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Author Topic: The MegaMod 0.8.0 has finally arrived!  (Read 56166 times)
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Re: The MegaMod 0.8.0 has finally arrived!
« Reply #150 on: June 13, 2018, 12:00:14 am »

And the best just keeps getting better  Cool
Zebranky food
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Re: The MegaMod 0.8.0 has finally arrived!
« Reply #151 on: August 28, 2018, 01:29:48 am »

Minor cosmetic bug in 0.8.0 rev.7: the constellation map does not zoom properly. It's fine when fully zoomed out, but when zoomed in, the constellations are translated, but not scaled at all.

Feature request: is it possible to add an option to randomize planet generation, rather than using the same seed in every game? After playing through a few times, you start learning which planets and systems are worth exploring for resources; it would be nice to be able to add a bit more challenge by being forced to explore again. Obviously, anything with special generation (i.e., plot-related) shouldn't change.
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Re: The MegaMod 0.8.0 has finally arrived!
« Reply #152 on: August 28, 2018, 04:00:20 am »

Minor cosmetic bug in 0.8.0 rev.7: the constellation map does not zoom properly. It's fine when fully zoomed out, but when zoomed in, the constellations are translated, but not scaled at all.

Feature request: is it possible to add an option to randomize planet generation, rather than using the same seed in every game? After playing through a few times, you start learning which planets and systems are worth exploring for resources; it would be nice to be able to add a bit more challenge by being forced to explore again. Obviously, anything with special generation (i.e., plot-related) shouldn't change.

Which resolutions, all of them?

I can definitely look into externalizing the seed used. That way it won't break saved games, something to think about for Rev.8.
Obviously I can't rando the Starmap itself. That's something that would take a team of people to rework.

The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213.

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Re: The MegaMod 0.8.0 has finally arrived!
« Reply #153 on: August 28, 2018, 08:42:20 am »

Running 640x480.

I wouldn't try to change star generation; moving them would break the naming system, and even if the starmap is dynamically generated, I know there are several dialogue references to color/size of stars. Number and type of planets in a system using default generation should be easy to randomize. I've noticed that many plot-relevant planets are the innermost one in their system (rainbow worlds, most homeworlds), so it might be possible to change up the rest of the system.
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Re: The MegaMod 0.8.0 has finally arrived!
« Reply #154 on: August 28, 2018, 04:35:33 pm »

With UQM if it's part of the plot it's going to be hardcoded. So you wouldn't have to worry about a planet disappearing or anything that was important to the story, although the planet may always be the same no matter the seed.

I've just reinstalled Windows so I have to go through the rigmarole of reinstalling everything else first.
Word to the wise, never just take your Intel based Windows and stuff it into an AMD based system. It leads to some interesting problems.


I've done some preliminary testing to see if futzing around with the seed numbers breaks the game and surprisingly it doesn't.
So I'll look for a way to externalize those seeds into something like the settings file or the gamestrings.txt file.


More testing shows that I can get it to work using the config file on a single variable.
Looks like you're gonna get your randomized star systems.


It's in for Rev.8:

You can set a custom seed for new games and saved games that do not have a custom seed set.
After you save a game with a custom seed, that saved seed becomes the default for that saved game from then on.


I've nerfed it down to be more sensible to prevent crashing.

Custom seeds will only work on new games and saved games that have a seed already in place.
Loading a game that does not have a custom seed will default to the original and will save with the original.


I'm going to have to do some work behind the scenes to make some lore-centric solar systems work because there's a good chunk of them that aren't hardcoded enough to survive a custom seed scramble.

First up was Alpha Pavonis, just gonna have to go down the list of all important solar systems.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2018, 07:05:38 am by Serosis » Logged

The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213.

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Re: The MegaMod 0.8.0 has finally arrived!
« Reply #155 on: September 05, 2018, 05:00:52 am »


MegaMod Rev.8 is pretty close to being complete. Just a few more small bugs here and there.
Your externalized procedural seed is in and working, I had to hardcode nearly every lore-centric star system but now you can change seeds without having to worry about losing access to an important planet.

