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Topic: quick question about umgah. (Read 4580 times)
I'm not entirely sure if these two bits of dialogue are from the Umgah patrol groups or their homeworld, but they're a good read in any case, and I'm positive that they're after you take the Dnyarri.
Well pop my pupae! It human Earthling again! It just doesn't learn, does it? To Arms! To Arms!... wait a minute! Don't HAVE any arms! AIEE!! MY ARMS!! WHO HAS STOLEN MY ARMS!!! AIEEE!! ARM THIEF!!! Har! Har! Har!... Never HAD any arms! Har! Har! Har!
Look, we all decided that our treating you this way and by that mean, attacking you without mercy all time well, we decided that it just plain unfair. REALLY, after all things you've done for our people! So we decided to make you our honorary KING! Congratulations! Braankk!! What that sound, officer Flubbo? It was? You sure? King-Killing Horn? Har! Har! Har! What a sad coincidence, eh, Captain King?
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I hope they have a psychically mediated collective consciousness, or else I can't see why those captains would fail to foresee the fatal consequences of their actions. Joking is one thing; killing yourself for the funny aspect of being shot at for a few seconds is quite another.
What's funnier about their intent to use the Pet to order the Spathi to attack the VUX? The idea of ordering the cowardly race to attack the relatively vicious race or the idea of said cowardly race slaughtering said vicious race by the millions with negligible casualties.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 179

does whatever a spider can
I think he was referring to the Spathi slave shield/battle thrall selection incident, anyway.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2003, 07:35:11 pm by Scott »
I doubt the Spathi would be able to exterminate the VUX. If you're pretty good at melee, you can beat a Spathi Eluder with an Intruder. Plus, Admiral ZEX (assuming he's still alive) would think up a brilliant strategy similar to an Umgah prank that involves scaring the Spathi so badly that the entire Spathi race packs their bags and flys away from the quadrant because they won't fight the VUX and sure as hell don't wanna stick around after disobeying the Ur-Quan.
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