Topic: I could just puke! (Read 25042 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 9

Thraddash... meet Hellbore
Heh. You said "do do"... heh huh huh huh... that was cool... yeah. huh huh
Kizor, again
Why is Finland the Pkunk? We don't seem to have that many similarities really...
In this case, because our attitude towards the war is much the same as the Pkunks' attitude towards the Slave Revolt, or whatever it is.
Kizor, again
Seeing as we aren't fighting another war at the same time, against a foe that is about to make us pass from the physical plane by way of sacrifing us to their dark gods, I'd say we aren't quite. the Pkunk, for all their talk of peace and love and harmony, are fighting the Ilwrath. Finaland on the other hand isn't.
Also the Pkunk are peaceloving spiritual ebings. If you've ever been in a bar in Finalöand on a Saturday night, you'll see the same often cannot be said for us....
Yes, yes, yes, but my point here is that we tend to view George W. Bush as a moron, and Saddam Hussein as a bigger moron.
Frungy champion
Posts: 90

Submit or die.
Saddam Hussein is _NOT_ a moron. He has shown supervillain like intelligence in his planning his is a very bad man tho Bush = Well Meaning Moron
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 247

One Ring to rule them all, eh you know the rest.
Here's a couple of ideas that wanna-be president could do: 3rd: Learn about the world as a whole and not only "America first" (Dubya has been to ONE foreign country before he got president - and that was Mexico! Oohwee! Yehaw!)
Bush is the president of the United States, not the world. He should be focusing on "America first", that is his job.
4th: Follow the U.N. Charta and the Geneva Convention. Just because you're the U.S. doesn't mean that might makes right.
um, when have we not followed the geneva convention? It is Saddam who has/was trying to make biological/chemical weapons. As for the UN charter, the UN has increasingly become just like the League of Nations -- defunct. The only sort of global government that will work is a sort of "global EU" that has ACTUAL athourity.
5th: Spend more money on developing 3rd world countries. Right now 3 days of running your military (in times of peace) equals the amount of $$$ spent in a whole year for that.
take your own advice and "first remove the wooden beam from your own eye, that you may see clearly to remove the splinter from your brother's." Every country in the world has a military.
6th: Solve your own problems first before you want to change the world (unemployment, medical care, gun control, education etc.)... that splinter in your own eye thing!
The US has some of the best medical care in the world. I agree that our public education system needs some reform, but solving that doesn't necessarily mean we can't "change the world." In fact this contradicts your earlier point of "not America first". Also, who sez gun control is a problem? just look at Britain's crime rate! More laws that the bad people will break anyway aren't the answer.
7th: Don't re-elect that religious fanatic crusader - pick someone smart 
But, GM! Bush was picked with only the most complicated strategery! lol... seriously though think "lesser of two morons" and you'll understand why Bush was elected.
Oh God, please don't let me die today! Tomorrow would be SO much better!
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
um, when have we not followed the geneva convention?
Principally, the fighters of the Taliban and Al Qaeda that we captured in Afghanistan are considered by Bush not to be prisoners of war (which they really are). Since they are non-citizens to boot, he has avoided treating them according to the restrictions of the Geneva Conventions OR the constitutional protections.
Second, if we're going to pick nits that the Iraqis publicly humiliated our soldiers on TV (a violation of the Geneva Conventions, even in the absence of the TV), then we should be willing to admit that we publicly humiliated theirs too, by showing them, kneeling, hands-on head, with US soldiers standing over them with guns pointed at them, on international TV. That's very humiliating, and extremely public.
(Edit for grammar so bad it ceased to make sense)
« Last Edit: April 01, 2003, 09:24:49 pm by Death_999 »