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Topic: Just a big thanks - and about the linux binary... (Read 1602 times)
I just wantet to say a big "thank you" to all the developers! Playing this game again after 8-10 years brings tears into my eyes... Well, to keep technical: the linux binary (at least the dynamically linked) needs glibc2.3 . AFAIK, most of todays distributions ship with lower versions of glibc, so it might be better to put a binary for download runs with 2.2... But of course, thats just a small issue, one always can compile from source...  Another thing (I know thats most likely something that belongs on the bug report, I'll file a report if it really is a bug): I often get some sort of key jamming when pressing up and left or right together: the program don't seem to notice the keyup-event... Well, thanks again and keep up the good work
If you've got the tools and want to try building an RPM, I'm keenly interested in how well it works (or doesn't work)
Well, I`ve no experience with building RPMs, but perhaps I'll try when the next term has started and when I've got some time...
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