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Topic: The UQM MegaMod - Now on MacOS X! (Read 25978 times)
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
What is the feature list? I see a list that doesn't look comprehensive on the download page.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208
Thank-you so much for all your hard work! Right now you are the only active version of UQM-HD available
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208
I really mean it. It is a crime to have all that hard work that went into uqm-hd to be so close to completion but never quite had a polished end product. You are doing the lords work! Great job fixing the precursor hd music with the HD cut scene slides. That was always an issue before. I remember reporting it, but it never really got a nice fix that worked with the original 3do music. And now movies work too as well!
One minor thing. Could you include the hi res spin slides? I don't believe they were ever included in an official release of uqm-hd but one of the spinoff attempts managed to put them in. I took the liberty of extracting them for you. It looks like all you have to do is to drop them into their respective packs.
Another thing, I have no idea if you can fix it, but have you seen the strange orbit lines that look like an A as you approach earth? It's in the 4x graphics package. It started happening with one of the spin off projects. Not sure why it does it, but it is a bit of a bug bear. It looks like it's drawn in with MS paint...which is really strange....
« Last Edit: March 02, 2017, 06:22:28 pm by darklord42 »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208
also sent you a pm
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208
Out of curiosity, how much of Matthew Bentley's UQMHD-Remix changes wound up in your version? I know you mentioned a few on your site, but looking at the remix's moddb page, the list was a little longer.
Not that I feel you necessarily should have every one he did, just curious.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208
Absolutely, you definitely want to draw the line somewhere, or you will be at this for the rest of your natural and/or unnatural life....
I was thinking more on the lines of cherry picking some things that are relativly simple to implement.
* Corrections to various new Utwig voiceovers to match original script * Resampled all new utwig voiceovers down to 11khz to match tone of all other original voiceovers
Going to his 3dovoices file, trying them out, and if you like them replace his utwig voices folder with yours. Especially since Utwig voice was a new creation for UQM-HD, his changes probably are better.
Maybe his re-balanced Shofixti voices, but really not much else that I can see. Unless you want more.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 03:49:02 pm by darklord42 »
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