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Author Topic: The UQM MegaMod - Now on MacOS X!  (Read 26043 times)
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Re: The UQM MegaMod - Now on MacOS X!
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2017, 04:19:09 pm »

I think I may already have the Utwig voices. I know they're different. Nope, not the downsampled ones.

If I do add the HD ship info it'll be as a separate addon package. I know that may be a pain in the arse for OS X users but it saves the user from having to download a 130 or 348 MB file again.
Same with voiceovers, if I decide to include them for download. When I get a new build up I'll have everything separated, UQM HD will be just like Classic in that it will only have the base
content file and users will be able to download what they want at their leisure. Just seems easier that way.

The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213.

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Re: The UQM MegaMod - Now on MacOS X!
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2017, 04:48:22 pm »

Creating a Remix.uqm file isn't a bad idea.  Only how do you ensure that it is loaded after everything else so it replaces the necessary files?  Is it loaded in alphabetical order?
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Re: The UQM MegaMod - Now on MacOS X!
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2017, 06:15:00 pm »

You would have to do it via the commandline option, "--addon *addon name here*".

I'm sure there might be a way to make it load automagically via the code, but again, content management is something I want to steer very clear away from.

EDIT: I just looked at the code and implementing an autoload looks relatively simple.

What else from the remix content is there besides the updated Ship Info?
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 06:20:00 pm by Kohr-Ah Death » Logged

The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213.

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Re: The UQM MegaMod - Now on MacOS X!
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2017, 08:21:12 pm »

Just going by his change log he says:

* Edited syreen voiceover to remove annoying narrator voice.
* Removed utwig credits voiceover (as none of the other races have voiceovers for this section, it feels wrong)
* Correction to setup menu for 320x240 (would not allow alternative scalers previously)
* Update to credits
* Corrections to various new Utwig voiceovers to match original script
* Resampled all new utwig voiceovers down to 11khz to match tone of all other original voiceovers
* Correction to fluctuating volume levels between dialog lines for shofixti
* Subtitle formatting consistency updates to thraddash, slylandro, talking pet, utwig, safe ones
* Toned down the nebulae significantly - they were interfering with gameplay mechanics, and in my opinion, the atmosphere of the game. Also added five new nebulae variants.

I don't know if you want/need everything. but I'm sure you may want to take a look.  And some like the setup menu may have a code portion to it too...
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 08:23:28 pm by darklord42 » Logged
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Re: The UQM MegaMod - Now on MacOS X!
« Reply #19 on: March 03, 2017, 08:40:42 pm »

Yeah, I don't like fooling with the setup menu.

Every time I have in the past I've completely broken it.

The voice stuff can be easily implemented, I've already added in the necessary code to load the remix pack, if it exists, alongside the HD pack.
At the moment I've having trouble with the HD ship info slides. As far as I can tell there is zero mention of the slides in the RMP file except for the 3DO video RMP.

Okay, so the ship info is going to be a big headache because the files that call them up are in the base content directory. Which is bullcrap.
Nevermind, figured it out... Ugh. Why the HD authors did this weird runaround is beyond my comprehension.


The plan is, in regards to the HD-only content: Create separate packages for each individual change that the user can simply drop into the addons folder and the code will load it automagically.
Though as an weird bug, the 3DO videos force themselves onto you whether you select the option or not. Maybe that's just me though.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 09:12:59 pm by Kohr-Ah Death » Logged

The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213.

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Re: The UQM MegaMod - Now on MacOS X!
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2017, 09:30:53 pm »

Setup menu has been the bane of many.  Don't worry about it.

I'm surprised the ship info slides were so much trouble.  Normally to get them working, I just removed the hold hires#x/cutscene/slides folder and dropped that one in within the hires texture addons.  

Personally I'm not a fan of too many dropins as I feel it is ugly, and I question if people are going to really prefer that much choice.  But, if it works, whatever.

That 3DOvidieo bug has me concerned, hope you get to the bottom of it.  I wonder if you are accidentally forcing to load the movie file when it shouldn't. Or maybe it's working but you are forgetting switching movies on and off does require a restart?

What do you think about the nebula textures?
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 09:37:53 pm by darklord42 » Logged
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Re: The UQM MegaMod - Now on MacOS X!
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2017, 10:00:57 pm »

It worked for you because the file that loads the ship spins is in
The HD devs simply edited it to point to the addons directory which is asinine.

As for too many options, there will be an option for everything rolled up into one .uqm file.
I wanted to separate the entities up a bit to make it more modular.

I don't particularly like the new Utwig voices, my nostalgia for the whiny Utwig brings me out of it.
I'm simply thinking that if I don't like the new voices, chances are someone else will feel the same.
And I don't want to leave that person having to go without some of the new content because of the voices.

