 1933.
You could also see America as doing what Germany did to Poland in 1938. I guess it all depends on how you spin it...
But I figure that at this point, anything short of dragging Bush out of the White House and trying him for treason is navel-gazing. I'd prefer that there not be shooting going on, but if there's going to be, let's support the troops, and hope that most of them come home in one piece, and soon.
Dustin Fulford
So, wait are you saying the only thing Saddam did was violate the UN, dude are u insane?!?! are you saying he did nothing wrong with the U.S. torturing our soldiers and everything. god man rethink that.
Nunnaya damnbuisness
I am shocked and astounded that you people would have such a low view of our president and all you hippie celebrities whining about a war you'll never have a part in. If saddam was gonna bomb hollywood you artsy fartsy wierdos would be singin a diffiretnt tune if it was yalls life on the line you would love for other people to kill saddam for you you people make me sick
*Smell* controller
Posts: 253

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Saddam = evil, no question about that. But is he enough of a threat to justify attacking? No. Although attacking him would get rid of one enemy, it would create more terrorists, make our allies like us a lot less, and probably make a few new enemies. It is not our right to just destroy someone because they're evil. The Druuge are sickeningly evil, but would attacking them be justified?
Now this is not exactly the same thing because Saddam is power-hungry and wants conquest, but it is similar because Saddam's military isn't that strong (he does have some WMD, but not much of a real military). Some say Saddam has almost nothing that can harm, the government says he has tons, I think it's somewhere in between.
What I would do is wait until Saddam does something stupid, like attack a Middle East country again (you know he will eventually). Then we can go after him with international support. Give the guy enough rope and he'll eventually hang himself.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2003, 12:59:01 am by JWJ »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 253

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Well then, maybe it would be best just not to touch this topic on this board.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2003, 01:25:22 am by JWJ »
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