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Author Topic: Fan-game: HUNT OF THE KOHR-AH  (Read 7271 times)
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*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!

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« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2020, 05:21:17 pm »

Yeah, back then I played, but maybe it's me, but somehow I never got the mining part (ressource gathering) right, and seemingl lost more than I won...
Zebranky food
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« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2020, 10:59:02 am »

Yeah, the resource gathering needed some tweaking.

TIP: When you start you need to jump right away. Jump to the very nearest system which has high resources. Then send out all your ships to collect water. They'll bring back enough to supply you for 70% of the rest of the game.

I thought about varying the danger depending on how many ships you send out. So sending out 2 will never result in a lost ship. But sending out 10 might mean one or two get destroyed (debris, system failures, weather conditions, etc.). Plus the more you send out, the more fuel it costs.

But honestly, there's never really a need to send out only a few ships. You should really always send out the maximum, while keeping the staff to build new ships high enough so that every turn you get 50% of a new cruiser built. Or 100% if you have enough crew and metal resources.

You never need to search for food since hydroponics should cover that.

Metals for repairs and cruiser building can be collected on literally every world except dead ones. Or harvested from destroyed Ur-Quan ships if you go hunting them. The hunting is actually kinda broken, since it's easy to go hunting every turn early on, and through sheer numbers you will win.

But basically collect as much water as you can after your first jump, using maximum ships, then collect fuel as you need it, and minerals. Increasing navigation will allow you to scan distant systems for better resources (note the bar on the left which decreases as nav crew go up).

The source code is included so feel free to peek under its skirt.  Kiss
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Gender: Male
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!

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« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2020, 11:21:16 am »

I know it's an attrition game. you need to keep your stuff long enough to hit the time limit.
Losses areplanned.

But still.

But then, also, I never took/had the time to really play it with sufficient time.
I ran it a few times in the background in office, taking a turn every now and then when I felt I could "loosen my brain up a bit".
Not a perfect setting to learn to navigate a new game.

Curenty I hope to get back into the German translation, and make a .uqm file again.
Had one for .3 or .4 version, but the versionw hich got saved is extremely buggy, and a lot of text translations got lost.
And it's not a .uqm (module) anymore, but a complete install someone gobbled up together of the .7 UQM releasee.

But having three kids, a full time job, a lrge garden (currently a blessing), and a larger house means you loose more time than youc ould ever have for yourself.
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