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Author Topic: Awsome Re-mixs  (Read 8119 times)
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Re: Awsome Re-mixs
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2003, 10:28:41 am »

I certainly haven't shyed away from sharing my opinion about the Shofixti remix before.  I certainly think it has promise, I'm just not satisfied it's a copmplete remix yet.  I think that things still need to be worked out and polished for it to be a usable piece in the real game.  I certainly wouldn't use it in the game, because it doesn't sound Japanese to me.  I may not think the original song for the Shofixti was perfect, but I think alot of the good things about the song have been ruined by the remix.

Don't ask me why, but the new Thraddash, Ur-Quan and Hyperspace remixes are the most promising I've seen so far.  While I know alot of people do not agree, I certainly put my support behind the whole remix team, and hope that the new remixes that are being made get their feet off the ground.  I already use the Thraddash remix (by VileRancour) in the game, and I will use Joost's Ur-Quan remix for sure if and when it is finished.  Well, those are my two cents, however worthless they may be.   Tongue

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Re: Awsome Re-mixs
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2003, 10:59:15 am »

*laughs* The Ilwrath remix, while it also has promise, also makes me think what I've overheard-- that it sounds too cheery and perky in certain parts of the track, reminiscent of shiny sunny cheerful *flower*y race.

But it's not as bad as I think I've overheard it discussed as. I mean there are some parts that are kinda creepy, like them creepy Dill-Rat spiders..

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Re: Awsome Re-mixs
« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2003, 06:02:55 pm »

Just don't expect exact replicas of the original tunes from the remix project. I've remixed two of the songs (plus victory ditties) so far for this project, and none of them have more than a passing resemblance to the originals.

Admit it, not all of the original tunes were works of art. Smiley
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Re: Awsome Re-mixs
« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2003, 06:33:11 pm »


Yeah, I've shown the dancing banana to several of my girl friends and they all have found it to be the cutest thing.

I feel strangly violated yet curiously elated.


Mark Vera
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Re: Awsome Re-mixs
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2003, 10:19:02 am »

Perhaps it would be nice if someone would set up a page to ALL SC remixes around.

Any volunteers? *ducks away*

I think this page has most of them anyway,

Tried to search from web once and those were what I found.. Well, of course there are those new remixes for UQM, but those will be released later Wink

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Re: Awsome Re-mixs
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2003, 06:24:34 pm »

It seems that the general concensus seems to be that a remix should sound modern while keeping more or less true to the mood of the original tune - in that case, I think many of you are going to like what I did for the team.  Will be revealed in due time when they choose to, of course.  Grin

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Re: Awsome Re-mixs
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2003, 08:03:41 pm »

Personaly I am big fan of the Saibuster Hyperspace remix. I turned that up very loud and shared it with the neighborhood.  Grin  Since someone brought up the whole *smell* controller, I'll ask... What do various titles mean anyway?  And can I get Marsupial Matchmaker?  Don't forget to enjoy the *sauce*!
« Last Edit: April 24, 2003, 08:04:14 pm by ZeroZero » Logged

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Re: Awsome Re-mixs
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2003, 02:43:27 am »

It seems that the general concensus seems to be that a remix should sound modern while keeping more or less true to the mood of the original tune - in that case, I think many of you are going to like what I did for the team.  Will be revealed in due time when they choose to, of course.  Grin

If it's half as good as your Thraddash remix, I can't wait.  I still love that guitar wailing in the background.  Sends chills down my spine.   Grin  I could just imagine a Thraddash smoking a cigar and jamming with his guitar.  Hehe.

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Mark Vera
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Re: Awsome Re-mixs
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2003, 04:25:55 am »

I've been composing the past few days for some music for the UQM as well, three tracks ready so far. Smiley But a lot of work still to go..

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Re: Awsome Re-mixs
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2003, 04:45:02 am »

Any word on when the next pre-release track is due?

I know I ask this a lot, but it's only because I appreciate the work so much.

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Mark Vera
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Re: Awsome Re-mixs
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2003, 07:44:16 am »

Any word on when the next pre-release track is due?

I know I ask this a lot, but it's only because I appreciate the work so much.

Only Riku knows Smiley Personally I'd like to release some of my songs as pre-releases, but it's up to Riku if, what and when Smiley

Now I go and finish some more songs.. Wink
« Last Edit: April 25, 2003, 07:44:41 am by Mark_Vera » Logged

Riku Nuottajärvi

Re: Awsome Re-mixs
« Reply #26 on: April 25, 2003, 06:49:05 pm »

Thanks for being so patient -> the remixing project is going on really well now, so there will be something out in near future, follow the news section!

- Riku  Cool

ps. don't worry for "Ilwrath" preview for being too nice - it's already a bit different now. Thanks for your comments.
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Re: Awsome Re-mixs
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2003, 04:44:41 am »

I actually liked RUSH AX's hyperspace remix the most, it has that synthpop/gothic groove.
And his Qspace tune is awesome tune... hell, some of the music on that remix page is good enough to be released on it's own.
I even enjoyed the Ilwrath remix, when enough tracks are out I think I'm going to make me a CD of these.

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Re: Awsome Re-mixs
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2003, 10:41:35 pm »

By the way, Riku, since you're reading this forum, I just thought I'd tell you...the Yehat music is some of the best game music I've ever heard.  Anywhere.  Period.  Especially considering that it was in four-track MOD format.  It's amazing stuff!  I really hope the remix keeps to the spirit and general "feel" of that track...great stuff.

I also liked the Mycon music muchly.  Used to listen to that while coding.  Wait, what is this "used to"?  I listened to that while coding yesterday.   Grin
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