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Topic: Why do Arilou favor Earthlings over Syreen? (Read 12948 times)
BioSlayer: There's so many things wrong with that theory it's not even funny, but it's good that you're thinking outside of the box. So then why do Orz starship commanders have such deep voices when they so *GO*? And why is one of the Orz commanders named *Boy* and another with the somewhat masculine title of *Loner*?
The sheer ridiculousness of your theory is a gaping hole in itself. I'm not wasting any more time on it. It doesn't even have anything to do with Arilou/Syreen/Earthling connections.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2003, 07:35:52 am by Shiver »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 495

Lady Marauder
I have to admit, it did get a lot of giggles out of me though.
Anyways, I just imagine that humans *are* directly genetically linked to the Arilou, whereas the similarity of the Syreen are examples of a cosmic coincidence of incredible proportions. Talana's dialogue when you first encounter her seems to suggest just that very idea; it's a strong coincidence that was probably helped (slightly) along by Eden and Earth's almost identical mass/climate/atmosphere/etc. And yes, I am aware that even the most minute factors in an enviroment can create tremendous changes over time. Or even cancel each other out for that matter.
There are creatures in Earth's ecosystem that are genetically different, but the are very similar in nature and appearance and have a similar niche in their environment. Syreen and Humans I believe *did* evolve independently, and the similarity of their genetics as is, is incredibly coincidental, but I do think it's still a coincidence. There are still some slightly notable differences in genetic composition, after all. Such as blue skin and glowing green eyes.... (Note that even similar or near-identical phenotypes can still conceal strongly differing genotypes.)
*ponders the similarities of the VUX to the Spathi in the meantime* Both of them have one eye, both of them are mollusks (one's a clam, the other's a squid) and they're both green. They are both considered ugly by human standards ("ewww, you guys are all gross with those gooey eyeballs and stuff. Ick!") and they both use tentacle-like appendages to operate their controls.
Alright, so they're not -that- similar. But they are an example of completely independent species' evolution taking steps in similar directions.
(Btw, I don't suppose anyone has picked up on my fascination with genetics by now, have they? )
« Last Edit: April 12, 2003, 08:30:29 am by Kohr-Ah_Primat »
We are the Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah. Our nature, the fulfillment of our fate requires your destruction. You are filth. It is now your time to be cleansed.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 134

Robot in Disguise
The Spathi and VUX might look similar, but Humans and Syreen can reproduce and create a Hybrid! If you can call it a Hybrid at all.. After all according to science if two creatures can have fertile offspring then they're of the same species. Sure the skin and eye color is different, but hey - we have those on earth already! White people, black people, yellow people and they all have different eye colors. The fact it, the genetic difference between the Humans and Syreen is VERY small.
Now when it comes to the Arilou, we don't know if we're genetically close to them or not. All we know is that they look a bit like us, with two eyes, one head and all that. But half the Galaxy looks like that in SC2....
So it might be a coincidence that Human and Syreen have the same DNA, it's even possible in the real world, but that chances are SOOOOOOOOO small, that it's more likely that the Ur-quan are responsible for it somehow
« Last Edit: April 12, 2003, 02:50:00 pm by UAF »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 134

Robot in Disguise
I just said that the chances that it happened naturally are SOOOO slime that I'll believe someone who'll blame the Ur-quan for that before I'll believe it's a coincidence.
The Orz are bisexual. (emphesis mine)
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
You probably mean 'hermaphroditic' as in having both genders.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Actually, 'bisexual' has two meanings. One, having some kind of ability to be both genders, either through automatic sex change, like some frogs (and thus the Velociraptors in Jurassic Park), or functional hermaphroditism (like worms). The other is the one with which I'm sure we're all familiar.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 134

Robot in Disguise
I might be wrong, but I think the Syreen space cities didn't have Hyperspace ability when the Alliance first met them. So the Syreen weren't much more advanced then the Humans.
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