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Author Topic: UQ MASTERS HD En Español FINALIZADO  (Read 7016 times)
Zebranky food
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« on: December 28, 2017, 05:33:31 am »

Hola! Hace unos meses estuve invirtiendo mi tiempo en realizar mi traduccion de esta fantastica obra de arte al español. Y hoy, al fin lo he terminado  Grin Grin Grin, he traducido todos los dialogos y las interfaces, aunque no pude agregar los caracteres especiales del español, de todas formas esta todo bastante entendible. Yo pienso que es una version Beta, ya que no es una version completamente traducida (faltan los PNG, y agregarle VOCES EN ESPAÑOL) pero aun asi se puede jugar. Si quieren descargarlo esta aqui ---


¿Como instalar? Bueno solamente copien la carpeta Content en la carpeta raiz donde tengan su Ur-Quan Masters, y reemplacen los archivos que les diga. (Sugiero, en caso que no funcione, realizar una copia de seguridad de su carpeta Content). Una vez que este todo reemplazado, ya podran jugar en version español. De todas formas recomiendo leer el Leeme que esta adjunto a la carpeta con los archivos.

AVISO: como dije, no traduje los PNG, por eso algunas cosas seguiran en ingles, por eso no se alarmen si al arrancar el juego lo encuentren en INGLES, porque es asi. Una vez que pongan NEW GAME, empezaran a notar la diferencia.

Dejo a su comunidad el archivo, a los que quieran darle difusion, es todo suyo. Por favor, difundan, la comunidad hispanohablante es enorme, y la gran mayoria todavia no conoce esta obra de arte. Mientras mas idiomas este traducido, mas gente lo conocera.

Cualquier duda mi e-mail es


Hello! A few months ago I was investing my time in making my translation of this fantastic game into Spanish. And today, at last I have finished it: D; D; D, I have translated all the dialogs and the interfaces, although I couldn't add the special characters of the Spanish, anyway it is all quite understandable. I think it's a Beta version, since it's not a fully translated version (PNGs are missing, the same for the VOCES IN SPANISH) but still you can play. If you want to download it here ---


How to install? Well just copy the Content folder in the root folder where you have your Ur-Quan Masters, and replace the files that you tell them. (I suggest, in case it does not work, make a backup copy of your Content folder). Once this is all replaced, you can play it in Spanish version. Anyway I recommend reading the Leeme that is attached to the folder with the files.

NOTICE: As I said, I did not translate the PNG, so some things will continue in English, so do not be alarmed if you start the game in English, because the Menu still in english. Once they put NEW GAME, they will begin to notice the difference.

I leave to your community the files, to those who want to give it diffusion, it's all yours. Please, spread the word, the Spanish-speaking community is huge, and the great majority still does not know this great game. The more languages ​​you translate, the more people will know about it.

Any doubt my e-mail is
« Last Edit: December 28, 2017, 08:33:07 pm by llamaparlante » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2018, 08:26:44 pm »

Cool! I don't speak or understand Spanish, but congrats on having finished a Spanish translation!

I understood, that you also have voice translated to Spanish. Did I understand that correctly?
What a great job then!
(did you have the Yehat done in Catalan or Basque sounding dialect?)

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« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2018, 09:12:24 pm »

Great!  Smiley
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« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2018, 04:36:50 pm »

although I couldn't add the special characters of the Spanish,
This honestly seems pretty bad. I'm assuming that means there's no ñ or é or á or ó or whatever, which might make some words a little ambiguous? I guess it's still a good start, but in my opinion this should somehow be fixed.
Zebranky food
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« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2018, 03:30:57 am »

Hello! How are you? I'm glad you read. Well, I have not added the voices yet, but I plan to create a small community where we can all collaborate with this. Hiring voices online is easy. But this will take time.

About the special characters of Spanish, unfortunately I did not add them because, as I say, I do not have programming knowledge, I do not know how to do it. If someone explained to me or instructed me with pleasure I will do it, I have time. Anyway it is not a BIG problem to read without the special characters for us, the Spanish speakers.
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« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2018, 05:32:43 am »

Unfortunately, I don't know what you'd need to do either, so unless it's as simple as using Unicode characters in the files (which I doubt, given the game's use of custom bitmap fonts), we'll have to wait until someone who does know shows up.
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« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2018, 06:29:46 am »

I believe you could use unicode characters, but you would have to create the specific image file named with the correct unicode designation.
Looking at the font files the filenames match up with the unicode characters.

I'll give it a test to see what happens.

Well the game didn't crash with 'ñ' in a string. It simply didn't display it.
Moving on to the next testing phase which is created a 'ñ' png for it to use.

And it works!
It's pretty haggard looking compared to the rest of the text (because I used a different font) but it worked.
After sticking a 'ñ' into the gamestrings.txt I created a 'ñ' using an existing png file and named it '000f1.png' and it loaded it right up.

