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Topic: Russian versions of UQM, UQM HD and P6014 (Read 4606 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 35

aka SLY
Hello everyone from the Russian community of Star Control fans. Once there was such a conversation... Spanish localization, etc... Maybe someone will be interested in Russian translations of The Ur-Quan Masters 0.7, The Ur-Quan Masters HD and Project 6014.
We finished it a few years ago, but polished up to now. The Russian versions includes the localization of all text, fonts and textures. In addition, russian versions are made as add-ons and require original installed games.
And, guys, I apologize for my English. 
The Ur-Quan Masters HD
Installation: (does not work with MegaMod, only Vanilla)
1. Place the file "" in the folder with the game installed in " \ content \ addons \ ". It should be something like this: ... \[folder with the installed game]\content\addons\
2. In the properties of the shortcut that launches the game, in the "object" after "uqm.exe" add: "--addon russian10" This should get: ... \[folder with the installed game]\uqm.exe "--addon russian10
Example: "С:\Games\Ur-Quan Masters High Definition Beta 1\uqm.exe" --addon russian10
3. Done. Start the game with a shortcut and enjoy.
The Ur-Quan Masters 0.7
1. Place the file "" in the folder with the game installed in " \ content \ addons \ ". It should be something like this: ... \[folder with the installed game]\content\addons\
2. In the properties of the shortcut that launches the game, in the "object" after "uqm.exe" add: "--addon russian" This should get: ... \[folder with the installed game]\uqm.exe "--addon russian
Example: "С:\Games\Ur-Quan Masters High Definition Beta 1\uqm.exe" --addon russian
3. Done. Start the game with a shortcut and enjoy.
Project 6014
1. Place the file "" in the folder with the game installed in " \ content \ addons \ ". It should be something like this: ... \[folder with the installed game]\content\addons\
2. In the properties of the shortcut that launches the game, in the "object" after "p6014.exe -x" add: "--addon russian6" This should get: ... \[folder with the installed game]\p6014.exe -x" --addon russian6
Example: "С:\Games\Ur-Quan Masters High Definition Beta 1\p6014.exe -x" --addon russian6
3. Done. Start the game with a shortcut and enjoy.
Also, I once translated one of the best maps for Star Control 2 and Ur-Quan Masters.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2018, 01:46:07 pm by Schizoid »
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Spasibo bolshoi!
Zebranky food

Posts: 35

aka SLY
And thank you all for supporting the best game of all time. 
In addition to Russian versions during this time, we have created several mods and utilities for these games, but I'm still thinking about how to publish and describe it here. For example, images of ships with descriptions, which are now used in UQMHD Remix and Megamod, was created once upon a time by me (after Zenzmurfy, of course). If someone is interested in original images without green tables, they can be found here -
At the moment, I'm adapting something from Megamod to Vanilla as separate add-ons. Right now, it's a black lander. I found out that in Megamod in one place the lander remained blue. Made a couple of additional textures. To Serosis:
Download PNG
Zebranky food

Posts: 35

aka SLY
Oh snap, I must have overlooked that. Thanks for pointing that out I'll update the content in a few minutes.
Let me know if you need a PSD of something for a more fleshed out edit. I can give you access to my Google Drive art folder. Excellent! I'll keep in mind if I need anything. 
Be wary, if you're adapting the MegaMod UI changes to 0.7.0-HD that I did a lot of the changes in the code. The grey sidebar containing the menu and ship graphics was tweaked a lot. Not to mention I shoved the menu back down to the bottom of the frame like it should have been in the first place. And this, too, I will keep in mind. But I make simple add-ons that do not require code intervention, such as Black Lander, Classic Arilou, Alt. Kohr-Ah Ship, Alt. Mycon Ship, Syreen Fix, etc...
By the way, it would be very cool if all these positions were selected optional in the Megamod game settings. I understand that this will slightly increase the size of the installer, but today the extra 50-100 mb does not mean anything. You can make a separate menu item in a game settings (similar to the "PC/3DO settings"), calling it "Vanilla HD / Megamod settings" or something like that. It seems to me that this will be an ideal version of the UQM that satisfies the needs of every fan and just an usual player. 
Or, if you'd like, you could merge your translation files onto my HD work and I could include it as an optional autoloaded package during install.
And this, too, would be very cool. Moreover, Damon at the very beginning, once upon a time, planned to do so and even helped us with our russian version. If you can do this, we will be very pleased, and then I will translate into russian the new interface of Megamod. But I could not get to work our russian version with Megamod - neither as an add-on, nor by changing files in *.uqm and editing RMP-files. Although I could be mistaken in some place, and must try again. Just in case, I report that our TXT-files use UTF-8 coding, and maybe the problem is that Megamod does not accept it. Who knows...
Posts: 1374

And this, too, I will keep in mind. But I make simple add-ons that do not require code intervention, such as Black Lander, Classic Arilou, Alt. Kohr-Ah Ship, Alt. Mycon Ship, Syreen Fix, etc... By the way, it would be very cool if all these positions were selected optional in the Megamod game settings. I understand that this will slightly increase the size of the installer, but today the extra 50-100 mb does not mean anything. You can make a separate menu item in a game settings (similar to the "PC/3DO settings"), calling it "Vanilla HD / Megamod settings" or something like that. It seems to me that this will be an ideal version of the UQM that satisfies the needs of every fan and just an usual player.  Maybe when I get enough time I'll make a mod that reverts the Mycon ship and Arilou screen. I can make it optional in the installer but I wouldn't dare try to code the switch into the actual menu. Too much work for little pay off.
And this, too, would be very cool. Moreover, Damon at the very beginning, once upon a time, planned to do so and even helped us with our russian version. If you can do this, we will be very pleased, and then I will translate into russian the new interface of Megamod. But I could not get to work our russian version with Megamod - neither as an add-on, nor by changing files in *.uqm and editing RMP-files. Although I could be mistaken in some place, and must try again. Just in case, I report that our TXT-files use UTF-8 coding, and maybe the problem is that Megamod does not accept it. Who knows...
MegaMod is built off of 0.8.0, it might do things a bit differently. I can't remember if the updated code dealt with UTF-8. I know Unicode works
The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213. Get your MegaMod HERE
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