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Topic: Black holes orbiting each other (Read 1214 times)
Posts: 941

Apparently they have found 2 super massive black holes orbiting each other, only 24 light years apart.
Since the event horizon for one of the black holes will be larger facing away from the other black holes, while it will be shorter pointing towards the other black hole. Do you think it could be possible to enter the event horizon of one black hole where it is largest, and then escape on the other side, where it is shortest?
Something like this:
« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 09:39:55 am by Zanthius »
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
"only 24 light years apart"........ In galactical terms, that's nothing, but physically that's still a very large distance.
The event horizons are purely based on "the point of no return and no escape", and can therefore not be "larger" or "smaller". The horizon is "closer" or "further away" from the centre of the black hole, depending on gravitational forces. Since the "neighbouring" black hole is attracting you towards itself on the side between the two holes, thus helping you "escape", the event horizons might be closer to the centres of the black holes when facing the other black hole. But I do not think so. The event-horizon will be assymetrical from the viewpoint of something trying to escape when coming from the centre of the "black hole", but will look different for something "skimming" the borders of the star. The event horizon is therefore also depending on your initial vector, your mass, your speed, ... As long as you can escape again, you have not passed the point of no return, and therefore not passed the event horizon.
Anyway, to your questions: with our technology, no. But since their event horizons do not overlap, whith the correct technology, still no. Once beyond the event horizon, there's no way back, that's part of the definition of "event horizon", otherwise we would be able to observe what happens beyond the event horizon. If something on a curve like you show would be able to get out again, then the event hoizon is closer than you previously estimated, and that particle, staship or probe has not passed the event horizon. There's no way out, without undergoing the transformation all matter has to undergo when within the event horizon of a black hole. (At least not within the known physic realities we know now.)
But by now we know that this whole notion of "black holes" is very... unaccurate. There's plenty of mass and energy escaping the "black holes", just not in a form or direction we would expect it using our Keplerian understanding of solar systems (black holes emit their energies and the mass from the "poles", and not the equatorial plane).
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