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Topic: Why do Arilou favor Earthlings over Syreen? (Read 12953 times)
It's fair that the Arilou don't give a crap about the Androsynth, seeing as how they're just an invention that backfired (with many flaws no doubt), but what's wrong with the Syreen? Shouldn't they be just as valuable to the Arilou as us humans?
Zebranky food

Posts: 15

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
The VUX *do* hate the Syreen, I think. It just doesn't really come up. That or the Syreen are somehow empathic (shades of SC3?) or something, and the VUX buy into it (they're not the swiftest people in the galaxy).
The VUX probably don't hate the Androsynth for several reasons. First, they're Hierarchy members, willing to fight against the Humans, Syreen, and other disgusting beasts. As long as you don't look at them too often you should be fine. Second, they're not "real." I imagine there are certain biological functions the VUX find distasteful that the Androsynth just don't/didn't do. Third, the Ur-Quan would slap them around if they didn't behave.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 156

Spathi? What spathi? You're imagining, hunam.
I don't think the incident has been mentioned because the VUX pretty much say it didn't matter. All that talk about an insult was really just an excuse so they could kill you and stop looking at you.
And I figure the arilou aren't interested cause they aren't working on the synth or the syreen. Aren't that many arilou around to begin with, and guiding the development of a culture is likely a pretty big task. Might not be up to doing it on two, and they just chose us.
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Posts: 134

Robot in Disguise
I don't know if ErekLich saw it in the old TW forums, but in a similar discussion there an idea was brought up that the Human and Syreen are the same race, and one group was transferred to the another planet. The Humans had experiments done to them, while the Syreen are a control group. When you think about it, maybe both groups had experiments done to them, but the Syreen project failed, the Human project didn't... yet... Maybe there are more almost-Human races out there, other experiments and projects of the Arilou.
As for the Synth, we don't know if the Arilou didn't care for them at all, but after all the changes we made to our "children" maybe we ruined what the Arilou find interesting in our race. Also, the Synth can only reproduce by cloning themselves, which mean that they don't evolve unless they'll mess with their genes, so they might again ruin anything the Arilou would try to do.
Another interesting possibility that just occurred to me- what if it's not just Humans that the Arilou are interested in, but earth as well. Our planet might be some kind of "slippery place" or just a big Arilou device, and one thing the Syreen and Synth definitely have different then Humans is that they don't live on earth. To support this, I don't remember that the Arilou showed any real interest in the earthling colony on Vega. All they care about are the Humans on earth, and the things that effect them.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 155
Actually, in another thread I posted an indirect connection between humans, Arilou, and Syreen. It's one of those things that might just be a coincidence or might not mean anything, but something about the idea appeals to me.
Commander Hayes: I like to think I'm not a bigoted person, Captain, especially when it comes to allies but there is just something about those Arilou that gives me the creeps. Talana: The Arilou, those creepy little weasels, just plain bugged out -- vanished... No other race refers to the Arilou as being creepy. I think it must be some kind of instinct, perhaps another phenomenon that occurs in the game: genetic memory. Some races can directly remember their genetic memories (Mycon, Ur-Quan, Dnyarri) but in some others it only manifests on an emotional level.
I don't think the Arilou are very interested in the Syreen... anymore. This doesn't mean they didn't do some experimenting in the past though.
It's a long shot, sure, but I like the idea anyway. =)
philosophy is the talk on a cereal box religion is a smile on a dog
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Well, that seems to be a bit thin a parallell for me. i mean, most races in the Quadrant find the Traddash obnoxious. And most people found the Chenjesu wise. And ehy, everyone thinks that the Spathi are cowards! And so on and on...
That doesn't necessarily mena that there is a strong connection between the races....
Also, keep in mind that whatever Talana says, what we hear is translated to the closest best fit... So it might be that her word has subtle differences that the translator can't figure out.
Also, creepy can mean several things, no? Whereas the commander seems to mean creepy as in omnious somehow, maybe talana means creepy more in the way a stalekr is creepy? )Ok, long stretch, but still)
What's up doc?
Posts: 656

Don't mess with the US.
guys cant you see the obvious? its because they are trying to create a female Arilou and they dont like the color blue!
see the whole thing is that the arilou are all males and guess what happend to all the females. they contracted a strange virus which turned them into fish like things. and the Arilou word for female is orz. i just explained why there is some much hostility between them. oh yea and the orz tryed to turn the androsyth into male fish like things.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2003, 04:59:06 am by BioSlayer »
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