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Author Topic: Best Melee Tactics  (Read 10589 times)
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Re: Best Melee Tactics
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2003, 03:36:33 am »

I HATE the Penetrator, man, it's unmanuverable, not quite fast enough, has the attacking power of a Shofixti Scout minus the Glory Device, and has a super lame 2nd attack.
I dont like the whole recruting idea.

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Re: Best Melee Tactics
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2003, 06:09:45 am »

I HATE the Penetrator, man, it's unmanuverable, not quite fast enough, has the attacking power of a Shofixti Scout minus the Glory Device, and has a super lame 2nd attack.
I dont like the whole recruting idea.

I would argue otherwise.  This ship is exactly the opposite of what you are claiming, in my mind...

The Penetrator has great acceleration a start-up speed ("0 to 60" if you will) that is bested only by the Skiff.  The front nose of the ship can spin like nothing else, easily allowing the ship to dodge incoming fire.  The primary device is only meant to finish off enemy ships.

The power of this ship is the super wicked 2nd attack.  A good Syreen pilot will finish the battle with more crew than she had to begin.  It is one of the most original ships.  I think it takes away the whole "armor-plated, perfectly armed" ship type which is all about firepower.  It's a perfect fit for the gypsy Syreen and their secondary attack is one of my favourite in the game.  Using both abilities in unison makes this ship one of the most enjoyable to pilot and battle in the entire game.

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Re: Best Melee Tactics
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2003, 06:22:13 am »

well, actually, I take that back, they are pretty fast off the mark, but as far as manuverability, are u sure? I may be a bit rusty, but I dont remember a super good manuvering system.

Now, as for the 2nd attack, I still dispise it.

sorry if this posted twice, i tried to delete my old one.

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Re: Best Melee Tactics
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2003, 10:22:20 pm »

1.Slylandro probe-I agree with Rock
2.hmm, probably dreadnought
3.orz or maurader
8.dreadnought or orz
9.umm, probably marauder.

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Re: Best Melee Tactics
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2003, 11:46:03 pm »

I used to hate the Penetrator too, but I really started to appreciate it after playing SC1. It could crush all of the Hierarchy ships except for the Ur-Quan themselves, and you can take them down as well if you happened to pick up the full 42 crew. In the "Beginner's Luck" mission, you get a single Syreen Penetrator against two Androsynth, a starbase and a colony. They build another ship if you don't move fast, but the mission is actually quite simple.

The only ship I liked better was the Yehat Terminator, because that thing just plain ruled against every ship in the game. The Chenjesu Broodhome doesn't seem so impressive after you get ripped apart by a single VUX, but it's the best thing to use against a Dreadnought.

The crappiest ship, in my opinion, is that stupid Mmrnmmhrm thingy. The only damaging tactic with it is to fly straight at the enemy in Y form to get momentum then switch to X and fire away. That's assuming they don't dodge you and you end up sailing past them harmlessly, which usually happens.
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Re: Best Melee Tactics
« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2003, 03:54:34 am »

One thing I haven't been able to find anywhere are some general strategies for melee. See, I suck at the combat part of SC2. Suck suck suck suck suck.

I'm HORRID at it. I can take on the Thraddash with a Chmmr and come away 1/3 damaged and missing a zapsat. I get worked over by the Mycon and VUX. I can't take down Dreadnoughts and Marauders without at least a 1:1 loss ratio. Put bluntly, I'm terrible. :-/

I know you can use the Precursor ship with a goodly number of Shiva Reactors and the Hellbore Cannon to take down most things, and I do use it (usually losing up to 20 crew per battle, however!), but you can't use that in melee and it seems cheap to use the battleship in the first place. I want to learn to actually USE the various ships in the game, and use them well.

I've picked up on various individual strategies, though I can't seem to actually DO most of them, but I'd like to know what your general melee piloting tricks and tips are. Nothing inherently specific to one ship (though I won't complain about it Grin ), just in general. How can I avoid people and still close in to attack? How can I strafe with ships that can strafe? When is the best time and orientation to deploy fighters, marines, use the Penetrator syreen song, employ the Chmmr tractor beam, launch VUX limpets, etc.? About the only specific tactic I've gotten to do consistently so far is to ram with the red Melnorme torpedo after firing off a confusion thing. It works, but I still suck.

To summarize: How do you get good? I can't even keep myself from hitting the planet, let alone beat a Marauder with the Supox.  Tongue
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Re: Best Melee Tactics
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2003, 05:02:15 am »

One general rule of thumb I follow in SC1 and SC2 melee is to always make the enemy follow you.  The velocity of your shots is not relative to your velocity, so if you're chasing someone, they have greater "range" than you do.  Often, there are ships that you can just leisurely sail backwards while the computer follows you, getting hit by multiple missiles, shells, or photon bursts.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2003, 05:02:44 am by Culture20 » Logged
Captain Smith

Re: Best Melee Tactics
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2003, 05:37:43 am »

Nakar: There's some melee trainer matches I posted in another thread - if you can find them it would give you a great start in getting some practice at getting good.  Basically you set up all one kind against all of another kind and practice until you can win one sided like.

