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Topic: Advice needed... (Read 6912 times)
Posts: 817
start with the stars within the illwraiths sphere of influence. alot are sutiable for a under powered lander, and the minerials are of good quality too. but if your having trouble against there ships, try waitng for a message from the starbase captain. hell fill you in. this unknown races ships work rather well in the beginning against the dillrats. ~DEFIANT
« Last Edit: April 20, 2003, 11:52:19 pm by DEFIANT »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 495

Lady Marauder
Obviously, a really minor suggestion, but one that still more or less applies; if you're on a world with Radioactives or exotics (or even precious metals) then be careful not to scoop up a mineral deposit when your lander is almost full up. You could lose a potential 150 RUs (500 RU for exotics) each and every time you do that. Just send the lander back and send it back down for another trip.
Also, it doesn't hurt to carry more cargo bays than you think you'll need. Yes, you can dump out commons and corrosives in favor of more expensive minerals if you max out on cargo---but those minerals will never be recovered again, and even 300 corrosives made way for 300 precious metals---is still 600 RU that you miss out on.
Fuel is a -lot- more expensive than many realize. Going to a star 30 light years away sucks up 60 fuel points on a round trip, not including lander fuel. That's 1200 RU, gone right there. This is another very good reason you want to err on the side of too much than too few cargo bays. If you dont' make at least 1200 RU on a return trip, all you've done is gone and wasted a couple months. I suggest using the Melnorme to fuel up when you can. Yes, you want to scrape all your credits together for technology--- but keep in mind that even with only the first technology the Melnorme give you--- the improved blasters--- you can still be a force to be feared by most of the creatures in the galaxy. You'll also find that having 150 crew with a pair of ion-bolt blasters can be a lot more resilent in space than having 50 crew with a pair of upgraded blasters. The Melnorme sell you fuel at a very good price, considering your bio units are worth double when you sell them to the Melnorme, and a single Rainbow World is basically worth 10,000 RU.
Oh and one more minor tip with a lander--- if you're at a planet with radioactives or exotics (or even precious metals), save the game before mining. Losing even an unupgraded lander full of cargo could cost you over a thousand RU, if you include the cost of the cargo you were carrying. (or double that, if you were carrying exotics). Obviously, most people recommend saving before mining anyways, but this gets tedious for some, and feels like cheating to others.
We are the Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah. Our nature, the fulfillment of our fate requires your destruction. You are filth. It is now your time to be cleansed.
Zebranky food

Posts: 8

"There's no fighting in a war room!" - Strangelove
Thanks to all. The overwhelming amount of advice offered helped me beat the game for the first time in a decade (Give or take a year or two). I used to use the lander cheat in my guilt-free youth. :-/
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