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Topic: Some mods and utilities for UQM & UQM HD (Read 14564 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 35

aka SLY
Hello to everyone from the Russian community, again. Along with russian versions, over the past few years, we have created several mods and utilities for our favorite game. It took me so long to describe all this, so let's get down to business without any unnecessary words.
And, guys, I apologize for my English again 
Graphics Graphical mods for UQM HD
The installation of all mods is identical:
1.Place the mod-zip-file in the folder with the game installed in " \ content \ addons \ ". It should be something like this: ... \[folder with the installed game]\content\addons\[mod-file].zip
2. In the properties of the shortcut that launches the game, in the "object" after "uqm.exe" add: "--addon [mod-file]", for example "--addon hdships" This should get: ... \[folder with the installed game]\uqm.exe "--addon hdships
When using several mods, simply add the desired parameter at the end after all. For example:
...\[folder with the installed game]\uqm.exe --addon sly_ships --addon hdships --addon syr_fix --addon arilou --addon lander_en
3. Done. Start the game with a shortcut and enjoy.
So, let's go!
 From the beginning I wanted to make only a classic bright green Ur-Quan Dreadnought with a yellow cabin. Then friends asked me to make a lighter Сruiser Earthlings. And then there was a lighter Arilou, and then a more red Syren, and then ... As a result, 16 ships out of 25 were subjected to changes! Preview: Original -- Mod
Download ModAlso in this mod I obscured the grid in the interface of the ship, making it closer to the classics. Preview
 High-quality images in descriptions of ships that can be seen in the Melee mode. This mod was born here. Original images of Zenzmurfy can be found here. Now this mod is used in Megamod and UQMHD Remix, but here is the original version of the mod without green tables, which, in my opinion, spoil images. Download Mod
A simple mod that changes the color of some effects in a quasispace. Taken from Megamod. Download Mod
Originally taken from here. Initially, it was a fix of the breasts, but I modified it a little, and now the right (from our left) shoulder is still reduced, the "ears" are returned to their rightful place, and the nose is little reduced in the final arts. Download Mod
Music Music mods for UQM & UQM HD
Replacement of several tracks in remix packs of the Precursors for the Ur-Quan Masters 0.7My first addon. It was originally created before the official release of Remix Pack 4 from the Precursors and was intended to add missing music tracks, which can be downloaded on their official website. With the release of the Remix Pack 4, the mod function is reduced only to the replacement and correction of some Precursors tracks. So, based on the complete remix package of the Precursors. The mod changes: 1. Cmmmr - used an earlier and extended version of the track from Precursors, slightly corrected by me for better looping. 2. Credits - the final credits now use a track, which was originally intended for quasi-space. The fact is that this is one of the best tracks from Precursors, but not very suitable for quasi-space. But for the final credits it's perfect. Precursors (Jouni Airaksinen) - Through the Angles of Space3. Hyperspace - for hyperspace now used a track closer to the 3DO-original from Precursors. Precursors (Jouni Airaksinen) - Lightyears Away4. Melee Menu - for the Melee menu used another track from Precursors, again slightly corrected by me for better looping. Precursors (Jouni Airaksinen) - The Sentient Milieu - Ripples in Time5. Orbit 3-4-5 - returned 3 of 5 3DO-version tracks for exploring the planets. 6. Quasispace - Quasispace now uses a track closer to the original of the early PC version... yes, again from Precursors. Precursors (Jouni Airaksinen) - Mystic Shadows7. Shipyard - for the hangar used my extended re-edit of 3DO-version of the track. 8. Space - the 3DO-version of the track is returned for ordinary space. 9. Yehat - used a shorter version of the track from Precursors (shortened introduction). Taken from Project 6014. Download ModThe installation:1. Place the "" in the folder with the game installed in " \ content \ addons \ ". It should be something like this: ... \[folder with the installed game]\content\addons\ 2. In the properties of the shortcut that launches the game, in the "object" after "uqm.exe" add: "--addon sly-rmx-pack" This should get: ... \[folder with the installed game]\uqm.exe --addon sly-rmx-pack 3. Done. Start the game with a shortcut and enjoy. And, of course, UQM Remixes must be enabled in the game settings.
А сomplete remix package of the Precursors for the Ur-Quan Masters HD with my corrections. Changes made:1. Cmmmr - used an earlier and extended version of the track from Precursors, slightly corrected by me for better looping. 2. Credits - the final credits now use a track, which was originally intended for quasi-space. The fact is that this is one of the best tracks from Precursors, but not very suitable for quasi-space. But for the final credits it's perfect. Precursors (Jouni Airaksinen) - Through the Angles of Space3. Hyperspace - for hyperspace now used a track closer to the 3DO-original from Precursors. Precursors (Jouni Airaksinen) - Lightyears Away4. Intro - the original PC-version of the Intro was returned. 5. Melee Menu - for the Melee menu used another track from Precursors, again slightly corrected by me for better looping. Precursors (Jouni Airaksinen) - The Sentient Milieu - Ripples in Time6. Orbit 3-4-5 - returned 3 of 5 3DO-version tracks for exploring the planets. 7. Quasispace - Quasispace now uses a track closer to the original of the early PC version... yes, again from Precursors. Precursors (Jouni Airaksinen) - Mystic Shadows8. Shipyard - for the hangar used my extended re-edit of 3DO-version of the track. 9. Space - the 3DO-version of the track is returned for ordinary space. 10. Yehat - used a shorter version of the track from Precursors (shortened introduction). Taken from Project 6014. Download ModThe installation:1. Mod replaces the archive with 3DO-music, so first of all make a backup copy of "" in the folder with the game installed in " \ content \ addons \ ". 2. Place the "", which you download here, into the folder with the game installed in " \ content \ addons \ " It should be something like this: ... \[folder with the installed game]\content\addons\ 3. Done. Start the game. 3DO Remixes must be enabled in the game settings.
A note application for the Ur-Quan Masters HD. In fact, this is a kind of notepad, created and stylized specifically for the Ur-Quan Masters HD. The application runs with the game in the window mode, allows you to write notes, tune colors and sizes, etc. In the game it looks like this: Preview 1, Preview 2 For the best experience you must run UQM HD and press F11 a couple of times to make the game go into window mode, while adjusting to your resolution. Then start the Logbook and adjust its size. It will be useful to configure Microsoft Windows so that the taskbar hides down. That's enough, but you can do a little better. In Microsoft Windows you can disable the windows sticking to the edges of the screen, so that the window with the game can be raised even higher by the cap. But I do not know how these settings are called in the English version of Windows to describe it. If I translate word for word from Russian, it is done approximately like this: Control Panel - Ease of Access Center - Make it easier to work with the mouse - Disable automatic ordering of windows when they are moved to the screen edgeI would be happy if someone wrote me the correct name for these settings. Download Logbook
Random Team Generator for Melee mode in games: - Ur-Quan Masters - Ur-Quan Masters HD - Project 6014 (v0.2.1) - Star Control 3 Features: - generation of random teams for a given number of points - ship set filters for each player - auto-detect save directory - original data is stored in csv-files, which you can change to your taste and color Download Star Control Random Team Generator 
I asked the author of the trainer to make the English version, but unfortunately it lost the source. But it does not matter, because the application is so easy to use: 1. Start the game. 2. Use the Alt + Tab buttons to switch to the desktop and start the trainer. IMPORTANT! If you quit the game and enter again, the trainer will not work! It also needs to be restarted. Then use the keys:1 - 20 000 credits 2 - 2000 units of biodata 3 - 10 shuttles 4 - 60 units of fuel 5 - 50 people of the flagship's crew 6 - ON\OFF freezing the number of crew members of the shuttle Download Ur-Quan Masters 0.7 Trainer
Likewise, I asked the author of the trainer to make the English version, but unfortunately it lost the source. But it does not matter, because the application is so easy to use: 1. Start the game. 2. Use the Alt + Tab buttons to switch to the desktop and start the trainer. IMPORTANT! If you quit the game and enter again, the trainer will not work! It also needs to be restarted. Then use the keys:1 - 10 000 credits 2 - 1000 units of biodata 3 - 50 people of the flagship's crew 4 - 10 shuttles 5 - 60 units of fuel Download Ur-Quan Masters HD Trainer
Uff, I finished it!
« Last Edit: February 28, 2018, 03:16:42 pm by Schizoid »
Posts: 1118

