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Topic: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) (Read 6145 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 8

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Wow, I was about to pull my hair out before I found this thread. I don't recall having these difficulties when I played the PC game years ago. This time, I stumbled upon the Suppox by accident, and I had no idea they had the Ultron (I was trying for ages to get the Ultron out of the Utwig or to assemble an Ultron out of the 3 parts I had). Nothing in the 3DO version indicated the Supox had it.
Also, that little tidbit about where the Syreen homeworld is located is definitely not in the current version. At first I was searching all over the starmap for "Syra"; then I was systematically checking every star system near Betelgeuse, since I recalled they spent 75 years adrift after leaving Syra, so they couldn't have gone that far.
Two questions:
Was the Umgah homeworld ever mentioned? Again, this was a case of going through every system before finding it (luckily, it took me only four tries).
Someone above mentioned there's three egg fragments. Where did you find the info that indicated there were three?
Captain Smith
Was the Umgah homeworld ever mentioned? Again, this was a case of going through every system before finding it (luckily, it took me only four tries).
FWIW, on the other conversation questions, the Beta Leporis reference and the ship giving by the Supox and Utwig don't exist in the PC version...
On this question...if you go back to Arilou they'll kind of try to "help" you with the Umgah once they've been taken over...
Have you checked the Umgah yet?
Answer #1: Our exploration skiffs have not returned. We are concerned. Perhaps if you ask later, we will know then.
Answer #2:
We have discovered something strange and frightening about the Umgah When we approached their vessels, we were instantly attacked and the Umgah made no attempts to contact our ships or respond to our hails. Using our own psionic sensitivities, we determined that they are under some form of psychic compulsion. The source of psionic control commands appears to be Beta Orionis, the Umgah's home star. We sent vessels to investigate this location, but none has returned... we fear they are destroyed.
There's one reference anyway...reminds me of a question...I'll read more, but I'm wondering if there's a reference that indicates where the Taalo psionic nullifier is in the game...
Captain Smith
Unfortunately those things were cut out of the 3DO version from the PC version (as you can see from the quotes above)..they were really rather important to know...
As a thought, I wonder if they can add these little factoids back in as maybe a "additional information being transferred to computer" or something similar...
Captain Smith
I never had any trouble visiting before I got the sun device, so I always assumed that that was what trigered their presence over there...
FWIW I looked at the source....and you can take this as reliable or no...
This happens when you approach orbit of Procyon:
Basically if you have the sun device, the Ilwrath haven't been "contacted" by Dogar and Kazon, and I'm not sure about the last one by looking at the code, but I think it relates to having some kind of contact with the Ilwrath in the past in their space...I'm sure someone who knows the source better can explain... (a lot of it really is greek to me)
In the conversation code we get:
else if (GET_GAME_STATE (GLOBAL_FLAGS_AND_DATA) & (1 << 6)) { NumVisits = GET_GAME_STATE (ILWRATH_CHMMR_VISITS); //Conversation & Response of battle//
The IF statement is set to be true in the specific code above...
I'm sure someone can give us some ideas...
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