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Topic: Ur-Quan Psychology 101 (Read 7003 times)
If every species in the area went after the two Ur-Quan races, they'd get blown to pieces by the Sa-Matra. Hell, they wouldn't even stand a chance against the conventional fleets seeing as how the really powerful races (Utwig, Yehat, Orz) don't have enough ships. That's where the Chmmr come in. A hyperwave broadcast pleeding for such a battle would only lose the game faster right up until after the Sa-Matra is destroyed, which is kind of what happens.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2003, 03:56:58 am by Shiver »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 134

Robot in Disguise
Gameplay gentleman! Of course, I prefer it when the game give some kind of logical reason, but at the end it gameplay that counts.
Having unlimited RU, all the ships, or an even bigger better supership might SOUND nice cool and fun, but at the end it's not.
Of course, we can still guess for some kind of "logical" reason for all that...
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
The two of you make a terrific comedy duo. Glad to see your back to full steam GM....
But you are seriously starting to sound like Gollum, so maybe you should be a bit more careful around gold in the future? 
And it's not just the mining...
"So Captain, how fares the battle against he Ur-Quan?"
"Oh quite well, quite well, look at all the funny animals I've stunned and stowed into the aft cargo hold"
"Err.. How exactly are these creatures going to aid us in out battle against the dreaded Ur-Quan? They aren't even sentient!"
"But they're so cute! Look at that one, it looks like a Spathi on speed! And they twitch so adorably when we zap them... My pretties.. mmm..."
"Umm sir? The roster says that during your pursuits of these... pets, you've lost quite a few crewmembers, crewprices may begin to increase soon..."
"Oh yes, some of them can be quite feisty.. don't you worry your little head about the crew, I'äve already decided to replace them with these bee swarm kind of thingys! It's gonna be great, just me and my spacebees! Oh, we'll have so much fun, won't we my preciouses?"
What's up doc?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 134

Robot in Disguise
Well when I play it's more like this:
"So captain, how fares the battle against he Ur-Quan?"
"Well, I've been killing tons of VUX lately. Look at all the VUX salvage parts I have in my storage!"
"Excellent captain! So you're taking out the Hierarchy allies first?"
"Allies? who... oh the VUX?? No, I just do it for the RU. It's much safer then getting down to those planets. Although I don't think it's healthy for Fwiffo's mental health..."
Fwiffo: "VVV... VVV... VVV... VVVUX... VVV..."
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