Topic: Stardock Litigation Discussion (Read 179797 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 431
Subpoenas have to be of someone directly involved in evidence that affects the case, it's not for random people off the internet. Could I ask for your source on this? Undue burden is the protection, ...which is why what I said was:
Actually you can, though there are more restrictions on how burdensome they can me.
you need a standard of evidence in order to request a subpoena in the first place, Yes, but the standard is that it is "relevant to any party's claim or defense and proportional to the needs of the case", which is a low bar. And subpoenas are issued automatically by the court clerk at the request of any of the party lawyers involved in the case, to whomever they please; the the judge does not review them before they are issued. The recipient can object to them after receiving them, and possibly get the judge to quash them, but you'll have to argue with the opposing attorney about how the burden on you is "undue", relative to the value of the evidence that the lawyer claims you might be able to provide.
The point of my post was to caution that a hasty person might respond to the subpoena without checking with an attorney first, and thereby forfeit their opportunity to object to it. A wise person would have their own lawyer who knows the rules of that game on their side when playing it.
Zebranky food

Posts: 42
Do you think the Enterprise in the Kelvin timeline is the same Enterprise as the one in TOS? They're completely different ships. They weren't even built the same year or are even the same size.
This is a good question that I think goes to the heart of the area of disagreement. You're citing a number of ways that the reboot "Enterprise" is different from the original. And they're good examples!
But, well, there IS a valid argument in the opposite direction when all of the bridge crew is the same people, they end up in pretty much the same roles, and meet up with all of the same races. The Vulcans are still aligned with the Federation in this timeline, the Romulans are still enemies, the Klingons are still independent so far because Praxis hasn't been destroyed yet and so they're also staring across the border at the Federation, etc. (I assume. I haven't seen the latest movie Star Trek: Beyond.)
I wouldn't say that the reboot is the same as the original, but I would say it is directly "derived" from the original.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2018, 10:43:28 pm by Talonious »
Frungy champion
Posts: 50

So apparently Stardock pulled the Chenjesu and Arilou DLCs from Steam, at least for the time being.
(Screen credit to u/Psycho84)
Wardell also says there's "progress behind the scenes". I hope that means for both parties, not just Stardock.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 209
Note, however, that Brad is talking about delaying the release of the DLCs, not canceling them or renaming the aliens.
I do hope, however, that Stardock realizes that using the names of the classic aliens is a no-win situation. Make the "substitute" classic aliens similar enough to their SC2 counterparts, and you're infringing on F&P's copyright. Make them different enough, and you get a completely new alien race that somehow ended up having a classic name attached to it - and that would render the name itself worthless and defeat the purpose of using it in the first place.
Zebranky food

Posts: 42
I'll be honest here.
I think insisting on the ship not being named Vindicator or the captain's name not defaulting to Zelnick would be a bit much.
I can't remember a single time that I played through SC2 with the default captain name Zelnick and with a gun to my head I doubt I'd have remembered the significance of Vindicator either as I almost always renamed my ship. I think the name I used on most of my ships was something like "Independence".
I see no real harm having those as the default names with players having the ability to change them. More an homage to the source material than an attack and not a hill that I'd particularly want to die on if I was P&F.
Zebranky food

Posts: 42
Agreed Elestan.
It was more a general observation/opinion on my part than directly addressing your own post. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
I agree with you that I doubt P&F are looking for homages, but as a person who is still planning on playing SC:O, I wouldn't mind a few little things like this in there to make me go "ooooh yeah! Now I remember that!"
While again I doubt P&F are looking to do Stardock any favors, I'm hopeful they hold enough fond feelings towards the fanbase of their own Star Control games that they won't be petty with little things like that which would be fun little in-game "tickles", for a lack of a better wording to describe it, for people planning on playing SC:O.