Topic: Does it bug anyone that is working on this? (Read 22668 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 495

Lady Marauder
Try saying hi to the Dnyarri without a mind shield.
This sounds all too familiar... yes, the nightmare begins again. Perhaps we should contact the Kohr-Ah Primat, explain to her. No, they will not believe. They are too stubborn and simple-minded. They will not see the danger until it is too late! Human, begone! Leave my sight! We must defeat the Kohr-Ah speedily so that we can attend to this new Dnyarri menace.
See, my options were: Zoq, Talana, Queen Veep Neep, Utwig High Proctor, and Kohr Ah Primat. And I suppose, Sullen Plummet.
None of these had any appeal to me whatsoever except for either Zoq or Kohr-Ah. And Omni's already got a picture of a Fot, and there's someone who already has a picture of the Pik, so I didn't want to be another sheep in a flock.
We are the Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah. Our nature, the fulfillment of our fate requires your destruction. You are filth. It is now your time to be cleansed.
Posts: 817
that would requrie me to have thoes spare parts laying around, one and two the knowlage to put them together into something useful, wich i dont. im just a simple welder with limited computer knowlage, though i did install my voodoo5 and added some more ram to my super destructive and yet timid 600mhrz compaq crap machine that crashes more then a boeing 747. but thanks anyway. its a good thing they included a cd recovery program, otherwise id be up a creek without a mouse... ~DEFIANT
« Last Edit: April 19, 2003, 10:16:31 am by DEFIANT »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 495

Lady Marauder
Rar. You're going to end up Enlightened at this rate, Omni. And yay, I'm *smell* controller now.
Personally, I'm not into the whole concept of good and evil. I just feel there's actions, and there are consequences.
And to address the topic of the post: I think that reconstructing the code is the very first step in improving upon the game. Once you've gotten the remake of the original down, then you have something to work off of to improve the game. Plus, I personally believe in UQM being a rebirth of the series. I'd rather think of the series as the Ur-Quan Masters Series, starting with this game, and possible sequels coming along in the form of UQM2, and such and so forth. I don't particularly lend a lot of weight to SC3 as a sequel (obviously) and to be honest I'm not particularly big on the whole Timewarp project and where they're going with it. I guess you could call me a purist in that sense.
Personally, I just want to see what Fred and Paul can pull out of their collective noodles for this series.
We are the Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah. Our nature, the fulfillment of our fate requires your destruction. You are filth. It is now your time to be cleansed.