Topic: The MegaMod 0.8.0 has finally arrived! (Read 56218 times)
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Posts: 208
Great I'll give it a try when I get home.
I would expect a linux compiled binary for x86_64 will run on any linux x86_64 system. It's the dependencies that are the real bane of any distribution, and there are all different systems. .Appimage was meant to alleviate that.
As for app images and content. I know they do store app data. But I'm really not sure. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd expect they would still be able to look on system for the normal data file locations. E.G. ~/uqm-mm or whatever. If so, users could put optional content there.
Btw, I'm at my dad's house and I'm trying it on the family windows machine. That installer is slick!
« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 08:58:58 pm by darklord42 »
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Posts: 208
Also, not a big deal, but just testing options (There are a lot of them after all). I noticed disabling speech in the options menu doesn't disable speech (The user can always turn the speech volume to 0 but it's there anyway). I'm using windows at the moment.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 10:11:11 pm by darklord42 »
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Posts: 208
Oh that's right... Completely forgot. They should add the warning like when you change music/resolution. And reword that warning to be more general. As it is, when you change music, it tells you you changed graphics...
Btw the debian package works great. Thank-you! You're right, for some reason Ubuntu doesn't like building UQM...
Posts: 522

I think a better phrasing would be something like "In order for your changes to take effect, you must restart the game. Would you like to do so now?"
And then execv the process (or whatever, Windows probably needs a different method, and Mac may as well since it's a GUI program) if they choose Yes.
Posts: 522

Yeah, to restart it after it has fully shut down, you would need to have a helper process (though the helper could be a fork rather than a separate program). However, if you don't need a full shutdown, use execv() or execvp(), which basically overwrites the current process with a new one.
(These are part of a family of functions, but for the purpose of restarting, the v variants are what you'd want since you can pass main's argv to it; I'm not entirely sure what the p means though.)
Note that these functions are defined by POSIX (if I recall correctly), so you can't rely on them being present on Windows.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2018, 02:35:42 pm by CelticMinstrel »
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Posts: 208
Absolutely love them! Great job! That's a really neat program.
Shame they didn't plan it to reload the content files upon exit of the options menu, but I guess this was easier.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 01:54:31 am by darklord42 »
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Posts: 208
Awesome! Even if you don't figure out the resolution, just not having to constantly restart with the rest of them is huge! I take it to do it with the resolution change you would have to somehow initialize everything then load? Is that possible or am I full of it? 
Nice find with the HD alpha on the Malnorme. I didn't even notice there was a change between them.
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Posts: 208
Sounds like it's loading some of the objects expecting a specific size. I wonder, say you are working with 2x. Does it display differently from bumping up from 1x than going down from 4x?