Hi! I got a goodly distance into the regular HD game when I screwed myself - I'm stuck in a solar system with more Ilwrath ships waiting outside than I can handle and my last backup save is sooooo long ago. Oops. I found the MegaMod and thought to transfer my game over, initiate god mode, and bail myself out; however, it won't load my save game. Is there any way to convert it? Alternately, is there any way I can edit my save to change my location or clear the queue of pursuing baddies? When I check it out in a hex editor, I have a readable header followed by a bunch of garbage.
Unfortunately they are not compatible with each other at all.
HD uses the save system from 0.7.0 and MegaMod uses a different save system developed for 0.8.0 I tried adding in compatibility for HD but it is quite an effort to deal with.
There might be a way to backward load an HD save into vanilla UQM and resave it to load into MegaMod but that would require a bit of jiggery-pokery on my part. I'll see what I can do.
There was a save editor but I don't believe it worked with HD.
Trying to reconcile between two legacy games saves is proving to be quite difficult.
I don't want to bump my old thread for this news but I am able to load HD-mod saves in MegaMod now. So when the time comes, Revision 7 will have full support for all saves.
Now I just have to find a way for it to automatically detect and serve the saves so I don't have to make a new option to switch between loading HD saves or vanilla saves.
MegaMod now has full support for loading HD saves. One problem though is that I never knew there was a bug when it came to loading vanilla saves that has been there since the very beginning. It only affects saves while in Hyperspace but the map coordinates are getting severely messed with.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2018, 12:51:19 pm by Serosis »