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
It's the one I'm most curious to inspect. But currently I have no acccess to a machine where I can look into the zip files....
anyway, looks promising over all. Although since so many mods are directly megamod derived, I'll be going for megamod with my next machine.
Zebranky food

Posts: 35

aka SLY
I know what he's getting at though. For the Russian translated version you can plop these in easier than translating the MegaMod. Yes, that is right. Also, with all due respect to the global work of Serosis, not all innovations and graphics solutions in Megamod I like. And, as I said in another topic, it would be great if all of them could be chosen optional in Megamod. So Vanilla still has a right to exist.
I'd like to see the Logbook make its way into UQM at some point, as something that can slide out from the right so you can keep track of your progress. Yeah, it would be great. Actually, it was conceived, but none of us dared to climb into the source code.
Also, no Syreen Hot for vanilla? If we are talking about the "ears", then did - Syreen Hot without Fix The shoulder and nose remained unchanged, that is, as in Fix.
Zebranky food

Posts: 35

aka SLY
I really liked what you did with hyperspace and quasispace, but I really did not like what you did with the usual space. And I really miss those many-colored nebula that Damon had. Let them not be classic and realistic, but they were beautiful. This is the main thing that rejects me.
Also I like HD-vanilla Damon's Arilou in dialog window and KohrAh ship, while the ship that is used in Megamod by default does not like absolutely, and in my humble opinion is worse than vanilla in all aspects - both near the classics and simply in appearance . And, yes, I know that the ship can be installed as an option. And it's great. But it would be even better if it could be done for other things. All this has no significance for the person who just sat down for Megamod for the first time or after old PC or 3DO version, but we already have a generation that is fanatical from HD Vanilla, and for which the blue shuttle also has the right to existence.
It seems to me that Megamod is the best platform for uniting the tastes of fans of all generations, and in your hands to make a project that would satisfy everyone.
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