No way to randomize the actual Starmap though. I believe somebody was on their way to doing that a long time ago but never released the code for it.

I'm going to look into the zooming issue next, but not tonight.  Wink


Looking at the zooming issue, I'm at a loss to come up with a method that zooms in on the starmap and the png file while keeping both perfectly aligned.
I can make it so the PNG file persists but it the engine doesn't zoom the png file with the starmap. So you just get the constellation PNG overlaying your zoomed starmap at its base size.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2018, 12:38:39 am by Serosis » Logged

The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213.

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Zebranky food
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Re: The MegaMod 0.8.0 has finally arrived!
« Reply #156 on: September 08, 2018, 04:49:44 am »

Nice. Randomizing the starmap is probably possible, but more trouble than it's worth. There are a lot of in-game references to both individual stars and constellations. Generating a random field of stars is the easy part; naming them appropriately is hard. They'd have to be grouped into constellations in the same areas those are in now, then given unique names while respecting the hardcoded plot-relevant ones (like Alpha Pavonis). Another issue is that some of the name references imply the existence of other stars. Worst I can find is Vulpeculae, which needs at least seven stars assigned to it to have an Eta. All of that should be possible with a bunch of special-case code, but I don't see much benefit for the amount of work needed.
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Re: The MegaMod 0.8.0 has finally arrived!
« Reply #157 on: September 29, 2018, 01:51:22 am »

I just drafted a new release for the MegaMod if anyone wants to check it out!

Brief Changelog
  • 3DO Videos now scaled in HD (Thanks to SlightlyIntelligentMonkey)
  • New custom seed system in place to allow for randomizing of solar systems
  • New custom border frame system to allow for reskinning of the UI (Thanks to SlightlyIntelligentMonkey for inspiration)
  • Intersect point to transition to orbit is now the outer edge of the planet in HD
  • Removed all reference to HD-2x graphics and added resolution scaling to HD-4x to replace it
  • Fixed networking support for Windows
  • Enhanced contrast for the settings menu colors
  • Fixed a bug where the Slylandro Probes would crash the game when they speak their point of origin coordinates
  • Tons of internal housekeeping to clean the code up a bit


The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213.

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Re: The MegaMod 0.8.0 has finally arrived!
« Reply #158 on: September 29, 2018, 07:43:38 am »

awesome...i will check this out in the morning...way too tired to process getting this going...
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Re: The MegaMod 0.8.0 has finally arrived!
« Reply #159 on: September 29, 2018, 07:23:04 pm »

Oops.  When compiling on linux I get :
In file included from src/libs/mathlib.h:28:0,
                 from src/libs/math/mthintrn.h:22,
                 from src/libs/math/random.c:34:
src/libs/math/random.h:33:10: fatal error: ../uqm/setup.h: No such file or directory
 #include "../uqm/setup.h"

I changed #include "../uqm/setup.h" in that random.h to  #include "../../uqm/setup.h and all was well


Really great job!  Cool  I love what you have done with the HD UI, made it look a lot more polished.  Out of curiosity what is the story behind the 3DO remastered music package mentioned on the optional downloads?

 There are a couple of things I noticed, I'm afraid.  On your web page in the under optional content. The UQM main site link goes to "http://sc2.sourceforge.nets.php/" and not ""  and doesn't work.

In super melee, the bottom player is always in god mode.

I'll let you know if I come across anything else
« Last Edit: September 29, 2018, 08:19:43 pm by darklord42 » Logged
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Re: The MegaMod 0.8.0 has finally arrived!
« Reply #160 on: September 30, 2018, 03:31:07 am »

how does the random solar systems thing work? this feature is eluding me.
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Re: The MegaMod 0.8.0 has finally arrived!
« Reply #161 on: September 30, 2018, 05:29:48 am »

