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Author Topic: Poll time once more! about all the people  (Read 32663 times)
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« Reply #45 on: February 12, 2004, 03:31:25 am »

1.What kind of poster you are
Not very often. I don't often find topics that interest me too much. I know, I know, I should make some then. However, I've played UQM through a few times and don't have many technical or background questions.
Besides, questions are often answered by one of the fantastic four pretty quickly...

2. Best moment in SC2
Beating the Thraddish into submission comes to mind.

3. Favourite book ever (one or several)
Wow, that's a though one. I think that "Half Asleep In Frog Pajamas" by Tom Robbins is fantastic (anything by Tom Robbins is terrific). David Eddings books are pretty good too. "A Wizard of Earthsea" by Ursula Le Guin is great.

4. One hobby
Programming. Why just one?

5. What you are/want to become in the real world.
I'd like to combine by computer skills with teaching.

6. A fun fact about yourselves.
Myselves? Both of me? Well, we like to go for long walks by
ourselves. Wink

7. Anything else that feels valid and important
I feel valid and important. How's that?
I've spent some time going over UQM code, finding ways to change ship stats, change which races get which ships, etc.

What sound does a penguin make?
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Re: Poll time once more! about all the people
« Reply #46 on: February 13, 2004, 01:10:09 am »

Post as many hobbies as you like.

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Re: Poll time once more! about all the people
« Reply #47 on: February 13, 2004, 03:41:42 pm »

Or, betetr yet, after introducing your self here, skeedaddle over here and tell us about your hobbies. This thread is strictly a one hobby thread, sorry Wink

What's up doc?
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Re: Poll time once more! about all the people
« Reply #48 on: February 19, 2004, 04:49:43 pm »

1.What kind of poster you are

Sporadic at best, though I suspect that will change once UQM 0.4 is released.

2. Best moment in SC2

Running out of fuel 0.6 hyperspace units from Sol, after having played for 6 hours straight without saving, cursing long and loud thinking I'd have to restart, and having the Melnorme come along and save me.

3. Favourite book ever (one or several)

Aye carumba, where to start?  Probably my first year Biophysics textbook (yeah, I'm a nerd, so shoot me), or Sherlock Holmes.

4. One hobby

Gymnastics.  Seriously.

5. What you are/want to become in the real world.

I'm a programmer in the Real World (tm), working for these guys:

6. A fun fact about yourselves.

I haven't cooked a meal in over 7 months, and the local pizza shop recognises me by voice over the phone.

7. Anything else that feels valid and important

er, I'm a volunteer with the local emergency services, and a private in the Army Reserves.  And I still haven't figured out the rules of cricket.
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Re: Poll time once more! about all the people
« Reply #49 on: February 28, 2004, 06:13:08 am »

Maybe I should reanimate this thread in luki's absence,  BTW: the way if u see me in any online games I used The alias MikeSoAwesome.

1.What kind of poster you are  

Erratic, show up every 12 hours of so.  Or when DJ pushes me (it's more like we push each other.

2. Best moment in SC2  

When I finally got It running in Win 95 in 1995.

3. Favourite book ever (one or several)  

I'd have to say "Caves On Mars" (Uncertain if it's on or of) great book read it bout' 10 years ago.

4. One hobby

I bowl nuf' said

5. What you are/want to become in the real world.  

Computer Programmer/Networking.  A plan yet to be reached.

6. A fun fact about yourselves.  

I'm kind of an asshole watch "John Clese in How To Irritate People" u will get the idea.

7. Anything else that feels valid and important  
Despite what many might think I'm not 10 years old maybe I played SC2 when i was 10, but I'm Actually going on 20 and listen to Led Zeppelin own all their albums (CD's) and learned no one knows how to spell it.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2004, 06:13:43 am by Terminator » Logged

We must each create our own paths. Do not mimic mine, I don't even like myself.
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Re: Poll time once more! about all the people
« Reply #50 on: February 28, 2004, 09:56:51 am »

1.What kind of poster you are

A new one.

