Well, Noone knows why the bridge turns purple for sure, and noone ever will. It's not even in the game code.
As for defeating it in battle, when you encounter Greenish again, he complains about it, and calls you a few names, but I think you can trade with him again.
I described in detail in another thread you can find if you look - however, here's the Condensed Version:
1) First kill - he says some mean stuff and you can apologize. 2) Second kill - he says you can make up if you give him "reparations" - defined as all non-essentials on your flagship. 3) Third kill - you get the option to either fight or leave - trading goes bye bye.
the druuge ask for melnorme ship metal but i guess you got to go around space kill all melnorme for there ship metal but if you did that you will not get the neat hellborn cannon
Evil, even a little, tends to lead to the Dark Side sooner or later, which isn't necessarily a good thing. In fact it tends to be rather the opposite. Kind of an evil thing really. Although in my darker moments I do have to admit that the Kohr-Ah have a splendid vision. No greed, famine or suffering. Just the cool emptiness of space. With them as guardians, the purity and simplicity of the Universe would be assured almost forever...
Evil, even a little, tends to lead to the Dark Side sooner or later, which isn't necessarily a good thing. In fact it tends to be rather the opposite. Kind of an evil thing really. Although in my darker moments I do have to admit that the Kohr-Ah have a splendid vision. No greed, famine or suffering. Just the cool emptiness of space. With them as guardians, the purity and simplicity of the Universe would be assured almost forever...
The Kohr-Ah are hardly evil. They simply wish to press for equality. Reducing everyone to the lowest common denominator as you will. They're the epitome of order in a maelstrom of intolerable galactic chaos.
Go to the Pkunk if you want to know the relationship of 'good' to 'evil'. Or better yet, for true evil, try and sit through a conversation with the Druuge.
We are the Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah. Our nature, the fulfillment of our fate requires your destruction. You are filth. It is now your time to be cleansed.
... unfortunately, to them the lowest common demoninator is the individual atoms. Not to restart the good'nevil debate here, but in my mind, the result counts, sometimes (but not always) more than warped intentions of purity.
for true Evil, listen the Utwig whine That'll make you shed tears and pull your hair...
The Kohr-Ah are just so friggin' paranoid. They were slaves for the Dynarri and they want it to never happen again. So they made a conclusion. Kill everyone so no one can slave you again. Simple?
I'd rate Ilwrath and Druuge to be the "bad guys". Ilwraths are religious fanatics for the twin gods Dogar and Kazon (did I get them right?), gods of something-evil-can't-remember-what.
And Druuge are just wicked capitalists. Fanatics and capitalists. Yay!