I'm afraid there is another issue with the HD version.  When landing on a planet there is suppose to be a random element so your ship doesn't land exactly where you point the cursor on the planet.  That way so the user doesn't cheat and avoid obstacles by landing on their target and launching.  Suddenly in this new version it's landing precisely where you put the cursor.  (Or maybe i wasn't paying attention in Rev 7...)
Zebranky food
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Re: The MegaMod 0.8.0 has finally arrived!
« Reply #162 on: September 30, 2018, 11:19:24 pm »


First time poster here. After 25 years or so I decided to replay SC2. I knew about UQM, then found HD and started playing. Unfortunately, I found MegaMod only after I've spent 40 hours exploring planets :-) The problem is that I hit a HD 0.7.0 malloc save game bug - basically the game crashes every time I try to save now cause my saves are > 10KB (yes, back in the 640KB days this meant something ;-).

This was never fixed in HD 0.7.0. So, given that MegaMod supports UQM HD saves I tried it there and it loads, plus this memsize bug seems to be fixed. However... something goes wrong with the import it seems - e.g. I lost my lander speed mod, crystal spindle and q-space device. Instead I now have the sun device (I don't). Seems like a bug? Here's a link to my save, would appreciate any help. Great job btw, keep it up!
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Re: The MegaMod 0.8.0 has finally arrived!
« Reply #163 on: September 30, 2018, 11:58:17 pm »

Oops.  When compiling on linux I get :
In file included from src/libs/mathlib.h:28:0,
                 from src/libs/math/mthintrn.h:22,
                 from src/libs/math/random.c:34:
src/libs/math/random.h:33:10: fatal error: ../uqm/setup.h: No such file or directory
 #include "../uqm/setup.h"

I changed #include "../uqm/setup.h" in that random.h to  #include "../../uqm/setup.h and all was well


Really great job!  Cool  I love what you have done with the HD UI, made it look a lot more polished.  Out of curiosity what is the story behind the 3DO remastered music package mentioned on the optional downloads?

 There are a couple of things I noticed, I'm afraid.  On your web page in the under optional content. The UQM main site link goes to "http://sc2.sourceforge.nets.php/" and not ""  and doesn't work.

In super melee, the bottom player is always in god mode.

I'll let you know if I come across anything else

It's always something with every release. I guess a Rev.9 hotfix will be on its way then.

I've already fixed the GodMode bug, that was a big mistake on my part, I wasn't paying attention to the order of operations in my "if, then, else" statements.

how does the random solar systems thing work? this feature is eluding me.

You make a shortcut to the EXE and add "--customseed=#" whereas # = whatever number you want.
Like so:

Or you add the custom seed to the CFG file like so:


First time poster here. After 25 years or so I decided to replay SC2. I knew about UQM, then found HD and started playing. Unfortunately, I found MegaMod only after I've spent 40 hours exploring planets :-) The problem is that I hit a HD 0.7.0 malloc save game bug - basically the game crashes every time I try to save now cause my saves are > 10KB (yes, back in the 640KB days this meant something ;-).

This was never fixed in HD 0.7.0. So, given that MegaMod supports UQM HD saves I tried it there and it loads, plus this memsize bug seems to be fixed. However... something goes wrong with the import it seems - e.g. I lost my lander speed mod, crystal spindle and q-space device. Instead I now have the sun device (I don't). Seems like a bug? Here's a link to my save, would appreciate any help. Great job btw, keep it up!

I'm looking into this right now but it may be beyond my understanding as to why this is happening.

I'm afraid there is another issue with the HD version.  When landing on a planet there is suppose to be a random element so your ship doesn't land exactly where you point the cursor on the planet.  That way so the user doesn't cheat and avoid obstacles by landing on their target and launching.  Suddenly in this new version it's landing precisely where you put the cursor.  (Or maybe i wasn't paying attention in Rev 7...)

That's part of the GodMode code bug you mentioned earlier.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 12:27:47 am by Serosis » Logged

The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213.

Get your MegaMod HERE
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Re: The MegaMod 0.8.0 has finally arrived!
« Reply #164 on: October 01, 2018, 12:40:44 am »

thank you...question, where is your documentation at? it's not with the zipped game?
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