The main problem you're going to be running into will be font alignment.

Seems that I've rediscovered something that was already discovered once before:
« Last Edit: January 08, 2018, 07:00:20 am by Serosis » Logged

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« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2018, 03:57:36 pm »

Yeah, in the German team someone made all the special German characters.
That was long before the HD team got to make theirs.

This happens if the main distribution does not integrate the solutions provided by smaller side-project teams "because the English main version does not need it".

But then, why distribute additional characters whicha re not used in the vanilla version anyway.
Now I need to remember to find the other changes Nerre made for the German translation besides the texts we did. (Nerre created the special characters, IIRC).
Zebranky food
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« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2018, 01:31:56 am »

As a multi-lingual speaker and etymologist, I honestly wouldn't worry about the special characters being an absolute necessity in the subtitles. Except for the word "año" (year) being written as "ano" (anus) nothing else would stand out remotely as jarring (albeit humorously so). Most Spanish-speaking people don't even accentuate words nowadays, especially online, and most languages don't even expressly use textual accents despite words being nonetheless accentuated in actual speech. Spanish would be a much easier language without them Wink

As for voice-overs, I'd personally advocate against it: leave it in its native tongue (same reason any other work in French, Greek, Japanese or what-have-you, should be left undubbed and only subtitled at best). This is not only to save you a massive amounts of work, but because much is lost in the dubbing process (tone, inflection, characterization, etc).

Besides, most people know English nowadays. And if they don't, they should/will  Tongue

Anyway, lemme know if you need any input on the project (like spellchecking the entire game or whatever).

PS: Not advocating English as the "master language", don't get me wrong! If it was up to me, we'd be all speaking Latin (which Spanish is a "child" of, and English is 50% made of thanks to Holy Roman Empire conquest of Europa and subsequent spread to America). I'm just saying English is already widespread, and most (young) people nowadays are either taught or end up learning it one way or another (it's the easiest/simplest language too, after all).
« Last Edit: January 13, 2018, 01:39:53 am by Orz? » Logged

It is better not to *frumple* or else there is so much problems. Better parties in *the middle* for sure.
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« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2018, 11:14:31 pm »

PS: Not advocating English as the "master language", don't get me wrong! If it was up to me, we'd be all speaking Latin (which Spanish is a "child" of, and English is 50% made of thanks to Holy Roman Empire conquest of Europa and subsequent spread to America). I'm just saying English is already widespread, and most (young) people nowadays are either taught or end up learning it one way or another (it's the easiest/simplest language too, after all).
There are two things wrong with this. It's true that English has a lot of Latin loan-words, but I think 50% is probably pushing it a bit. More importantly, English is not the easiest or simplest language in any sense, and furthermore, it's probably not really possible to select an easiest or simplest language since the ease of learning a new language depends at least partly on one's first language.

Sure, English is simpler than certain other languages in some ways. It has few inflections, for example... but there are languages with none at all. It has minimal influence of tone on meaning; though it is still present in some verb-noun distinctions and possibly a few other cases, they're mostly related words, so a change in tone (in this case, the location of the emphasized syllable) has only a minor effect on meaning. I don't know of any languages where tone has no function, mind you. On the other hand, English is more complex than certain others in some ways. Off the top of my head, I can only think of the spelling system (Spanish's is simpler, for example), but I'm sure there's other things you could point to.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2018, 05:28:38 am by CelticMinstrel » Logged
Zebranky food
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« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2018, 02:05:00 am »

There are two things wrong with this. It's true that English has a lot of loan-words, but I think 50% is probably pushing it a bit.

I am of course generalizing when I say 50%. Do notice, however, than in just your two "English" paragraphs above there were 30 Latin words: probably, simplest, language, sense, possible, select, depends, partly, simpler, inflections, example, minimal, influence, tone, present, verb, distinctions, possibly, cases, related, location, emphasized, syllable, minor, effect, function, complex, certain, system, point. (And I wasn't counting repeats.) All of which are practically indistinguishable from Spanish, as one would naturally expect.

Even if it was 1/3rd or even 1/4th, the Romanization of Europa and subsequently the entirety of America is nothing less than absolutely enormous. And it's not just language, but culture: from holidays like "Christmas" to mainstream sciences (the very name gives it away: psychology, biology, astronomy, etc), to the ABC/alphabet to wedding ceremonies and funerary rites, to the calendar itself (12 months a year, 7 days a week, the BC/AD nomenclature), all the way to the clean-shaven military haircuts imposed on males and the fact that the 1 dollar bill declares "IN GOD WE TRUST". I could go on. Even "atheists" can't escape it. Ah, the irony.

