Topic: Poll time once more! about all the people (Read 32657 times)
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
This thread is becoming more annoying than the pkunk in melee.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

Since it's been kicked to the top, I may as well post as well.
1.What kind of poster you are This being my first post in the two or three months I've been visiting, I'd be classified as a lurker. In the board I administrate (currently down) I'm a bit more of a frequent poster. Suppose I should start here sometime. 2. Best moment in SC2 Making only two whole mining runs in an entire run of the single player game, then running around on the collected hoarde of RU/credits to complete quests without mining again. 3. Favourite book ever (one or several) The Hitchhiker series is really good, though I've never read the last book. Should get back to that again. 4. One hobby Just one? Yeesh...freaking Androsynth and thier limitations. I shall stick to my Human tendancies and defy my former (or future?) slave. Programming (html, perl, php), music composition, random doodlings, map/mod making, and other random and miscellaneous unrelated things. Nyah. 5. What you are/want to become in the real world. Wait, um. You mean there's something out there besides the internet? Must be boring. 6. A fun fact about yourselves. Myselves? Now I have to answer for multiple personalities? You Androsynth, I swear. First it's one of this, then several of that. Meh. 7. Anything else that feels valid and important What feels valid and important? Dunno. I administrate a yabb not too different from this one. Until our host went down I was trying to ressurect an RP forum. And so on...
WARNING: Statements of a deragatory nature made by me toward the Androsynth should not be taken seriously. I don't want to have to hide under a table from Lukipela after my first post.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2003, 04:26:38 pm by sageallen »
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
1.I post when i have to, or when i like to think i have too. 2. When the spathi were so cowardly they slave shielded themselves 3. lord of the flys. 4. i play the bassoon 5. prolly a musician (though getting paid to play starcon would be nice) 6. i dunno. playing the bassoon seems pretty strange.
Zebranky food

Posts: 37

1.What kind of poster you are Mostly intermittent, and generally lurking, I'm an emigrant from the desolation that was once the TW boards. I'm also "kinda" new to the whole bulletin board concept, so I don't usually post unless I have something useful to say... Then again, sometimes I have talkative streaks... 
2. Best moment in SC2 When exploring for the source of the Melnorme probes, I got pretty frustrated that I couldn't find anything interesting in the system... Then, on a whim, I decided to check out the gas giant... 
3. Favourite book ever (one or several) I'm currently a fan of George Martin's series, A Song of Fire and Ice, the last book being "A Storm of Swords". David Brin's Uplift Series is great, though I think the second book, "Startide Rising" is the best one. Btw, each book is more-or-less self contained. Terry Pratchett's wit is fantastic. I don't really have a "favorite" 
4. One hobby Lots of hobbies, but there is often downtime before revisiting. Um, let's say, calligraphy.
5. What you are/want to become in the real world. I'm a "Biological Science Technician". Sounds dry, right? I'm trying to change careers and become a teacher.
6. A fun fact about yourselves. SC2 got me very interested in PC music, especially since I had a PC speaker at the time and the music blew me a way!
7. Anything else that feels valid and important I like good food?
EDIT- fixed grammatical errors
« Last Edit: August 01, 2003, 12:51:43 am by neo_b »
Frungy champion
Posts: 60

