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Author Topic: Plausibly-SC2-Related Upcoming Event (w/ Bill Nye)  (Read 2668 times)
Zebranky food
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Plausibly-SC2-Related Upcoming Event (w/ Bill Nye)
« on: May 13, 2003, 09:37:53 am »

Hey everyone,

I don't know how relevant most would consider this to be, but I'm going to feature the original Star Control 2 Hyperspace theme in the music setlist for the intermission of an upcoming event.  Star Control 2 fans will likely be interested in the subject matter too (especially those who actually live within driving distance of Los Angeles).  This will be a big event, expected attendance: 900.  Here's the scoop:

[begin scoop]

The UCLA AstroBiology Society presents:

Life in the Universe: an Astrobiology Symposium!
featuring BILL NYE the SCIENCE GUY and
Dr. Jill Tarter, Director of Research at SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)
Sunday, June 1st,   3 - 6 pm
Ackerman Union, Grand Ballroom (level 2)
308 Westwood Plaza

Free and open to the public
Hands-on displays
Free refreshments

Co-sponsored by The Planetary Society, the NASA Astrobiology Institute, and the Center for the Study of Evolution and the Origin of Life (CSEOL).

our website:

As defined by NASA, astrobiology is an interdisciplinary endeavor to answer the following three questions:
-How does life begin and evolve?
-Is there life elsewhere in the universe?
-What is the future of life, on Earth and beyond?

Come learn more at this exciting event, featuring keynote speakers Bill Nye the Science Guy, and Dr. Jill Tarter, Director of Research at SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence).  Bill Nye will give an overview on astrobiology, while Jill Tarter will focus on looking for traces of intelligent life in the galaxy.  An intermission between the two speakers will feature hands-on educational displays and free refreshments.

1.  Take 405 (San Diego Freeway) to Wilshire Blvd. East
2.  Travel east three blocks to Westwood Blvd.
3.  Turn Left on Westwood Blvd.
4.  Travel five blocks to Parking & Information Booth

Parking is available for $7.

[end scoop]

Anyone who's close enough should definitely come by to *enjoy the sauce*

Jason Finley
on behalf of ABS,

UCLA AstroBiology Society
Co-President - Geoff Robertson
Co-President - Dan Fingal
Co-Vice-President - Evan Cholfin
Co-Vice-President - Cynthia Aguilar
Historian & Secretary - Lila Farrington
Treasurer - Toni Lee
Publicity Coordinator - Gemma C. Lewis
Publication Journalists - Robert Conkey, Katy Grimm, Todd Huffman
AstroBiology Pathfinder Director - Sabrina Mayerberger
ABP Researchers - Cynthia Aguilar, Lila Farrington, Kyoo Hyung Choe
Co-Founder - Laurel Methot
Co-Founder - Jason Finley

Re: Plausibly-SC2-Related Upcoming Event (w/ Bill
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2003, 09:45:15 am »

Ooo, cool. You don't hear that every day.  Smiley

I'm nowhere near LA but I just had to add some sort of input.
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Re: Plausibly-SC2-Related Upcoming Event (w/ Bill
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2003, 06:49:45 pm »

Woo! SC2 music and a astro-lecture on my b-day in my home-town in my old university! Oh, but I won't be anywhere NEAR L.A. for the next two months. =( Phooey.

And I wanted go see Bill Nye and listen to Star Control Hyperspace music =/

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Re: Plausibly-SC2-Related Upcoming Event (w/ Bill
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2003, 02:11:22 am »


usc is far superior Wink
Zebranky food
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Re: Plausibly-SC2-Related Upcoming Event (w/ Bill
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2003, 11:03:44 am »

Woo! SC2 music and a astro-lecture on my b-day in my home-town in my old university! Oh, but I won't be anywhere NEAR L.A. for the next two months. =( Phooey.

And I wanted go see Bill Nye and listen to Star Control Hyperspace music =/

A fellow Bruin! How cool! Smiley

It's too bad I rarely ever get to see L.A. any more ever since I moved to Houston about two years ago. I really miss it there.

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