2. Best moment in SC2

Content to Hover: "Uh-oh."

3. Favourite book ever (one or several)

The Marvelous Land of Oz

4. One hobby

I build boats.  (And sail them.)

5. What you are/want to become in the real world.

I'm a computer geek.  (Obviously.)

6. A fun fact about yourselves.

I've figured out a loophole for legal same-sex marriage in Ohio.

7. Anything else that feels valid and important

I just discovered "uqm" for Gentoo Linux, never having played SC1 or SC2 back in the day.  Is TFB planning to open the SC1 code, too?  If not, perhaps the UQM code could be used to remake it after 1.0 is finished?
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Re: Poll time once more! about all the people
« Reply #51 on: February 29, 2004, 11:37:59 pm »

Well, I should try this too...

1.What kind of poster you are :
I post occasionally, I have my posting waves, when they die off I stop visiting the forums I frequent and then remember them some day and resume posting.

2.Best moment in SC2:
Well, there are two of them, the first is the first time in Quasispace with the awesome PC music. It is still one of my favourites.
The second was my first meeting with the Orz. They made the game fun for me being wacky but dangerous.

3. Favourite book ever (one or several):
Definitley: Donnerjack by Zelazny and Lindskold. Yes, that Zelazny. It's so good I reread it every two months.

4. One hobby :

5. What you are/want to become in the real world.
I will become a software engineer. I wish to be a part of a team writing a great game such as SC2 or Baldur's Gate II.

6. A fun fact about yourselves.
I used to tell people the brand names of the cars I saw when I was 1.5 years old. Now I can't tell most of them.

7.Anything else that feels valid and important
I loved SC2 because it was the first game that played music (and good music) through my PC speaker.


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Re: Poll time once more! about all the people
« Reply #52 on: March 01, 2004, 08:50:54 pm »

4. One hobby

I build boats.  (And sail them.)

Sweet. I like to sail, but haven't been able to do that much recently...

6. A fun fact about yourselves.

I've figured out a loophole for legal same-sex marriage in Ohio.

care to elaborate?

7. Anything else that feels valid and important

I just discovered "uqm" for Gentoo Linux, never having played SC1 or SC2 back in the day.  Is TFB planning to open the SC1 code, too?  If not, perhaps the UQM code could be used to remake it after 1.0 is finished?

IIRC, the SC1 code is lost to the sands of time. There have been ideas and debates on how to get a SC1-like full game set up, and someone set about beginning to implement it. I would like to hear how that is going...
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Re: Poll time once more! about all the people
« Reply #53 on: June 01, 2007, 10:25:58 pm »


Would you care to guess which thread has once more been resurrected from the dead? Yes, it's been quite a while, and there's plenty of new folks around. Seeing as the thread is a wee bit on the dusty side, I'm hereby declaring the thread open for reposts, if there has been significant changes in your life. For added fun, quote your old post and edit in the new answers!

1. I'm a manic and periodic poster, meaning at some stages I'll post like crazy, and then at other's there will be several days during which I only write a reply or two.

REVISION: Sometimes there will be several months during which I wont write. Age has dulled my posting instincts.

2. When I set sails intop Androsynth space to try to talk my distant cousins into allying with me. I was flying on full combat alert, prepared to be hailed by a battlegroup of merciless Guardians at any time, expecting instant death. And this strange race appears, there are no androsynth, not even any traces!! that was spooky... Of course, once I found the homeplanet it got worse...

REVISION: No, pretty much the same

3. At the moment a series about a detectuive called Charlie Parker, the latest one called "The White Road", written by John Connolly.

REVISION: Carl Hiasen writes some borderline insane stuff, which is good for a laugh. But if you want to read a really really good book, I'd recommend "A sense of the World" by Jason Roberts, and amazing story about a blind traveller in the 16th century.

