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Topic: Utwig Redub raw files? (Read 2576 times)
Zebranky food
Posts: 2
On topics 4187, 3681, and 3731.15, there are lots of dead links to versions of Lance Meibos's Utwig Redub pack, including the original raw files and versions of the pack with and without vocal filters. Right now, the only active link to the mod is at, which only has the version with vocal effects. And that would be just fine with me, except some of the audio files, like utwig-027.ogg, cut off at the last syllable. I was hoping that, with the original voice clips, there might be a way to fix them. If anyone has or can obtain a copy of any of those other files or versions of the voice pack, I would appreciate it if they posted them here.
Zebranky food
Posts: 2
Perhaps, but without the original voice clips, it is beyond my abilities. The clips on hand would either need to be repaired by a sentence-mixing master, like the kinds that are active on YouTube, or Lance Meibos would have to resubmit recordings of those cut-off syllables. With the original links dead with no active mirrors, I don't see what else can be done.
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