More importantly, English is not the easiest or simplest language in any sense, and furthermore, it's probably not really possible to select an easiest or simplest language since the ease of learning a new language depends at least partly on one's first language.

Partly? Sure. But more importantly: it depends primarily on one's resolution above all. If you have a "knack" for tongues, it comes even easier (especially when you start to see how it all connects etymologically). All you have to understand is (Central) Europa is composed of primarily 3 language branches: Latin (producing Italian, Spanish & Frankish/French), Germanic (which English is the "bastard" of) and Slavic (Russian, Polish, Ukrainian being the primary examples)—all of which were "conquered" by the Holy Roman Empire all the same. Thus, if you at least know 2 of these, learning a third becomes exponentially simpler. And I'll maintain English is still the easiest.

For what it's worth: I've been teaching English & Spanish (primarily) to people of different linguistic backgrounds, and English was exponentially easier to pick up than Spanish in every case (sure, a "true Latin" language like French would probably be easier to a Spanish speaker due to familiarity, than a "half Latin" language like English). But once it "clicks", you realize English is far less complicated and much more simpler than "true Latin" languages.

This is all I was merely attempting to convey. Don't mean to bicker or squabble!

And just to be clear: I'm not here to glorify the Tower of Babble. Au contraire! I was drawn to etymology long ago because I had a "knack" for it to begin with, and because this "confusion of tongues" just irritated me beyond reason (because it makes people think they are actually different and unrelated when they are not—and differences lead to pride, discordance and ultimately bellicosity; figuratively or otherwise), so I just wanted to topple down the aforementioned Tower, to watch it crumble and fall away. Life is simple after all, like math, like truth, like beauty. I'd rather have us coalesce everything into just one global language so that eventually it too may be outgrown in favor of telepathy and a true (finally) Unified World. Wink

Apologies for dealing the thread, llamaparlante!

Signing off now.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2018, 02:57:08 am by Orz? » Logged

It is better not to *frumple* or else there is so much problems. Better parties in *the middle* for sure.
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« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2018, 11:31:56 am »

English is 50% made of thanks to Holy Roman Empire
Hmmm..... While Latin was an important language within the Holy Roman Empire (due to the church and the monasteries), Germanistic languages were as important, as shown through the use of terminologies for many administrative elements...
see e.g.
Zebranky food
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« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2018, 08:00:09 pm »

Do not worry Orz, I'm glad to know that at least here in this forum is discussed intelligently. Well, with regard to the dubbing, I think it's necessary, because although Spanish speakers are required from elementary school to learn English, we are not very good at that, and most of them forget when they finish their studies. That is, we can understand what is written, but only a few can understand when someone speak in English.

It is difficult for us to understand spoken English. It is easier for us to read it. That's why we always need subtitles (And here among us, we do not like subtitled movies, we prefer dubbed movies).

But I do agree that English is one of the easiest languages to learn for us, even more than French. (but it's hard to talk and listen to it)
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« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2018, 08:14:24 pm »

I think it is a huge misconception that most people speak english today. Except for in a few european countries, and some asian countries like India and the Philippines, huge portions of the world population don't speak a lot of english.

As you can see from the link I provided, only about 983 million people speak english. That is about 13% of the world population (983 million / 7.6 billion = 0.129). There are actually more people in the world that speak Mandarin Chinese (about 1.09 billion).

Also, I do think you need to have the special characters. It would look really "half-done" and improper without them.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2018, 10:28:54 pm by Zanthius » Logged
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« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2018, 05:39:26 am »

There are two things wrong with this. It's true that English has a lot of loan-words, but I think 50% is probably pushing it a bit.

I am of course generalizing when I say 50%. Do notice, however, than in just your two "English" paragraphs above there were 30 Latin words: probably, simplest, language, sense, possible, select, depends, partly, simpler, inflections, example, minimal, influence, tone, present, verb, distinctions, possibly, cases, related, location, emphasized, syllable, minor, effect, function, complex, certain, system, point. (And I wasn't counting repeats.) All of which are practically indistinguishable from Spanish, as one would naturally expect.
Ah, I see we're using different definitions here. You mean words with Latin roots, whereas I was thinking of words borrowed directly from Latin. Most of those words you point out are in fact from French which, while descended from Latin, is quite distinct from Latin with its own share of words not originating from Latin (such as Celtic borrowings).

The only ones on that list that are actually Latin loan-words are select, minimal, related, location, emphasized, minor, system, and point. The rest are from various stages of French, so they do have Latin roots, but they are not directly from Latin.

(Also, you can't really call any of them Latin words unless they are spelled identically to their Latin source word, and even then it's quite a stretch. Sure, they derive from Latin words, but they are not themselves Latin words. They are English words through and through.)
« Last Edit: January 16, 2018, 05:41:10 am by CelticMinstrel » Logged
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