4.I rather like cooking actually. Being a student I mostly just make something quick, but every now and then a few of us get together and cook something cool.

REVISION: Still cooking, but for two nowadays.

5. I am a student, aiming to become a diploma engineer in process technology.

REVISION: I'm graduated, and working my first real life job.

6. I can twist my right hand into a claw, just like Jim Carrey. Only mines scarier...

REVISION: Nope, my messed up hand is still my best asset.

7. that's pretty much it. I also come up with fascinating Xenophobic topics, so I thought I'd make an exception woith this one.

REVISION: err... it's summer and lovely weather outside?

What's up doc?
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Re: Poll time once more! about all the people
« Reply #54 on: June 03, 2007, 08:01:55 pm »

1.What kind of poster you are
Moderate, I don't post that much lol

2. Best moment in SC2
Meeting and talking with the Thraddash. I love those guys.

3. Favourite book ever (one or several)
Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, or the Malazan Book of the Fallen series (prolly book 3, Memories of Ice)

4. One hobby
Hmm, hobby...I guess cooking...or rather experimenting in the kitchen

5. What you are/want to become in the real world.
Im a student, with aspirations in research science. But we'll see lol

6. A fun fact about yourselves.
I love ska music!

7. Anything else that feels valid and important
Um.....I like cookies. But not any with raisons. So help me god if I find a raison in my cookie!!
« Last Edit: June 03, 2007, 09:02:47 pm by countchocula86 » Logged

I like to think you killed a man. It's the romantic in me.

Re: Poll time once more! about all the people
« Reply #55 on: June 03, 2007, 08:41:09 pm »

1. EXTREME!!! 900 posts in 4 months!!! That's 7 posts a day for you math-haters!
I even got PM-ed by meep-eep who said:
Quote from: PM by meep-eep, subject: Posting diarrhea
It's been bugging myself  for quite some time now, but now other people are actually asking me to take action. You are making way too many frivolous posts.
I understand that you're just a SC fan who likes to talk about the game, but look at these statistics:
This forum exists since 2002; you're here for not even 4 months, and yet

    * you've started more new threads than anyone (66)
    * you've made 852 postings, placing you in the top 10 list of most active posters, among people who've been posting from the start of this forum. One out of every three postings is yours these days.
    * you've created 15 polls. While the poll feature only exists for about a year, this is still about twice as much as all other people combined.

You don't have to respond to every posting out there. Your remarks really aren't that insightful that people are interested in your opinion on everything.
And if you find yourself responding to your own postings, maybe you should stop to think whether anyone is actually interested in what you're saying.

You are obviously a very quantity-over-quality kind of person (as I've noticed in the Ultronomicon too), and I'm not trying to change who you are, but you are starting to annoy people.
Some of your remarks are actually quite interesting, and if you would just hold back a bit instead of saying everything that is on your mind, the things you would say would then make you appear a lot more insightful.

I'm sorry if I'm being harsh, but sometimes a moderator has to moderate.
And I'm slowly dropping at 3 posts a day.

I also like using sockpuppets, like Galvennmeister.
And using a ridiculous birth day for my profile.

2. When I found out about the Slylandro. It was after I had finished the game and I was exploring around to see if I had missed something.
Also, when I found the VUX Beast - you know, I had tried using the translation of Linch-Nas-Ploh to no avail... until I realized that Linch comes from Lyncis, and checked every planet in Lyncis. I found a strange looking creature and hunted it, with no hope of it being the Beast... when I got a lander message!!! HURRAH!!!

3. I really like the Dune series (in a gradient, the first book the most and the last ones the least).

4. I could say that I'm learning 3D modeling, in the hopes that I will someday make videos at least as good as Slylendro.

