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Topic: Saving the Pkunk (Read 7989 times)
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Well, I don't dislike them enough to want them dead (I did try to prevent them from going to the Yehat as well). I just find them quite annoying. Especially now that htye have voices. In the old days, I just found them mildly annoying, but with their new voices, well, they get on my nerves a LOT. However, I have accepted that as the leader of my great alliance, I cannot, and mustn't let personal feelings stand in the way of inter-species cooperation.
That said, when the war is over, and I get to resign, I will never ever ever visit the Pkunk again. If it can be arranged, I won't even see a picture of one.
also, you have to send the ilwrath away to get to procyon (or at least I thought so).
What's up doc?
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I agree with Primat - the Pkunk are KEEYOOT! /me slaps a "Save the Pkunk" bumper sticker on his marauder. <- you can see why he's the bottom of the hierarchy
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