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Topic: Best Melee Tactics (Read 10605 times)
ok, this is crunch time. Your best ships vs my best ships. Keep in mind this is the only game i play for hours and hours a day. What would you play against my best-in order of my skill, 1 the best 10 the worst
1.Androsynth Blazer 2.Orz Nemesis 3.Chmmr Avatar 4.Arilou Skiff 5.Ur-Quan Dreadnought 6.Yehat Terminator 7.Druuge Molar 8.Utwig Jugger 9.Supox Blade 10.Kohr-Ah Marauder
Keep in mind, if you try any chmmr BS it will not work. -Dagger- Winner of the South Ohio Regional SC melee contest>yea, there is one.
Zebranky food

Posts: 26

Penguin army Commander
I see some Chmmr bs on your list.
Anyhow, in the following order to defeat your team.
1. Marauder 2. Marauder (the same as #1) 3. Chenjesu Broodhome or a combo of the Broodhome with what's left of the Marauder 4. Avatar or Fury 5. Avatar, Terminator, Broodhome, Marauder, Jugger 6. Ilwrath Avenger 7. Supox Blade, Fury, Skiff, or whatever the hell the Umgah call their ship 8. Another Jugger, Fury, Avenger 9. Fury or Earthling Cruiser 10. Anything but Avatar
*Smell* controller
Posts: 253

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
1. Shofixti and finish you off with something else, Dreadnought, maybe Ilwrath 2. Androsynth 3. Androsynth 4. Pkunk, shofixti, cruiser, or Chmmr (if you used one I can too) 5. Jugger, Terminator, or Spathi 6. Vux or Melnorme 7. Cruiser, Fury, Skiff, or ZFP 8. Vux, Androsynth, Chenjesu, or Orz 9. Arilou or Pkunk 10. Chenjesu, Ur-quan, or Spathi
Captain Smith
I think he's saying he can kick Chmmr ass...maybe...or is it another word besides kick? lol
1. Make like the French and surrender. 2. PKUNK! 3-10. N/A, as I have surrendered.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Rock, you make some strange choices 2: you would put an AVATAR against an Orz? The orz can stay out of range and pelt the nemesis to death -- the howitzer shells are tough enough to take a zap or two.
8: you would send a Kohr-Ah against a Jugger? I am curious as to your choice of tactics in this battle.
9: supox is the best thing against supox?
Ok main reasons for Avatar 1)Yes, but have you heard of the weave method, as my friend calls it? Orz may be able to pelt you from a distance, if you play it the wrong way. This seems to work for me.
a.first, find the nearest asteroid and follow it for a while, be sure to have the Orz in the gravity lock.
b.then, once you have the asteroids path for a while, reverse direction and try as hard as you can to keep the dumb ship in a straight line.
c. If the timing is right, you have to be goin at the right angle, speed, all that, the asteroid will hit you hard, must be a bug or something, but you GO FLYING.
d.If you had the Orz on the gravity lock the whole time it should be pretty close to direstly behind you. When you bounce back, turn the laser on, and fire away. It should be able to knock out the Orz in one try, but if it doesnt fully kill him, try again.
THIS WAY TOOK ME FOREVER TO LEARN- sometimes if the Orz is about to spin out of control, you have to ease up on the gravity lock, then put it back on.
Sorry, I meant Ur-Quan Dreadnought, for obvious reasons.
As for the Supox, i've been training on Shiver's Supox method or whtever, and i've gotten pretty good. If this guy as as good as he says with a Supox, then he will surely pull a ton of Supox BS.Unless you want to chase around a Supox with a Dreadnought, Marauder or....(shudder) an Avatar, I would suggest using a Supox or another fast ship. Supox are pretty Damn fast once they get moving.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I'd still rather send in a Chenjesu against the Utwig. Barring unfortunate warp-in situations, this is one-sided.
So, pretty much, what you're saying is that the Supox is the best ship in the game?
...Shiver's supox method...
I'm flattered that someone would think of me as the first person to master this vessel, but I've heard a few mention before how great the Blade can be months before I ever tried it.
Anyway, Rock is saying that there's no hard counter to the Supox vessel which isn't much of a stretch due to how it performs reasonably well against everything. But I can name one ship off the top of my head that completely rapes Supox: the Androsynth Guardian.
I just remembered another Supox killer: the Slylandro Probe.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2003, 10:13:32 am by Shiver »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 253

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Pkunk Fury and Arilou Skiff both do good too, and also the Shofixti (which can kill or badly damage almost anything when well-flown).
« Last Edit: March 23, 2003, 03:13:41 am by JWJ »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 253

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I suck with the Supox. I have never gotten good with it and probably never will. In fact, I'd rather have a Shofixti on my team than a Supox any day. I'm sure some people can fly the Blade really effectively, but I can't.
Slylandro I don't like that much either, although I'm not as bad at flying it as the Supox.
Lots of people say the Vux sucks, but I think it's underrated. It's not an awesome killer, but it's really not that bad. And it's fun to fly.
You know what I find interesting? In all the best/worst ship polls, the Syreen is the only one that is never mentioned.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2003, 11:48:23 pm by JWJ »
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