5. I'd like to become a biophysicist.

6. I'm always in one of the extremes.

7. Umm... I'M A VAMPIRE!!!
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Re: Poll time once more! about all the people
« Reply #56 on: June 04, 2007, 06:00:24 pm »

Huh. I probably missed the 2004 ressurection of this thread by a couple of months at most, I know I started posting here (and first discovered UQM) just after 0.4 was released. I guess I never went back to look.

1: I check daily, most often during some downtime at work (thank goodness this is one of the few sites that the stupid web filter didn't catch). I post when I feel I have something relevant to add (or just feel like posting, anyway). It's probably also worth mentioning that certain topics will consistently make me pop blood vessels after a short amount of time; I've been trying to avoid posting in them.

2: Finding Fwiffo for the first time. Boy, was I ever pissed when he slaughtered all those crew! But once I got to talking with him, he just made me laugh, and I didn't have the heart to atmoize him. Best decision I made during that first playthrough, perhaps, though I wasn't good enough with Eluders to keep him alive for the entire game like I do now.

Incidentally, I found him so amusing, that I ended up randomly quoting his dialog for a couple of weeks, wherever I felt I could work it into a conversation, often to people who had no idea what I was referencing. Good times. Cool

3: Anything by Terry Pratchett, because I couldn't choose a single favorite one of his books even if forced. I'm very fond of select works by many other authors, but Pratchett is the only one I read and thoroughly enjoy consistently.

4: I guess you could say that gaming is my main hobby, in all its myriad forms (PC, console, handheld, board, tabletop, pen & paper RPGs, card, etc. etc. etc.). I've amassed quite a collection over the years (primarily because I'm reluctant to sell or toss any of it; you never know when you'll want to pick those old game up again!).

5: Biochemist, Oligonucleotide synthesis. I've been working about 5 1/2 years now.

6: I never outgrew my love of Transformers from when I was a wee lad (much like several others on this forum, looking back). I still have boxes of the toys dating back as far as the early 80's, and I'll be headed to BotCon later this month. Alternator Skids guards the top of my dresser, and a reissue Optimus Prime signed by Peter Cullen sits on one of my other shelves (this will be relevant only if you're a fan of the cartoon, too).

7: I like using parentheses when I type, and find occasion to work them in frequently (could you tell?). I'm also rather fond of the semicolon; even if I may not be using it correctly, it makes me happy to throw one in on occasion as well. Cool
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Re: Poll time once more! about all the people
« Reply #57 on: June 04, 2007, 10:17:38 pm »

1.What kind of poster you are
I consider myself to be fairly frequest, if not as frequent as others. To be honest I dont add a lot tof value to dialogue outside of melee tournaments

2. Best moment in SC2
Finding the Slylandro - how cool!

3. Favourite book ever (one or several)
Er, obviously not original choices but hard to go past Hitchhiker's and LOTR

4. One hobby
I play Ultimate Frisbee!

5. What you are/want to become in the real world.
Currently  a mindless government drone. Would like to save the world instead. I intend to run for God in the next election

6. A fun fact about yourself.
I have double jointed thumbs and elbows. Also used to play guitar ina  band, seems a long time ago now...

7. Anything else that feels valid and important
As well as working fulltime, I'm studying part time too - Geography post-graduate. This means I have no life.

Play online melee here!
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Re: Poll time once more! about all the people
« Reply #58 on: June 05, 2007, 03:02:23 am »

Alrighty then. In the last few weeks we've had a LOT of new people coming aboard, and posting like maniacs. Seeing as there are so many new and old members around suddenly, I thought It'd be fun to create this topic where we all introduce ourselves just a little bit. or it might not, I guess I'll see how fast this subject disappears off the chart...

So, what I'd like you to tell is simply:

You can't scare me with this Gestapo crap. I know my rights. I want my phone call.
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Re: Poll time once more! about all the people
« Reply #59 on: June 05, 2007, 09:09:48 pm »

You can't scare me with this Gestapo crap. I know my rights. I want my phone call.

Golly, just fill in the darn thing you nincompoop.

What's up doc?
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