As for the rest of the voice fixes, I will include them as their own entities as well. Except for the Syreen, that one seems like it was done for the sake of it.

The nebulae will not be done I think. I did part of the code. It all depends on how the game reacts if the nebula files aren't there.
I don't want any of the content files to be a necessity.

I know I'm being weird about the content but I want the game to just work with only the base content first and the addon content last.


Also, yeah, I forgot to restart the game after I switched the videos off.


Okay, I have as much content as I am willing to handle for the moment.
The options will be fixed Utwig dialogue, fixed Shofixti dialogue, various subtitling and timing fixes, and the HD spins.
With the option to have all of it rolled up into one.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 01:03:39 am by Kohr-Ah Death » Logged

The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213.

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Re: The UQM MegaMod - Now on MacOS X!
« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2017, 01:38:35 am »

Well the idea behind REMIX was to fill in holes and issues left behind by the UQMHD team when they disappeared. So they were suppose to be necessary changes if you use HD. Some like the 11k sampled utwig voices and the spins I think are a must. if you use UQMHD,  (Maybe the nebula, I do remember it being a little bright at times but still playable).

Still, as long as the option is there, I'm not going to complain.   Wink  Your system sounds just fine, and I'm sure you want to move on to other goals.

I agree with the Syreen though.  leave it as is.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 01:41:06 am by darklord42 » Logged
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Re: The UQM MegaMod - Now on MacOS X!
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2017, 01:47:45 am »

The problem with adding in more nebulae is that it would make the nebula package necessary for the game to even run.
At least, I think. I'll increase the number to 22 like in HDR and see what happens when I don't have the content to back it up.

The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213.

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Re: The UQM MegaMod - Now on MacOS X!
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2017, 03:05:24 am »

I see, certainly worth a shot!
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Re: The UQM MegaMod - Now on MacOS X!
« Reply #25 on: March 04, 2017, 03:50:20 am »

Seems to work fine, but then again I only checked the systems around Sol.

I'll add the nebulae to the HD spins for now.

Eek, just ran into a problem. Can't have the 1x, 2x, and 4x nebulae in the same folder structure like I can with the spins.
I may have to think outside the box on this one.


Did some ugly content checks and a 2x / 4x category for loading the nebulae.ani

I found out that the 4x nebulae from HD remix were out of whack. Out of order or something, I couldn't really tell without looking
at a side by side comparison of the thumbnails between 2x and 4x with the gamma on my monitor at maximum.

It was immediately noticeable in-game where the Sol system had a blue nebula in 4x but it had a yellow nebula in 2x and 1x.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 05:23:16 am by Kohr-Ah Death » Logged

The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213.

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Re: The UQM MegaMod - Now on MacOS X!
« Reply #26 on: March 04, 2017, 05:28:33 am »

Interesting!  Good find, thanks for looking into it!
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Re: The UQM MegaMod - Now on MacOS X!
« Reply #27 on: March 04, 2017, 05:48:33 am »

Oddly enough, disregarding the HD-Remix content, the nebula for Sol is purple/blue after correcting the actual nebulae count in the code. And it is blue in original HD without correcting the nebulae count.

Maybe Matt tried to correct it for 4x but wasn't able to get around to 2x and 1x.

As an aside, I love how perfectly aligned that sentence was to have, "for 4" and, "to 2".


Another interesting side note, the base (non-HD) content for the Vux has the 4x initial comm screen.

Kind of a pain in the ass since I didn't want to edit the base content. I may just add it in to the spins and nebulae package.


I just made a separate package for it and modified the code to autoload it if on low resolution.

Also added autoload support for Soul Reaver's Melnorme dialog package.

Going to bed, I'll start work on porting some more of the remix code over tomorrow.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 07:20:28 am by Kohr-Ah Death » Logged

The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213.

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Re: The UQM MegaMod - Now on MacOS X!
« Reply #28 on: March 04, 2017, 02:50:36 pm »

Great job man!  Sounds like you are getting a good handle on all the madness. 

Thanks for adding in Soul Reaver's Malnorme package.  I for one like the original voice, but the added lines are too good to pass up.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 02:52:22 pm by darklord42 » Logged
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Re: The UQM MegaMod - Now on MacOS X!
« Reply #29 on: March 04, 2017, 07:47:29 pm »

Added a ton of small fixes from Matt's code and three major fixes.

  • resolution fix for 16:10 and 5:4 monitors
  • 1x, 2x, and 4x, animation timing for Yehat Rebels
  • fix to the Starbase convo so you can ask about the Ur-Quan

Almost everything went in except the fix to build on VS 2013, animated Quasispace portals, crew dots, and ion trails.
The animated QS portals, crew dots, and ion trails are a sizable chunk of code that I can't subvert with a content check
like I did with the nebulae, spins, and Vux fix.

The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213.

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