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The Ancient One

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Re: The Great War
« Reply #30 on: April 23, 2003, 09:24:10 pm »

True, but then again, I doubt there were as many chinese ships as there are Quans. Also, a large squad of Quans should really have very little trouble taking out your ship, assuming they can work in groups. You aren't really that much better than they are. They could proably organize the battle a bit better than the chinese as well, due to better communication equipment.

It'd be interesting, if one could set up the TW engine to include a mothership of ones likning, and battle 4 or so Quans at the same time, with new ones warping in all the time. As a side note, I used to play this with two "Alliance" teams, one Thrall team fighting with one Kzer-a team and one Kohr-Ah team all on it's own. Even a just a Kzer-Za and a Kohr-Ah bearing down at your ship at the same time makes for a hairy situation. Of course, you didn't have a mothership in that...

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Re: The Great War
« Reply #31 on: April 24, 2003, 12:58:37 am »

That has *got* to be quite painful.
Especially if they know how to act in concert with any degree of efficiency...

Launch fighters, launch fighters, launch fighters... line up minefield of blades on other end.... either you run through the fighters or you face double side swipe of fried... coupled with a barrage of ion bolt blasting..

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Re: The Great War
« Reply #32 on: April 24, 2003, 02:53:03 am »

That'd be the ultimate wear of attrition. Enough Kzer-Za to launch SO many fighters that your batteries can't keep up for the PDL, and you get shot to bits. Ouch. Or surround you in a sea of shurikens. Or sphere.

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Re: The Great War
« Reply #33 on: April 24, 2003, 03:05:18 am » not trifle with the Ur-Quan, filth.

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Re: The Great War
« Reply #34 on: April 24, 2003, 03:25:00 am »

I agree. Those bugs are serious about what they do. And good at it.

Returning to the topic I have to say that there is no wodner the humans fighting role wasn't the largest, no matter that they surely helped production greatly, and bolstered the Alliance fleet. I mean just look at the Dreadnought. I don't care how many people can take it out with an Arilou or a Shofixti around ehre, in an actual fleet combat situation they would simply have ripped us all to pieces. I doubt even the Chenjesu could have stood against that menace for long. They were able to halt them for a while, yes. but in the long run? even without the Sa-Matra the Kzer-Za would've flattened us.

And of course, against the Kohr-Ah I doubt we'd have even managed to slow them down.

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Re: The Great War
« Reply #35 on: April 24, 2003, 03:27:55 am »

True, the Star Control history always read as if Humans were a 'pity' member.

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Re: The Great War
« Reply #36 on: April 24, 2003, 03:32:51 am »

It is kind of a fresh take though. It's nice not to have humanity be the saviour of everyone else. Well... excpet for in SC2, but I always imagined thta my captain was an Umgah in disguise... Judging form my comments during conversations with potential allies, he must've been.

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Re: The Great War
« Reply #37 on: April 24, 2003, 08:30:51 pm »

Well, the human role was based on precursor tech, not human tech...

I believe that cruisers would be even more dangerous en masse than dreadnoughts are. How many starbucks for a cruiser? 10. How many starbucks for a dreadnought? 30. Three cruisers at once against a dreadnought is a one-sided fight.

Of course, the Quan fleets have already been built, which reverses the numerical advantage.
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Re: The Great War
« Reply #38 on: April 25, 2003, 02:35:27 am »

You get the illusion that if three Earthling Cruisers were to stumble upon a Dreanought, there would quickly be some backup for the 'Quan.  Not only would the Cruiser's bad speed keep their ships in easy striking range of the ion cannon, but it would be easy for ships to either surround or flank the old bucket of bolts.  I don't know whether or not the Cruisers would move in big fleets to support themselves, but their speed and tactical disadvantages more than make them easy prey for the 'Quan to munch on.

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Re: The Great War
« Reply #39 on: April 25, 2003, 03:09:13 am »

I shudder to think what almost a hundred fighters swarming  several Earthling cruisers would be like...

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Re: The Great War
« Reply #40 on: April 25, 2003, 03:11:51 am »

heh, if they were all closing in simultaneously, then a single press of the special would zap them all at once. Wow. that would be alot of PDL beams... Smiley

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Re: The Great War
« Reply #41 on: April 25, 2003, 03:15:24 am »

I think It'd kinda short out the battery.... When you'r out of juice, your out of juice, as we usde to say back in the old days...

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Re: The Great War
« Reply #42 on: April 25, 2003, 03:33:36 am »

So that's what the Orz meant by squeezing the juice.... not enough PD laser to wipe out Orz Marines...

And yes, you might catch two or three....but what about the other 97...

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Re: The Great War
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2003, 03:39:07 am »



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Re: The Great War
« Reply #44 on: April 26, 2003, 01:24:54 am »

Look -- talking about reinforcements is outside the question. I said that three cruisers against a Dreadnought. Now, if you want to have reinforcements for the Dreadnought, then consider the possibility that the cruisers would have reinforcements as well.

Also, remember that Dreadnaughts are intended to go and conquer planets on their own. Very independent. Not much in the way of reinforcement, eh?

Also, that "cruiser's low speed" argument doesn't accomplish much -- one Dreadnought can't chase three cruisers successfully, because they can split up. It takes a considerable time for a cruiser to be caught by a dreadnaught, and in the mean time the others can be scattering a bit (staying in MX missile range). Suppose the dreadnaught survives long enough to nail the first cruiser (likely). Then while it's chasing down the second one, the third one (which hasn't even been bothered this whole time) is able to finish it off. One cruiser cancelling with a Dreadnaught is serious.

As for the massive numbers of fighters problem, I have to stick with the cruiser there, so long as the any-number-of-targets rule holds true. Have a cruiser sit in front and keep down the point defense. It will kill far far more than 18 fighters before it's eaten alive. More, if it when it has been damaged, it can retreat behind another cruiser and become a part of the bombardment team.
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