Topic: The UQM MegaMod - Now on MacOS X! (Read 25992 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208
Regarding the animations, i had no idea MB added those. They may already be in UQMHD. Do you know which commit he put them in? I can't seem to find it.
Or were these added by the UQMHD team but never made it into a release?
I see commits 1c1fd0 and c94bb8 made by Jaakko Markus Seppala made at 2014-10-26/28. Are these where this is from?
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 08:50:43 pm by darklord42 »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208
Sounds like a good plan, see you in a few days
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208
Awesome! Can't wait!
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208
Separate packages is fine. I'm sure it will all be organized in a straight forward way on the site, which is what really matters.
Yeah, I built an AMD hackentosh from spare parts from my brother's computer. I really wouldn't bother dual booting it. It's a minor miracle just to get it to work as is. I have 10.11.6 installed on it. I can't bring myself to go through again with the process to install 10.12 on it... At least not without buying a second hard drive and installing it on that. I really don't want to trash what I already have.
For me AMD hacks causes extra issues installing XCode, for whatever reason. I'm sure it can be solved, but I never find time to look at it, and my old macbook pro is enough for my needs.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2017, 05:03:15 am by darklord42 »
Posts: 1374

Separate packages is fine. I'm sure it will all be organized in a straight forward way on the site, which is what really matters.
Yeah, I built an AMD hackentosh from spare parts from my brother's computer. I really wouldn't bother dual booting it. It's a minor miracle just to get it to work as is. I have 10.11.6 installed on it. I can't bring myself to go through again with the process to install 10.12 on it... At least not without buying a second hard drive and installing it on that. I really don't want to trash what I already have.
For me AMD hacks causes extra issues installing XCode, for whatever reason. I'm sure it can be solved, but I never find time to look at it, and my old macbook pro is enough for my needs.
All the content files are up on the downloads page if you want to take a look:
None of the download links for the current binary release will work, they're pointed at the names of what the next release will be.
As for the Hackintosh, my thing was how many options I would have to change in the BIOS just to multi-boot. I would either have to reinstall Windows with those changed options or fiddle with the BIOS every time I want to boot into a different OS.
I have an Intel i5 so technically it would have no problem running OS X, but for UQM I would have to partition one hard drive so I can boot 10.8.5 or 10.12 on the same drive. Unless I could get 10.8.5 Xcode to install on 10.12, since 10.8.5 is the last version that has no ugly quirks with clang and gcc. As far as I know. I've seen only a few people trying to build on 10.9+.
Ugh, the voiceover for the ship info won't work on Classic on Mac Which is the exact opposite problem for HD where the voiceover works but the background wind noise doesn't.
I'm just an idiot. On Classic the default volume setting is 0.
Also, should I make a new thread for another release? Seems wrong because this is already the top post. Wish I could edit the first post with new links.
Everything is setup and a new release has been made
Grab it either at the Sourceforge mother-site or the Github daughter-site.
Head to the Features page of either site for a full list of changes.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2017, 11:14:53 am by Kohr-Ah Death »
The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213. Get your MegaMod HERE
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208
Awesome! Great work! I'm in the process of downloading everything now.
A few thoughts already though:
-The UQM-HD (No Addons) Currently does not include the base addons of 3dovoice or 3domusic, should these be added to optional section?
-Do you think you could add a link to the precursor remix music in your optional section?
-Regarding SoulReaver's Malnorme addon, can I download the addon file and re-label the .zip folder to .uqm to have it work? Or do have to make sure there isn't a second level of directory inside the .zip folder?
I'm surprised you can't modify the first post. I can modify any post I made in this thread... I promise I won't be mad if you make a second thread, but I'm not a moderator.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2017, 04:27:08 pm by darklord42 »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208
Excellent! 7zip is not a bad idea! I'll keep it in mind for another project.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208
I'm sure at this point you want to take a large break,
I just wanted to post this for the record. For the 4x hi res package here is an image of the odd orbit lines I get. I was hoping the nebula fix would have fixed it, but alas no. It does happen in other systems other then sol, and happens as you zoom in closer to the star. No idea what causes it yet.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208
I think you are right, It's the outer planet orbits...
I'm using OSX 10.11.6 it happens on both my Hackentosh and Macbook Pro 2010 with the same OS. Could be an OpenGL issue...but I tried both your flags and had same result. (--nogl did affect the monitor scaling)
It only happens on 4x and I don't use any special flags
And I have the following packages
MelnormeVoiceFixAddon.uqm rmx-nebulae.uqm rmx-shofixti.uqm rmx-spins.uqm rmx-subtitle.uqm rmx-utwig.uqm uqm-0.7.0-3dovideo.uqm uqm-0.7.0-prv-3domusic.uqm uqm-0.7.0-prv-3dovoice.uqm uqm-0.7.0-hires2x.uqm uqm-0.7.0-hires4x.uqm uqm-remix-disc1.uqm uqm-remix-disc2.uqm uqm-remix-disc3.uqm uqm-remix-disc4.uqm vux-fix-1x.uqm
Although I have tried it with just the uqm-0.7.0-hires4x.uqm file, and same thing.