If it helps, here's the first 3 I can think of I'd suggest.  In that trainer post, I posted some VERY hard skill matches, but these 3 should start you off to getting good.  Basically the idea with these matches is that they get very easy if you get good with your piloting skills and control.

1) Arilou (you) vs. Mycon.
2) Zot-Foq-Pik (you) vs. Mycon.
3) Zot-Foq-Pik (you) vs. Kohr-Ah.

Basically too it helps to push yourself on terms of skill before it becomes a challenge.  

Right now when I play melee I use a mixture of either SC1 or SC2 ships.  I play against two groups I made up called "Best of the Best" and "Very Best Of All" and usually end up fighting at a 80-150 pt deficit and winning about 80% of the time.  But then again I've played this game non-stop since the beginning.  Sometimes for grins though I play another group I set up called "Best of the Rest", which is basically all the ships that aren't in the "Best of the Best" group.  What are these things?

Best of the Best - Basically all the ships in point order from very best down until I couldn't fill up the team with any more.  Chmmr, Kohr-Ah, Ur-Quan, Chenjesu, Yehat, Utwig, Mycon, Orz, Pkunk, Mmrnmhrm, Spathi, Slylandro, Melnorme, Druuge. (316-227)

Very Best of the Best - First 7 of the following list repeated twice. (usually 368-227)

Best of the Rest - All the ships that didn't show up in the first group - Earthling, Arilou, and Androsynth repeated twice to fill up the team.

As far as the precursor ship goes, you can build it up very easy to kick around all the races (Yehat & Utwig excluded) with very little skill or effort...

Hope this helps, and try those first three matchups until you win'll get good.
Captain Smith

Re: Best Melee Tactics
« Reply #23 on: March 30, 2003, 05:41:10 am »

An additional thing on the Arilou Mycon training match I mentioned....get so you can beat the Mycon both ways - without firing a shot and firing...

Re: Best Melee Tactics
« Reply #24 on: March 30, 2003, 10:49:01 am »

ZoqFotPik vs. Kohr-Ah? Are you nuts? Wait a sec, let me try that...

Update: Yeah, it's possible to win ZoqFotPik vs Kohr-Ah. I just did, but it took me more tries than I care to remember. Do NOT attempt this match if you're bad at melee.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2003, 11:43:29 am by Shiver » Logged
Captain Smith

Re: Best Melee Tactics
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2003, 12:26:41 pm »

Yeah it is's a match to get good at, shouldn't do anything in a real melee match unless you're good...basically it involves dodging the blades and then whipping back around in between shots and popping him with the tongue and letting the momentum carry you backwards away and then you continue dodging the blades until Kohr-Ah gets moving forward again....repeat 4 times Kohr-Ah dies....

Takes a lot of timing to pull off, even against the computer.  Sometimes I get very frustrated hearing that "Blah" sound when I whip around...sometimes it's very hard for me, but other days it just happens so easy....

Like I said it's a trainer match - something to get you better....

Actually I'm up to winning about 80% now on this match....

The one I'm like you now on Shiver is VUX (me) versus Kohr-Ah.  I'm figuring out how to win that one some of the time now...wonder how long it'll take for me to get good enough on it...the first time I did it it was like "Woah!"...

Moral of the story is to never give up on any battle, you might find a way to win that you can practice and get - I always try with any ship I end up with (except maybe Umgah or Spathi vs. Spathi or some other battle that's boring to win).
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Re: Best Melee Tactics
« Reply #26 on: March 30, 2003, 01:34:08 pm »

Side Q: What the heck do I change in keys.cfg to get the keys configured the way I want them? I want "z" to be the primary and "x" to be the secondary attack, perhaps also using "z" to confirm, "x" to cancel, etc. But I can't seem to figure it out from the keys.cfg file; when I change things around "z" only confirms menu selections and thrusts in melee(?), and I still have to hit space to primary-fire ("x" works, though I can't cancel with it).

I think this will improve my success rate a lot. The default controls are sort of tricky.
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Re: Best Melee Tactics
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2003, 11:04:11 pm »

One thing I haven't been able to find anywhere are some general strategies for melee.
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Re: Best Melee Tactics
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2003, 06:37:16 am »

In the "Beginner's Luck" mission, you get a single Syreen Penetrator against two Androsynth, a starbase and a colony. They build another ship if you don't move fast, but the mission is actually quite simple.


Am I missing something?


Re: Best Melee Tactics
« Reply #29 on: April 01, 2003, 06:54:38 am »

Am I missing something?

As the post said, it's SC1. If you want to play it, you can via Genesis ROM. But you aren't missing a whole lot. Not to say that SC1 isn't fun, it's just that the melee doesn't run so well on the Genesis and SC2 is better.

If you were refering to beating two Androsynth without much effort, then you should try flying a Syreen vs. Androsynth in melee. Just remember that singing does all the damage; the front gun is only to finish him off. If he charges at you, your best bet is to point right at him and hold down both weapons at once.

Update: If you still have doubts after the match about the Syreen Penetrator, try playing as an Androsynth against one. She's very good at dodging the blaze attack.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2003, 07:03:51 am by Shiver » Logged
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