jie2 do1ng fe1ng
1.What kind of poster you are - I've just started here, but I guess I post when I really feel the need to say something, I like reading more
2. Best moment in SC2 You might guess it with my name, any moment with the Yehat and their music is great. It's also fun making the Thraddash your bitch
3. Favourite book ever (one or several) I have several. The first love was Call of the Wild, by Jack London. Still is my favorite. A far second is Dune competing with Douglas Adams' books
4. One hobby I study Chinese, as a hobby, and hope to become fluent in it one day(it's tough) if you know Chinese I'd appreciate help practicing 5. What you are/want to become in the real world. I will begin studying next year, chemistry. I hope to move into biology later on.
6. A fun fact about yourselves. I enjoy beer, especially Guinness, and can flip together an impressive number of those bottom thingies in pubs 7. Anything else that feels valid and important I enjoy this site, especially to know there are people who feel like me about this game, and its disappointing sequel.
Btw, I posted a message titled the groombridge project, and I hope you guys get around to reading it
mike guthrie
...snip... So, what I'd like you to tell is simply:
1.What kind of poster you are 2. Best moment in SC2 3. Favourite book ever (one or several) 4. One hobby 5. What you are/want to become in the real world. 6. A fun fact about yourselves. 7. Anything else that feels valid and important
1. far into the furtive/hateful a flurry then off for weeks then back for another round.
2. in the credits where you see tanaka describe what he's been up to.
3. Cronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
4.Video games, wel duh! ...actually find the way to push the game to its extent, like in masters of orion 2 playing with subterainean race and conquering all but one small planet and terraforming all to gaea then see how many people are in my empire. or fastest win, or most money, I think you get the idea.
5. I am a computer tech, currently studing for my ccna.
6. I am double jointed in all finger except my pinkies... producing a sight, I expect like Jim carrey's though I've never seen it, and slide my glasses down to my nose and do a pretty good impression of the "help i've fallen and cat get up" lady... usually with some pretty good improv of the line.
7. I tend to play more stratagy based games though tactical is also enjoyable. Stratagy usually has poor story lines to it though. I have often dreamt of the be all and end all game... IMG (interlocking game modules, stolen from Rules of Engagement II) with mods for explore/rpg (starcon2), stratagic empire (MOO2), tactical combat (previously hypermelee, now Star Fleet Command 2), space shooter (Privateer II), marine shooter (Half-life, etc), and personally being no good half-life, etc...Marine tactical (Breach 3)
Rules of engagement 2 and breach 3 are from Impressions (long prior to sierra buy out. story lines arn't very big, but roe2 interface was best concept i've ever seen in my 17+ year of gameplay. and IGM is a concept i've never seen outside of the roe2 manual. BTW I'm absolutely that roe2 is abandonware, called impressions for a replacement copy around the time of the buy out, and spoke with one of the programmers... He told me that all impressions copywrights, and materials are owned by sierra now, and they likely will not produce replacements for roe2 even if I offer money. A call 2 months later confirmed it... customer support: "rules of what? We don't make that game." actual quote. further explanation of impressions products and buyout got me no further then a manager saying we won't be further support any impressions products produced prior to the buy out. I expect they wanted a few programmers, or an engine code, or somsuch, and used a blanket contract. pity. If any body has a working copy plz e-mail me.
Mike Guthrie Wile E. Coyote
Life is a journey... Another flat tire!?!
Mike Guthrie
1. I post about a dozen times every two or three days, first answering the newest ones, then working backwards from the older posts down to the newer ones. I'm about three quarters done at this point.
2. Being just barely blasted into oblivion by the fifth and final Ur-Quan in a fleet, and cursing irritably at the conquering Ur-Quan with one crew member--- only to see them collide with a planet during the victory ditty.
3. Lots of books, really. My favorite aren't sci-fi actually, they're sweet romances. I guess Black Swan by Mercedes Lackey is pretty good, though I really like Earth Song by Catherine Coulter as well.
4. Hobby? I like writing poetry... and short stories. Does that count?
5. Well, I used to be a computer science major at UCLA, but I dropped out when I realized coding made me vomit. Erm... I'm not sure what I want to be yet. I'm good at a lot of things, like counseling, computers, accounting, biology...and according to my English professors I'm good at writing. But as for what I want to be? It's still beyond me. *sigh*
6. I'm a study in opposites and unpredictability. I'm a Gemini and I don't put any stock in Zodiac signs. I'm a complete geek girl but I also hate math. I'm a computer potato but I've a black belt in a martial art and I look like a damned goth. I love reading books but I hate having to set aside time to read. I have a really bland sense of humor but I love joking around. I love my friends dearly but I hate getting close to anyone. I can't sing without practically shattering mirrors, but I love to sing. I can't take a compliment about my appearance but I'm always obsessed with how I look. I'm obsessed with angels but I'm also told that I'm obsessed with the concept of being evil. About a million other things as well, actually!
7. I hate talking about controversial issues, and that's why I haven't made a single commentry in the thread regarding the war. I don't mind people holding their own opinions about things, or even unpleasant opinions about me, but I prefer being able to talk with people who won't let their opinions about people get in the way of treating others with respect. I have a notoriously short temper (I should've been a bloody redhead) so there are times when if you're particularly out for my blood you'll be able to get my goat so to speak, but I also calm down rather fast as well.
Holy crap! Reading 6. I see many similiarities... I don't know whether to fall in love, or run for my life.
Mike Guthrie Wile E. Coyote
Life is a journey...was that a cop I passed at 90?
P.S. why is Wiley my hero? He may get his butt kicked constantly, but i've never seen him fail to get back up.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
1: I don't fully understand the question, but I am a long-time fan of Star Control 2 and I think it is the best game ever. I first played it in 1992, I think. If my count is accurate, I have completed it eight times.
2: The best moment was when I found out that Ur-Guan Masters (0.2) existed - I installed it - and I found out it works. I was able to play Star Control 2 again! After all those years!
3: Orson Scott Card - Ender (I also like Harry Potter very much)
4: soccer (I'm a goalkeeper)
5: a policeman
6: I'm 205cm tall and in the army at the moment (224 days left, that's the funny part)
7: I've made dozens of people try and love Star Control 2.
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
While this topic is up again I might as well post.
1.What kind of poster you are One that will post way to much and then slow down to way to little.
2. Best moment in SC2 Tricking my friend into thinking the VUX limpets were really lost crew. (You can guess what ship he was!)
3. Favourite book ever (one or several) I guess Lord of the Rings
4. One hobby Civil Air Patrol
5. What you are/want to become in the real world. Computer Programmer
6. A fun fact about yourselves. I like building airplane models.
7. Anything else that feels valid and important A dog who willl bark very loudly and scary like, but will run as soon as someone gets close.
Zebranky food

Posts: 3

"We make out all right with just us females"
1.What kind of poster you are
Dunno - yet, I'm new face here so let's see how it goes 
2. Best moment in SC2
I always enjoy talking with Spathi and especially making alliance with them has always been my favourite
3. Favourite book ever (one or several) I read a lot! Hitchiker's guide to galaxy, historical novels (like Sinuhe by Mika Waltari and I Claudius (can't remember the writer)), major fantacy books (tolkien, eddings, salvatore, robert jordan, terry brooks, weiss&hickham,...) and I like privet detective stories
4. One hobby I do draw quite a lot
5. What you are/want to become in the real world. I'm lousy engineer and want to become better artist 
6. A fun fact about yourselves. My husband nags that I spend too much time with my PC (which is almost always) - I mean it is usually other way round - dunno if that was a really fun fact 
7. Anything else that feels valid and important can't think of anything.....
« Last Edit: February 09, 2004, 09:59:28 pm by D_the_Syreen »